Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 226: 3rd disciple

After listening to the analysis of the Heavenly Sword Sect Master, Huangfu Keqing suddenly realized.

   He admired from the bottom of his heart: "Still the master is brilliant!"

   "No matter who the real person is on that day, and no matter what motives he has, the sect only used sixty spirit stones in exchange for the Nine Dragon Spirit Vessel Map. This is great wisdom!"

   "With this formation, this gate will soon be able to destroy the spiritual veins of the Great Sky School and destroy their millennium foundation!"

   Speaking of this, Huangfu Keqing was full of expectation.

   "At that time, this sect will be able to replace the Heavenly Sect to control the Tianchen Domain, and the Sect Master can also rule the Tianchen Domain and become the overlord of the domain!"

   These words made the Heaven Sword Sect Master listened very comfortably, and he couldn't help showing a smug sneer.

   "Yes! The **** Great Sky Sect has regained Longshan and found the thousand-year-old tomb, trying to take away the luck that originally belonged to this door."

   "From now on, it seems that this sect has more help than others, and the Supreme Sect is just a little helpless!"

   "The big formation guarding the ancient tomb is very profound, and it will definitely be impossible for the Great Sky School to crack it in the short term."

   "After the main gate destroys the Nine Dragon Spirit Veins of the Great Sky School, not only will it be able to destroy the Great Sky School, the thousand-year-old tomb will still belong to the main gate!"

   Huangfu Keqing repeatedly nodded in agreement, and asked: "Sect Master, now the spirit pulse array is in hand, when shall we act?"

   Sect Master of Heaven Sword waved his hand, showing a confident smile on his face, and said: "This matter is not in a hurry, let's study this spiritual pulse array first to determine its authenticity."

   "Furthermore, the strong in the Great Sky Sect are like clouds and are heavily guarded. It is not so easy to destroy the Nine Dragon Spirit Vessels. It must be considered long-term."

   "Subordinates understand." Huangfu Keqing nodded quickly.

   After that, the two left the hospitality hall and entered the secret room to study the spiritual pulse array map.


   In the mountains hundreds of miles away from the Heavenly Sword Sect.

   dressed in a white robe, embraced the dusty heavenly real man, rushing in the mountains and forests.

   His speed is extremely fast, his clothes fluttering as he rushes, and white afterimages are brought up behind him.

   After a while, he went deep into the forest.

   Seeing no one behind him and no one around him, he showed his true body.


   His body twisted and changed, and a large cloud of black mist emerged, and the white robe and the whisk disappeared.

   In the blink of an eye, he became a burly old man more than two meters tall and with purple skin.

   He has purple hair all over his head, dozens of pigtails, he is dressed in a dark black robe, and he has a pair of big feet like a cattail fan.

   There are many tattoos on his neck and arms, which look very hideous and evil.

   There is no doubt that this person is the demon high priest.

   He twisted his neck and limbs, stretched his body, and muttered with a sneer, "Hehe, the stingy little man, Sect Master Heavenly Sword, is so stingy!"

   "This seat gave him a spiritual pulse array, such a precious treasure, he wants to send this seat with only sixty spiritual stones!"

   Speaking of this, he was full of anger and hatred, and shouted in a cold tone: "Huh! Human race is sinister and cunning, this Heavenly Sword Sect Master will definitely not be able to achieve a major event!"

   "Even if he destroys the Nine Dragon Spirit Veins of the Great Sky School with the help of the spirit pulse array map presented by this seat, it is impossible to control the Tianchen Domain."

   "At that time, when the demon emperor is rescued from this seat, the ancient realm of the stars will be washed in blood!"

   After that, the body of the high priest was twisted and turned into a cloud of black mist.

   He shuttled between the mountains and forests like lightning, rushing back to the magic cave.


   In Qingtianzong.

   In the Great Hall of the Sky, Chu Tiansheng sat on the throne of the head, majestic.

   There are several elders standing in the main hall, Yun Yao and Ji Tianxing are also in the line, and everyone is discussing matters.

   I only listened to Chu Tiansheng’s majestic tone and a loud announcement: "Everyone, today I call you to discuss matters. There are very important things to announce."

   Upon hearing these words, the elders looked at each other, exchanged glances, and all showed knowing smiles.

   Obviously, everyone had guessed the major event that Chu Tiansheng was about to announce.

   After all, the vision of the heavens and the earth that night was amazing, the nine dragons phantom shining on the heavens and the earth, you can see them in a radius of thousands of miles.

   Chu Tiansheng showed a gratifying smile, and announced loudly: "Recently, the activities of the demons have been rampant, and they have frequently invaded the main gate in an attempt to destroy the seal formation and rescue the world demon."

   "Just five days ago, this seat and the elders, took Ji Tianxing into the devil's cave, and successfully restarted the Nine Dragon Devil Array!"

   "After restarting the Great Array, the Geisha was completely suppressed, and it would be impossible to break the seal for at least a hundred years!"

   "Even if a master of the demons sneaks into the door, it is impossible to destroy the seal formation!"

   To put it bluntly, Chu Tiansheng meant that Heavenly Sect was stable and peaceful from then on, and it would be safe for at least a hundred years.

   Everyone does not need to worry about the demon head breaking the seal, nor do they need to worry about the demon master breaking the seal.

   The elders all showed a relieved expression and smiled one after another, and they all started talking in a low voice.

   Of course, the eyes of the elders looking at Ji Tianxing were also full of satisfaction and appreciation.

   Everyone knows that Ji Tian made great contributions to the sect this time, and he will have a bright future in the future.

   At this time, Chu Tiansheng continued: "Of course, the door is safe for the time being, but for the Longshan Tomb, everyone needs to speed up the progress and make full investigation and cracking."

   "Besides ~www.ltnovel.com~ the elders who are responsible for guarding the sect, we must also step up precautions and must not let the demons invade!"

   "Huh! Damn the remnants of the demons, the heart of the Supreme Sect will not die. Sooner or later, I will kill them all and destroy them all!"

   The several elders in the main hall fold their hands to express their orders.

   Then, Chu Tiansheng looked at Ji Tianxing with scorching eyes, and said solemnly: "In addition to this, today I will announce a second thing."

   "This time Ji Tianxing successfully restarted the Nine Dragons Enemy Array, and made great contributions to this school. This contribution deserves a great reward!"

   "This seat today announced that Ji Tianxing entered the inner gate and put him into the door wall, making him the third disciple of the seat!"

   "Three days later, the apprenticeship ceremony will be held in this hall!"

  The elders did not expect that the second thing Chu Tiansheng was about to announce was actually a personal disciple of Shou Jitian!

   It is definitely a shocking and far-reaching event that the head of a faction accepts direct disciples!

   Several elders all understand what this decision means.

   Everyone showed complicated expressions, and they looked at Ji Tianxing one after another, with scorching light in their eyes.

  Although, there are six elders who have no objection to this matter, they are just surprised.

   But there are also three elders who obviously have other ideas and plans, and do not agree with this matter.

   One of the female elders, with graceful temperament and blessed figure, thought with complicated expression.

   She handed over to Chu Tiansheng and said: "The head, you are the master of a sect. The matter of accepting direct disciples is of great importance. It is related to the thousand-year foundation of the sect. Please think twice!"

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