Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 279: White bones ocean

As soon as Ji Tianxing walked a hundred steps away, he heard a soft "rustle" behind him.

   The slight sound was like eating away at mulberry leaves, and like the sound of a breeze blowing on leaves.

   He immediately stopped and turned his head to look behind him.

   However, he saw that the woods behind him were empty, nothing unusual.

   A little further away, it was shrouded in hazy gray fog, and it was hard to see.

   He thought he was too cautious, his spirits tense, hallucinations, or misheard.

   He turned around and continued to go deep into the woods.

   However, he only walked a few steps away, and there was a soft rustling sound in his ears.

   This time he heard clearly, it was definitely not an illusion, nor was it a mistake.

   He turned his head and saw that the ground not far behind him seemed to be blown by a breeze, and the withered yellow leaves in many places were gently surging and rolling.

   Within a radius of tens of meters, there are actually more than 20 places where the fallen leaves gradually rise and roll.

  Looking at the posture, it was like something under the ground, trying to get out.

   Ji Tianxing frowned immediately, and walked towards the big tree in front of him.

   Under that big tree, there is a group of withered yellow leaves surging, constantly separating to the two sides.

   With doubts in his heart, he couldn't help pulling out the black dragon sword, and using the tip of the sword to poke away the pile of fallen leaves, wanting to see what was going on.

   There was a soft sound of "crack," and the fallen leaves were pushed aside, revealing a large blank area of ​​the washbasin, revealing dark red soil.

   Ji Tianxing suddenly saw a pair of large and thick skeleton palms, stretched out from the soil, and stretched out.

   When he saw the gray and white bones of his hands, he immediately changed his complexion, and he felt bad in his heart.

   He quickly turned his head and looked around, and saw that among the surging leaves around him, there were dense bones emerging.

   Within just a few breaths, the bone palms in front of him had completely penetrated the ground.

   Not only that, there is also a huge skull, which also emerged from the mud, with flames in his eyes, and he was looking up at him.

   This skull is very big, not like a human head, but more like the bones of a monster.

   "Damn! There are many bones buried underground! They are about to come out!"

   Ji Tianxing shouted in shock, and slashed at the skull under his feet with his sword.


   Amidst the muffled sound, the black dragon sword smashed the skull and broke apart and burst into a pile of bone fragments, scattered on the ground with dead leaves.

   Although the skull was smashed, the corpse’s movements were not affected at all. Both palms and body were twisting left and right, speeding up to crawl out of the ground.

   "It's hell, can't it be beaten to death?"

   Ji Tianxing narrowed his eyes and cursed with a gloomy expression.

   He didn't waste time, and ignored the corpses around him crawling out of the ground, speeding up his pace and rushing toward the depths of the woods.

   However, the bones in the entire wood seemed to be alarmed.

   There was a soft rustle of ‘rustle’ from all directions, one after another, gray skeletal remains, pushed aside the fallen leaves all over the floor, and struggled to crawl out.

   In the hazy gray fog, more and more light blue flames appeared, floating staggeringly, and constantly approaching him.

   After the pale blue flames got close, Ji Tianxing could see clearly that it was not the phosphorous fire floating in the air, but the eyes of a pair of skeleton corpses.

   Various kinds of skeletons rushed from all around, moving the soles of the skeletons, and rushing toward him at a faster speed.

   He can tell with just a glance that only a small part of the corpses of bones are human warriors, and most of them are huge monsters.

   Some of the bones are complete, and it is vaguely distinguishable what kind of monster it was before birth.

   But most of the corpses are incomplete, some lacking arms and legs, some do not even have a head.

   There are still some corpses, only half of their remains, still writhing and crawling on the ground.

   Such a weird and terrifying picture makes the scalp numb, and the back is cold.

   Ji Tianxing looked solemn, but his head remained calm.

   He immediately stepped into the woods and ran wildly, constantly wielding the black dragon sword, cutting out a dazzling cold light, and attacking the corpses that surged around.

   "Boom boom boom!"

   Those awkwardly moving skeletons were slashed by the violent sword light, and they suddenly made a "click, click, click," breaking sound, collapsed into a large pile of bone fragments, and scattered on the ground.

   The light blue flames in their eyes immediately floated in the air, rising and surging with their strength.

   However, those skeletal remains are very strange.

   Even if it was beaten to pieces, the broken bones all over the floor could still creep slowly, trying to gather together and put together a complete body again.

   Ji Tianxing waved his sword to smash one skeleton after another, and accelerated his way to the depths of the forest.

   However, after a short while, a series of ‘click’ sounds came from behind him.

   It was not the sound of broken bones, but the sound of bones rubbing when a large group of skeletons rushed.

   He turned his head and looked back and saw densely packed skeletons appearing in the gloomy woods, rushing towards him with all his strength.

   Countless pairs of light blue flames, like a pair of emotionless eyes, staring straight at him.

   The number of skeleton bones is so large that it is not clear at all, they are densely connected, and they can't be seen at a glance.

   The vast majority of bone skeletons ~www.ltnovel.com~ are the corpses of human warriors.

   But in the dense sea of ​​skeletons, there are dozens of giant bones several meters high, which are particularly eye-catching.

   Those are the bones of giant monster beasts, some look like monster wolves, monster tigers, and violent bears, while others resemble elephants or giants.

   What's even more bizarre is that there are still many bird bones, flapping Bai Sensen's skeleton wings, galloping in mid-air, rushing towards Ji Tianxing like a sharp arrow.

   In a blink of an eye, Ji Tianxing was surrounded by thousands of skeletons.

   The water that was surrounded on all sides was impenetrable, and the endless skeletons immediately flooded his figure.

   At the time of life and death, he remained calm and composed, and tried his best to swing the black dragon sword, cut out the dazzling sword light, and smashed the bones and skeletons beside him.

   "Boom boom boom boom!"

   "Crack, click!"

   A dull sound burst out, echoing in the woods.

   Bones and skeletons were chopped to pieces by the sword light, turning into a pile of broken bones and scattered on the ground.

   The violent wind spread, forming a gust of wind, which rolled up the yellow fallen leaves all over the ground and fluttered in the dim sky.

   Ji Tianxing recklessly swung his sword and violently attacked, vowing to make a living in the sea of ​​skeletons, and rushed to the depths of the woods.

   Qianyue also flew out of the Hundred Treasure Pouch, and fought side by side with him and the little black dragon.

   Qianyue became more than three meters long, circling and dancing around Ji Tianxing, continuously releasing icy blue sword lights, attacking the skeleton birds rushing around.

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