Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 259: Improve again

Ji Tianxing discovered a problem long ago.

   Since he entered the Tongxuan Realm and practiced the fourth-level technique of Jianxin Dao, his strength development has become very slow.

   He thought this was normal. Ordinary tongxuan realm warriors wanted to increase their strength, at least for several months, or even a year.

   However, after careful consideration, he discovered that this was not the main reason.

  The way of the sword heart is different from ordinary martial arts and cannot be measured by common sense of martial arts.

   He vaguely felt that his cultivation method was wrong, so his strength progress was slow.

   Before, he was still guessing that the speed of refining the acupuncture points is too slow in the closed room.

   If in actual combat, you go all out to mobilize your true essence, constantly impacting and stimulating the acupoints, it is likely to complete the tempering faster.

   But this is just his conjecture, and there has been no chance to verify it.

   Now, he is fighting with the Lord of the Blood Moon, exploding potential at the moment of life and death, and he has successfully tempered a hole.

   This proves that his previous conjecture is correct!

  The fourth layer of the Way of Sword Heart, really has to be completed in actual combat, at the critical moment of life and death!

   confirmed this, Ji Tianxing was relieved, secretly surprised.

   He looked at Princess Blood Moon not far away, his eyes flashed with scorching light, and his heart was full of expectation.

   "I was practicing in closed doors in the sect. The environment was too stable, and no one would fight with me. There was no such opportunity to improve my strength."

   "It's alright now, the Lord Blood Moon wants to kill me, but he has enough strength to threaten my life."

   "For me, this is a great opportunity for training!"

   Thinking of this, he didn't hesitate anymore, and immediately urged three sword auras to use the Flying Star Sword Art to kill Princess Blood Moon.

   "Thousand Feather Blade!"

   The three golden sword auras swiftly slew towards the Blood Moon Princess, instantly splitting into nine sword glows, and from all angles and positions, they assassinated her vitality.

   Suddenly, nine sword beams brought a golden sword shadow over the sky and enveloped the Princess Blood Moon.

   The Blood Moon Princess was fighting head-on with Hao Meng, desperately waving a pair of **** hands and slapped Hao Meng's flame giant sword.

   Both of them are burly giants nearly two meters tall, and their attack methods are extremely domineering and powerful.

   The two of them fought together, like two beasts colliding with each other, and the noise they made was earth-shattering.

   "Boom boom boom!"

   Amid the loud noise, the two banged against each other three times in a row, exploding violently and raging vigor, shaking the earth unstoppable.

   The figures of the two finally separated, and Hao Meng withdrew eight steps away, slamming against a broken tree before stopping.

   Obviously he suffered a serious injury, his complexion was pale, blood overflowed from his mouth and nose, and his forehead bounced vigorously.

   Princess Blood Moon had the upper hand, and was about to take advantage of the victory to pursue and kill Hao Meng on the spot.

   But at this moment, the golden sword shadow shrouded the sky, frantically attacking her vitals.


   Even if the strength of the Blood Moon Princess is very strong, the speed is very fast, and the defense is also very strong.

   However, she still hasn't reached the level of invulnerability and physical invincibility.

   The eyes, throat, heart, and forehead are still the key points of her life. If she is pierced by the sword light, she may still die.

   Therefore, she can only use the magic power of the blood-light body protector, protect the vitals, and wave her **** hand to slap the sky full of swords and shadows.

   "Boom boom boom!"

   In a series of muffled sounds, many golden light sword shadows were photographed to shatter.

   However, the assassination speed of the nine sword lights was too fast, she couldn't block them all, and couldn't avoid it.

   Within five breaths, nine sword beams assassinated thousands of times.

   Princess Blood Moon resisted most of the attacks, but was stabbed by Jian Light more than two hundred times.

   Even if she had a blood-light body, she could not withstand such a strong attack. She was immediately repelled three steps, and the black robe was cut into a pile of rags.

   Several invisible parts of her body have been injured, and dark purple blood shed.

   "Ji Tian Xing!"

   "You **** little reptile! I will tear you to pieces!"

   Princess Blood Moon was furious, and immediately cast a blood shadow change, turning into a **** light, rushing to Ji Tianxing like a flash of electricity.

   Ji Tianxing stared at the **** light without changing his face, and immediately performed the second trick.

   "Wind and lightning strike!"

   He instantly mobilized two golden sword lights, and slashed towards the lord of Blood Moon.

   The sword light mixed with the violent wind, turning into a golden thunder and lightning, slashing fiercely at the **** light that the Lord Blood Moon had turned.


   In the dull loud noise, Princess Blood Moon rushed to Ji Tianxing when he was hit by the wind and thunder.

   Bloodlight collapsed and shattered on the spot, and the figure of Princess Blood Moon appeared, and he staggered away.

   She looked a little embarrassed with disheveled hair, and her black robe was also turned into rags, scattered on the ruins of the grass.

   Until this moment, Ji Tianxing could not see her true face clearly.

   She wore a dark and cold tight leather armor with a slender waist and straight and long legs.

   Compared to a human woman, her size and figure are extremely hot.

   Especially the black leather armor she wore, clinging to her body, clearly outlined her exaggerated lines.

   However, her exposed skin is lavender and looks very strange.

  Especially her face, although the facial features are well-defined, but her face is pale purple, and her eyes are scarlet as blood, it really has no sense of beauty.

   "Ji Tianxing! You are dead! No one can save you!"

   Blood Moon Princess has always been wearing a black robe~www.ltnovel.com~ never reveal his true colors in front of outsiders.

   Ji Tianxing ruined her black robe and forced her to show her true face, which has completely angered her.

   She roared furiously, turned into blood and rushed towards Ji Tianxing again.

   This time, her speed reached its limit, incredibly fast.


   With a flash of blood, she rushed to Ji Tianxing.

   She suddenly showed her original shape, her palms condensed into **** hands, and she slapped Xiang Ji Tianxing on the head.

   Seeing this, Hao Meng, who was rushing over to rescue him, immediately changed his face and let out an exclamation.

   "Ji, be careful!"

   He is too late to rescue Ji Tianxing, so he can only pray for him in his heart, hoping that he can escape the disaster.

   At a critical juncture, Ji Tianxing has no time to fight back.

   He was already ready to explode his life potential, desperately using shadowless steps to retreat and avoid.

   However, his speed was so fast that an afterimage was born, but he was still hit on the shoulder by a **** hand.


   In the muffled sound, Ji Tianxing's figure shook for a while and almost fell to the ground.

   He dashed ten meters away before steadying his steps. When he turned around, blood was overflowing from the corners of his mouth and his face became paler.

   His entire right arm was slumped to his side, obviously dislocated by the **** hand.

   But even though he was injured, he was not angry at all, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

  Because, at the moment of life and death just now, he rushed open the third orifice point in the sword vein.

  His strength has been improved again, and he is closer to the triple level of the Tongxuan realm!

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