Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 178: Break through the Profound Realm

After Ji Tianxing's persuasion, Ji Ke finally made up his mind to worship the panacea hall.

   After talking about this matter, Ji Tianxing gave her five aquarius spirit fruits to help her heal her injuries.

   Then, Ji Tianxing left the panacea hall and returned to Fengyun Academy.

   The night has fallen, and it is time to palm the lamp.

   Fengyunyuan is quiet, and there are no lights on in the rooms of the disciples.

   Ji Tianxing guessed that those disciples must be practicing in retreat, working hard to prepare for the qualifications of the Longshan Competition.

   After he returned to the room, he also entered the secret room and began to practice in retreat.

   This retreat, his goal is to refine the ninth sword vein and sprint towards the Tongxuan Realm.

   Although the nine layers of the True Origin Realm are only one step away from the Tongxuan Realm, there is actually a huge gap.

   A warrior in the real yuan realm can only use the real yuan to infuse the palm or weapon to form a palm shadow and sword light. The power of the real yuan cannot be separated from the body.

   But the warriors of the Tongxuan Realm are different, the true essence is more majestic and powerful, and it can already be condensed into substance.

   For example, swinging a fist to produce the fist beam formed by the condensed true essence, and swinging a sword to cut out the sword beam formed by the condensed true essence, which can attack and kill in the air, and the power is more powerful.

  Moreover, the masters of the Tongxuan realm can release the true essence out of the body and condense them into a shield on the surface of the body to resist fatal damage.

   Of course, this method consumes real yuan very much, and even a master with five real yuan or more will not use it easily.

   In addition, the minds of the masters of the Profound Realm can condense into spiritual consciousness.

   Spiritual consciousness is intangible and intangible, invisible and intangible, but it has all kinds of unexpected magical effects.

   Ji Tianxing thought silently in his heart: "With my current strength, with the Tao of Jianxin, I can display the triple combat power of the Tongxuan Realm."

   "If I use the Black Dragon Sword again, the four masters connected to the Profound Realm can defeat it!"

   "I'm only the Ninth Layer of the True Origin Realm, and I have such a powerful combat power. If I can break through to the Tongxuan Realm, my combat power will increase several times!"

   "At that time, even if I am a master at the fifth level of the Tongxuan realm, I will be able to defeat it!"

   Thinking of this, Ji Tianxing's heart was full of expectations, and his desire to break through the Tongxuan realm became even stronger.

   He sat cross-legged in the Spirit Gathering Formation, running the third-tier cultivation technique of the Way of the Sword Heart, absorbing the vitality of the heaven and the earth, and going all out to refine the sword veins.

   In order to speed up his cultivation, he also took four spirit fruits and five true essence pills in turn.

   This is half of his monthly routine. If it is used in practice, it can last at least ten days.

   Ji Tianxing's dedicated Yungong practice, with the help of the power of the spirit fruit and the pill, constantly refines the ninth sword vein.

   As time goes by, his ninth dark red meridian is gradually turning golden.

   At the same time, his strength is also growing silently and constantly getting stronger.

  One, two, three days have passed...

   Five days later, Ji Tianxing refined all the medicinal powers of Lingguo and Pill.

   However, he still failed to refine the ninth sword vein.

   Two-thirds of his ninth meridian became golden, and the remaining one-third was still dark red.

   Ji Tianxing wanted to refine the sword veins in a hurry, so he took all the pills left in the Hundred Treasures Kit.

   Several spirit fruit and true essence pills, as well as a mysterious gold secret pill, all burst into his body with majestic vitality, rushing like a big river of Yangtze River.

   Ji Tianxing silently withstood the impact of the majestic medicine, and continued to refine the ninth sword vein.

  Unconsciously, another two days have passed.

   So far, he has been practicing in seclusion for seven days.

   All the resources he possessed, such as spirit fruit and pill, have also been exhausted!

   Fortunately, his hard work has been greatly rewarded.

   The ninth meridian finally turned into pure gold, successfully tempered into sword veins!

   Now, all nine main veins of Ji Tianxing have become sword veins.

   The true essence in his body also rioted, like a billowing flood rushing through the sword veins.

   When the true essence was surging crazily, it actually made a faintly muffled sound of ‘booming’, like billowing thunder!

   Ji Tianxing knew that the critical moment had arrived!

   He has reached the limit of the nine levels of the True Origin Realm, and he will immediately hit the bottleneck and march towards the Tongxuan Realm!

   Ordinary real yuan realm warrior, the real yuan in his body condenses like a cyclone at the pubic area, constantly rotating.

   After reaching the Tongxuan Realm, the true vitality cyclone condenses to the limit, and it will be condensed into liquefied true essence, turning into a drop of vitality.

   Ji Tianxing’s situation is different, he has no pubic pubic area, only sword fetus.

   Currently his sword is a golden sword, just a golden sword phantom.

   But he reached the limit of the true essence realm, and the majestic true essence in the nine sword veins gathered frantically into the sword womb.

   The golden sword phantom contained the endless true essence, became more and more solid, and gradually transformed into a substantial golden small sword.

   This process is the transition from a breakthrough from the True Origin Realm to the Tongxuan Realm.

   Ordinary warriors are true essences condensed into water droplets, while Ji Tianxing is the phantom of the sword embryo condensed into essence.

   Time passed, and the night passed quickly.

   The phantom of the sword fetus finally completed its transformation, completely turning into a substantial golden small sword.

   At the same time, his mind has also been transformed, condensed into spiritual consciousness.

   Ji Tianxing finally broke through to the Tongxuan Realm!

   At this moment, he was a little excited, and his face showed a deep relief.

   He adjusted his breath for another half an hour before ending his cultivation and opened his eyes.

   "Great! Finally you're done!"

   "After completing the third-level cultivation technique of Jianxin Dao, I finally broke through to the Tongxuan Realm."

   In order to confirm this result, he walked to the corner of the secret room, reached out and pressed the lines of the psychic stone pillar ~www.ltnovel.com~ The palm of his hand burst out with majestic power.

   The black lines of the psychic stone pillar immediately lit up with a golden light.

   The golden light represents the Tongxuan realm, and a striped road lights up, indicating that the Tongxuan realm is one level.

   Ji Tianxing retracted his palm with satisfaction, and whispered: "I have reached the Profound Realm. Next, I have to practice the fourth level of Jianxin Dao to continue to improve my strength."

   "It's time to enter the tomb of the sword god."

   He sat cross-legged in the secret room, his mind concentrated in the black hole behind the sword fetus.


   Ji Tianxing's consciousness entered the tomb of the sword god, into the dark and cold space.

  He floated over the wasteland, and after seeing the direction, he floated forward.

   After a while, he came under the indomitable sword monument.

   He could feel that the huge pitch-black sword monument became more aggressive and domineering, and the aura surrounding the sword monument became more majestic.

   Obviously, the Soul of Sword Burial has devoured the skill of the witch and the high priest several times, and has gained a lot.

   Ji Tianxing glanced at the sword monument, then walked to the tombstones on the left side of the sword monument.

   He walked up to the tombstone and saw that the text on the third tombstone had disappeared.

   "It's still the same as before, I practiced the third level of the sword of the sword, and the text on the third tombstone disappeared."

   murmured in his heart, he looked at the fourth tombstone and carefully observed the fourth level of practice.

   It didn't take long for him to understand the essence of the fourth-level cultivation technique, which required him to temper the body's 72 acupuncture points.

   He remembered the words on the tombstone firmly, and then left the Sword God Tomb.


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