Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 157: The soul of the dead 0 years ago

   I don’t know how long it took, but Ji Tianxing woke up leisurely.

   He slowly opened his eyes before he could see that he was lying on the cold ground.

   This is a dark room full of corruption and blood.

   With the faint light of the stone lamp in the corner, he looked around and saw the surrounding scene clearly.

   There is only him in the secret room, and a powerful formation is arranged.

   The stinging pain from the internal organs made him feel hot and painful in his breathing, and there were still blood stains in his mouth and nose, and there was a strong **** smell.

   He wanted to use his exercises to heal his injuries, but a few points on his body were sealed, and he couldn't use his true essence at all.

   Although he can move freely, his true essence is sealed, and he can't break the formation of the secret room, and it is impossible to escape.

   He sat on the cold ground, frowning and whispered: "The **** witch didn't kill me, but shut me up in this secret room? What does she want to do?"

   Ji Tianxing calmed down, observed the secret room silently, and listened to the movement outside.

   However, there is nothing in the secret room, no clues can be seen, and the secret room is silent.

  Darkness and silence made Ji Tianxing strangely calm, silently meditating.

   "I don't know what time is it now? Have Yun Yao and Bai Wuchen escaped?"

   "They are both elite geniuses in their own geniuses. They are strong, so there should be nothing wrong with them?"

   "No, I can't sit still, I must find a way to escape from here!"

   wants to escape the secret room, first of all, he has to unlock the seal of the acupoint and restore his true essence and strength.

   Then, he had to crack the secret room formation.

   However, the first level is difficult for him.

   The witch sealed his acupuncture points with a secret method, preventing his true essence from working.

   He thought hard for a long time, tried several unblocking methods, but failed to unblock the acupoints.

   There is no way, the power of the witch to seal his acupoint is so strong that even a master of Tongxuan can't solve it.

   Ji Tianxing can only pin his hope on the sword fetus, praying that the sword fetus can create miracles.

   He tried to spur the sword qi, and after several efforts, he finally spurred two toothpick-like sword qi.

   Although his acupoints are blocked, the true essence cannot flow in the meridians and acupoints.

   But those two sword auras can swim slowly towards the sealed acupuncture point.

   Next, Ji Tianxing began to manipulate the two sword qi, cautiously impacting the sealed acupuncture hole.

   Although this process is painful, it's like he is constantly cutting his own flesh with a knife.

   But his strength is low and he can't directly unblock the acupoints. This is the only way.

   Unknowingly, half an hour passed.

   Ji Tianxing endured a great deal of pain and finally unlocked the first acupuncture point.

   "That's great! My sword qi can really unblock the acupoint!"

   He was energetic, and continued to manipulate the sword energy to hit the second sealed acupoint.

   Another half an hour passed, and the second acupoint was also unlocked.

   Despite Ji Tianxing's exhaustion, the tremendous pain caused him to sweat all over his body.

   But he didn't stop at all, and started to unblock the third and fourth acupuncture points.

   Soon, two hours passed.

   His four acupuncture points sealed by the witch are finally unlocked!

   When the acupuncture points were completely untied, it was as if the blocked water pipe was dredged, and the true essence in Ji Tianxing's body resumed flow.

   He stood up and moved his somewhat sore body to check his injuries.

   He took out a pill from the Hundred Treasure Pack, and took it. The exercises refined the power of the medicine and healed the injury silently.

   Then, he carefully observed the formation in the secret room, trying to crack the big formation.

   But at this moment, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a gray mist floating in the corner of the secret room.

   The light in the secret room was dim, and he didn't really care, so he continued to observe the formation.

   However, a faint old man's voice suddenly sounded and it was clearly printed in his mind.

   "Boy, are you a descendant of the Ji family?"

   Ji Tianxing was taken aback immediately, and he turned his head to look at the gray fog in the corner.

   He walked closer and took a look, only to find that this grey mist was like those souls sealed in a crystal ball.


   The gray mist surging up a few times, and he immediately turned into a blue-robed old man with a large palm, suspended in front of him.

   Ji Tianxing couldn't help frowning, and whispered in a puzzled voice: "Didn't the master sister rescue all the sealed souls? Why is there another one here?"

   He suddenly remembered that Bai Wuchen was rescuing the soul in the last crystal ball at the time, and the demon guard rushed into the secret room.

   Then, they fought with the demon guards and hurried out of the secret room.

   Bai Wuchen seems to have only cracked half of the formation of the last crystal ball.

   Thinking of this, Ji Tianxing suddenly understood everything.

   He looked at the blue-robed old man in front of him, and asked in a low voice: "Senior, since you have escaped from the seal of the magic weapon, why not go to reincarnation?"

   The blue-robed old man stared at him and said with a solemn expression: "The old man didn't go to reincarnation, he just made a special trip to find you. The old man has something to ask you."

   "Boy, are you a descendant of the Qingyun Guoji family?"

   Ji Tianxing didn't know what he wanted to do, but guessed that he was not malicious, so he answered truthfully: "Exactly."

  The blue-robed old man showed a touch of joy, and continued to ask: "Is it the four great families in the imperial city, Ji family who specializes in forging?"

  "Of course~www.ltnovel.com~ Ji Tianxing nodded and asked: "Senior, do you know the Ji family? Or what is the relationship with the Ji family? "

   The blue-robed old man smiled and nodded: "The old man has more than a connection with the Ji family! To be precise, the old man was also a member of the Ji family."

   "Ji family?" Ji Tianxing raised his brows, showing a surprised expression, "Senior, are you?"

   The blue-robed old man said sternly: "The old man is a follower of the first generation of the Ji family's patron, and also the chief steward of the Ji family."

   "Originally, the old man was a foreign surname, and I was given the surname Ji by the grace of the head of the family. Therefore, my surname was Ji Wenxiang."

   Suddenly hearing Ji Wenxiang's words, Ji Tianxing was even more surprised, showing an incredible expression on his face.

   "The first generation owner of the Ji family? Isn't that our ancestor of the Ji family?"

   "Senior, are you the trustworthy butler of our ancestor? But, my ancestor has been missing for more than 100 years!"

   Ji Wenxiang nodded and said, "Yes, after leaving Qingyun Kingdom with the Patriarch, the old man encountered an ambush attack by the Demon Clan and died in the battle with the Demon Clan."

   "The Patriarch is missing, but I was drawn by the strong of the Demon Race, and I didn't get back."

   "Up to now, the soul of the old man has been imprisoned here for more than 120 years!"

   Ji Tianxing didn't know much about things a hundred years ago, except for the Ji family's ancestor named Ji Yuanlong, nothing else.

   Now, when he heard Ji Wenxiang's words, he was shocked and at the same time more puzzled.

   "Senior, why did the demons attack you? Why is your soul imprisoned by the demons for more than a hundred years?"

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