Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3294: Slap yourself in the face

Yanke was silent.

Ask yourself, if he can live, he doesn't want to die.

Even if he lives a little bit humiliation, there is at least hope to be able to restore his freedom and get rid of Ji Tianxing's control.

He gradually calmed down, thinking and weighing inwardly.

"If you can't believe this bastard, he has controlled this king, how can he release control?

For the present plan, the king can only obey temporarily and treat the injury first.

After the king is healed from his injury and his strength is restored, he may find a way to release control, and he may not be able to escape! "

Thinking of this, Yanke's eyes recovered a little, and there was a glimmer of hope in his heart.

He frowned, staring at Ji Tianxing gloomily, and said angrily: "I hope you have your words!"

There is no doubt that Yanke chose to compromise with Ji Tianxing.

Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Before ten breaths, you still kept saying that even if you die, you will never give in to this king, let alone be a servant of this king!"

Just now he was clamorous, and would rather die than follow.

In a blink of an eye, he gave in to Ji Tianxing and decided to bear the humiliation and wait for the opportunity.

This is simply hitting one's own face.

But Ji Tianxing wanted to say it and repeat it in person.

Yanke was ashamed and indignant, trembling all over, and blood spurted from his mouth and nose.

"You! You are so...poof!"

After 30 self-stabbing lessons, Yanke can be considered clever.

Even if the anger was about to explode and the humiliation was to the point of vomiting blood, he endured not yelling.

After all, his injury has reached its limit.

If he stabbed himself thirty more shots, this body would be completely destroyed.

To survive, I endure!

Seeing him suffocating his anger abruptly, Ji Tianxing showed a teasing smile, and then said: "Your attitude has changed so quickly, you really can bear the humiliation.

Don't think that the king doesn't know, you are planning to endure the humiliation and act against the king?

Heal his injury first, and then find a chance to get rid of the king's control later.

As long as you are out of the control of this king, you will surely retaliate ten times, a hundred times, and break this king into pieces? "

These are the true thoughts in Yanke's heart.

Hearing Ji Tianxing say it, he quickly shook his head and denied it.

Ji Tianxing narrowed his smile and snorted coldly: "Huh! You are still a middle-ranked god, Tianchuan Territory Lord, so you dare not admit your true inner thoughts, don't even have this backbone?"

Yanke was silent for a moment, then nodded, and gritted his teeth: "What about it? You humiliated and tortured this king so much, shouldn't this king be like this?"

Ji Tianxing was furious, and sneered: "Wow! You are really embarrassing, and you intend to disobey your master. You are damned!

Stop talking nonsense, poke yourself thirty more shots! "

As his voice fell, Yanke clenched the bronze halberd with both hands, lifted it up obediently, and started poking at himself again.

Yanke was completely speechless and wanted to die in shame.

He didn't admit it, but Ji Tianxing said he had no backbone.

He admitted, but Ji Tianxing wanted to take the opportunity to punish him.

Let people live?

Is there any reason?

With extreme grief and anger, Yanke could no longer withstand the blow, and he passed out as soon as his eyes went dark.


With a muffled sound, Yanke fell to the ground, and the bronze halberd fell beside him.

Ji Tianxing's expression returned to normal, and he whispered to himself: "Boy, still want to play scheming with this king?

If you don't be submissive, I'm sorry to your father. "

After speaking, he waved his hand with a strong divine light, which wrapped Yanke's body.

The dark blue light has powerful healing properties.

The blood hole between Yanke's chest and abdomen quickly stopped bleeding and began to heal.

Next, Ji Tianxing opened the magical formation in the secret room again, casting spells to heal Yanke's injuries.

After all, he just wanted to teach Yanke a lesson, let Yanke recognize the facts and dispel unrealistic thoughts.

I really want to destroy Yanke's divine body, and it will take a long time to recover.

In the short term, Yanke could not protect and serve him.

Time passed quietly.

After five full days, Ji Tianxing stopped casting the spell.

At this time, most of Yanke's injuries to his divine body had been cured by the divine formation.

At least, his trauma was basically healed, and he didn't look so embarrassed and miserable.

Yanke woke up again.

After waking up this time, his mood was more stable and he was obviously calmer.

"Tian Xing, in your hand, this king has admitted!

Although your realm of strength is not as good as Chao Qingyu, you are ten times more terrifying than him! "

Yanke stared at Ji Tianxing, and said in a low and solemn tone: "This king understands that now this king's life is in your hands.

This king is still useful to you, so you can keep this king alive.

That being the case, this king will no longer make senseless struggles and resistance.

Why do you know the secrets of our clan and still know the secrets of my clan?

If you can tell this king the reason, this king will be convinced and will assist you faithfully.

Until you are satisfied with the king’s performance, how about releasing the control of the king? "

Yanke dispelled his anger and resentment, and negotiated with Ji Tianxing calmly.

Ji Tianxing was quite satisfied with this, and nodded slightly: "Well, you are not too stupid, finally speaking of the point~www.ltnovel.com~ This king can promise you, as long as your performance is good enough, this king can do You are puzzled.

More than that, in the future, depending on your mood, this king may also guide you to help you reach the next level.

Isn't the Yan clan shackled by blood, destined to be unable to break through the upper **** king?

This is not a problem at all for this king.

As long as this king is willing, he can help you become the upper **** king in the future. "

The so-called combination of grace and prestige can only work.

It was coercion before, but now it has thrown out temptation, how can Yanke not be moved?

He deeply realized that although Ji Tianxing is not a **** king, he is more powerful than the **** king and knows more.

With Ji Tianxing's insights and methods, he is indeed qualified to instruct him.

As for whether he can help him break through the shackles of bloodline and become the upper **** king, Yanke will not comment temporarily.

But he believed that since Ji Tianxing is so confident, there is great hope.

"Okay! With your talent and aptitude, you will soon become the king of gods, and sooner or later you will become the middle **** king, even the upper **** king.

This king believes you once! Yanke said solemnly.

The negotiation is over and the agreement has been reached.

Ji Tianxing smiled satisfied and said, "If this is the case, there is nothing to say.

Let's go, this king will take you to a place to heal your injury at ease. "

After speaking, he sacrificed a nine-day tower and suspended it in the secret room.

Then, he took Yanke into the twisted time and space of the **** tower and flew under the blood flame **** tree.

It was only then that Yanke discovered that Ji Tianxing was not alone, but that he had family members and relatives.

If it were other people, they might even give birth to evil intentions and find opportunities to hold Yun Yao, Ji Ke and Ji Wushuang in exchange for freedom.

But Yanke knew that it was the most stupid way.

Ji Tianxing will not be threatened at all, and he can be destroyed in a single thought.

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