Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 159: The ancient legend of the demons

   Deep in the magic cave, in a wide and dark secret room.

  The surrounding walls are carved with demons and ghosts, and eight stone lamps are lit on the four corners, emitting a dim light.

   There are many gems inlaid on the roof, shining dots of light, which seems to form a pattern of formation.

   In addition to the cold and **** atmosphere in the secret room, there is also a somewhat mysterious atmosphere.

   In the middle of the secret room, there is a blood pool with a radius of more than ten meters.

   The pool was filled with dark red blood, and under the urging of the power of the formation, it continued to flow.

   There is a statue standing in the blood pool. The sculpture is a demon head with black wings, four strong arms and blue fangs.

   The power of the entire blood pool is constantly gathering on that statue, making the black statue faintly glowing with blood.

   At this time, the Lord of the Blood Moon and the High Priest were standing on the edge of the blood pool, talking in a low voice.

   The high priest said in a cold tone: "Princess Bloodmoon, I have just checked in the soul prison."

   "The thirty-odd soul-locking chains have all been cut off, and the thirty-nine souls we were imprisoned there were all rescued by the **** of the Great Sky School!"

   "Including the kid named Ji Ling, who was also rescued by the Qingtianzong disciple."

   In the blood-red eyes of Princess Blood Moon, there was a strong anger and murderous intent.

   She frowned fiercely, and gritted her teeth and cursed: "Damn Qingtianzong disciple! Even when we were out, sneaked into the soul cell and let away so many souls!"

   "That is the soul we have searched for nearly a hundred years, and most of them have some clues and secrets. Especially the soul of Ji Ling, it is related to the great seal of the Great Sky School!"

   "We haven't tortured the news of the seal formation before Ji Ling's soul was rescued!"

   "Damn it! Damn it! If this princess catches them again, they must be refined into blood and their souls will be imprisoned forever!"

   Blood Moon Princess became more angry as he spoke, his body trembled, and he subconsciously waved his palm to the blood pool under his feet.


   In the muffled sound, a huge wave more than three meters high was rolled up in the blood pool, splashing countless dark red blood drops.

   The high priest frowned, hurriedly folded his hands across his chest, and bowed a weird salute to the statue in the pool of blood.

While    saluted, he also prayed two sentences, which seemed to be some kind of scripture or mantra.

  After praying, he stared at the Princess Blood Moon, and said solemnly: "His Royal Highness, please restrain your anger and don't be disrespectful to the statue of the Demon King!"

   Princess Blood Moon was taken aback, and his face was full of shame and self-blame.

   She also folded her hands over her chest, saluted the demon emperor idol in the pool of blood, praying and chanting incantations, and condemned again and again.

   After a while, the Lord Blood Moon finished praying, and said to the high priest in a deep voice: "High priest, I will personally lead a team of warriors to sneak into the Sky High School again and take back Ji Ling's soul!"

   "Only by torturing out the secret of the seal formation, we can rescue the Devil Emperor as soon as possible!"

   The high priest shook his head and categorically rejected her idea.

   "His Royal Highness, the Great Heaven Sect is already alert and will definitely strengthen prevention. If you take the warriors into the Great Heaven Sect, you will only die in vain!"

   "What's more, we still have more important things to do! Investigating the news of the Sky Star Orb is far more important than investigating the Great Seal!"

   Princess Blood Moon frowned, and doubts appeared in his eyes.

   "Now investigate the news of Sky Star Pearl? How to investigate?"

   "The souls in the soul cell have all been rescued. It is impossible for us to find clues quickly."

   The high priest showed a smile, and said in a playful tone: "Yesterday evening, didn't you catch a disciple of the Sky High School?"

   Princess Blood Moon frowned, his eyes contemptuously said: "That Human Race kid? He is so weak that he is less than twenty years old, how could he know about the Sky Star Pearl?"

   High Priest ‘Jie Jie’ sneered twice and asked, “Princess Blood Moon, you shouldn’t forget that we just sneaked into the Sky High School a few days ago. What was the scene when we first saw that kid?”

   "Although he is weak, like an ant, a mysterious black hole suddenly appeared beside him, which sucked up 60% of your skill!"

  Mr. Blood Moon's expression was a little unnatural when mentioning this incident, and his eyes filled with shame and anger.

   "Humph! That **** **** boy, there must be some secret treasure body."

   "Otherwise, he would have been slapped into meat sauce by my palm!"

   The high priest smiled and said: "You are right, he does have a secret treasure."

   "When I rescued you, I sensed a mysterious and ancient atmosphere in that black hole!"

   "According to the message left by His Majesty the Demon Emperor, that mysterious aura is very similar to the Sky Star Pearl!"

   Princess Blood Moon frowned in confusion, "Why does that kid have the breath of Sky Star Pearl?"

   The high priest said calmly: "This will not be known until we investigate the kid!"

   "Although he is weak, he may be related to the Sky Star Orb. If he can be used by us, we will have a chance to find the Sky Star Orb!"

   "As long as we find the Sky Star Orb, we can find the tomb of the Sword God, and our clan can rejuvenate and rise again, even more prosperous than a thousand years ago!"

   "At that time, let alone a Tianchen domain, my clan will definitely be able to control the entire continent!"

   The high priest said while fantasizing, his emotions became more and more excited, his tone became more and more high-pitched, his eyes gleamed with a deep light.

   Princess Blood Moon frowned and became more puzzled.

   "High priest, we only need to crack the great seal of the Great Sky School and rescue His Majesty the Demon Emperor."

   "When the time comes, as long as the Sky Star Orb is used to help the Demon Emperor restore his vitality, my clan will be able to take revenge and control the Tianchen Domain easily."

   "Isn't this the goal we have been working hard for? Why should we look for a tomb of the Sword God?"

   "What does the tomb of the sword **** have to do with the revival of my clan ~www.ltnovel.com~?"

   The high priest gave her a deep look and chuckled softly: "Hehe, Your Royal Highness, you are still too young to know very little."

   "It seems that Lord Demon King has never told you about that ancient legend of our clan."

   "What ancient legend?" Princess Blood Moon fixed his eyes on the high priest, his heart was full of doubts and a little shame.

   The attitude of the high priest made her feel that her dignity and status were provoked and despised.

   "The legend has been passed down thousands of years ago."

   The high priest stared at the statue of the demon emperor in the blood pool, his eyes showed the color of memory, and his voice slowly narrated.

   "Princess Blood Moon, you should be very clear that the physique of our race is different from that of the human race, and there are inherent differences in body structure."

   "Human races are born with dantian, but our demons don't have dantian, only meridians and powerful flesh."

   "We can't cultivate the vitality of the five elements of heaven and earth like the human race, we can only practice the path of blood demon, the path of asura, the path of corpse demon... and so on."

   "Because of this, all races in the world regard our demons as the most brutal and vicious race, and they can't wait to drive us to death."

   "However, this is not the original intention of the ancestors of our clan, it is destined, and my clan is also forced to be helpless!"

   "We practice all kinds of evil ways and secret methods. Although we can quickly increase our strength, there are disadvantages that cannot be eliminated, which causes great harm to ourselves."

   "The stronger the strength of our people, the more severe the pain they endure during cultivation. Various changes will occur in their bodies, and they will eventually become strange-looking, vicious monsters!"

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