Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3297: Monstrous hatred

Huh! "

The divine light flickered, and Lin Xue teleported several times and flew to the deepest part of the cave.

This was originally a lonely mountain as high as thousands of feet.

Below the solitary peak is the primitive jungle, the cliffs are covered with vines and moss, and green brown rocks are faintly visible.

On the top of the mountain is a flat ground with a radius of one hundred feet.

That was the platform that Lin Xue used to cut with a knife back then, and spent a lot of god-level stones and gems to build a mausoleum on the platform.

The mausoleum has a radius of 80 feet, and the upper circle is solemn and solemn.

The remains and relics of her parents are buried in the tomb, and there is a tombstone 100 feet high in front of the tomb.

In Lin Xue's view, this cave was the home of her and her parents, where she lived for half a lifetime.

Even if their parents have passed away, they should be buried here together and rest forever.

After she punishes Lin Shan and avenge her revenge, she will come back to worship her parents' mausoleum to comfort her parents' spirit in heaven.

But now, her wish has finally come true, returning home as promised, and came to the tomb.


When she saw the sight of the top of the mountain, she felt like thunder, and her whole body was petrified.

I saw that the mountain top with a radius of one hundred meters was no longer a flat rocky ground, it became a ruin full of pits and cracks!

The solemn and solemn dark brown tomb was also torn apart and collapsed into a pile of rubble.

Not only were countless bricks and stones scattered around, the tombstones as high as hundreds of feet were also broken into dozens of pieces and scattered around.

The tomb of Lin Xue's parents was destroyed and turned into a mess!

What is even more tragic is that the two golden coffins containing the remains and relics in the tomb that collapsed into ruins were also shattered.

Tens of thousands of golden fragments were scattered among the ruins.

The regrets and relics in the golden coffin also disappeared without a trace, or were burned to ashes.

Such a tragic scene had an unprecedented impact on Lin Xue.

Her brain was blank, her body was stiff, but her hands couldn't stop shaking.

After a moment of dazedness, she gradually recovered.

The incomparable anger made her face pale, her eyes dark as blood, and the murderous aura rose up all over her body.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh? He actually destroyed my parents' tomb?

No matter who it is, as long as I find out, you will be crushed into pieces and crushed! ! "

Lin Xue was so angry that she ran away, almost losing her mind, and roared hoarsely.

Except when her parents died, she had never been so angry and resentful in her life like now.

If the murderer who destroyed the tomb is in front of her eyes, she will definitely kill it desperately.

Even if she can't beat the opponent, she would rather die with the opponent!

After a long time.

Her emotions gradually calmed down, and then she regained her senses, and the blood-red murderous flame gradually converged into her body.

Although, her expression and emotions were calm.

But this does not mean that she is no longer angry, but that she has suppressed endless anger and killing intent in her heart.

Her eyes were cold and sharp as a sword.

She pressed her lips tightly, and remained silent.

Stepping through the ruins and rubble, she walked into the collapsed mausoleum, searching carefully for the relics and remains of her parents.

No matter how angry she was, she desperately wanted to track down the murderer.

But what she has to do now is to try to collect the remains and relics of her parents and let them rest in peace.

Unfortunately, the golden coffin was completely destroyed.

After searching for half an hour, she could only pick up a dozen pieces of relics and debris from the ruins.

Holding it in her palms with both hands, she stared at a dozen pieces of debris, and whispered in a low and solemn tone: "Father, mother, Xueer is not filial, and she has not come back to worship you in the past thousand years.

As a result, Xue'er didn't even know when the murderer would break into this place, destroy your tomb, and disturb your rest.

But don’t worry, Xue’er will find the murderer anyway and smash him into pieces to comfort your spirit in the sky! "

After speaking these words solemnly, she packed the remains of her parents in a delicate and powerful treasure box.

Afterwards, she carefully observed the ruined tomb, looking for useful clues and traces.

Through the traces left on the scene, she has a judgment in her heart and can determine some clues.

Then, she used her magical powers to rebuild the tomb.

Three hours later, the collapsed ruins were restored to their original state, and the tombstones at a height of one hundred meters were reunited.

She put the treasure box containing the remains of her parents into the mausoleum and closed the mausoleum with a wave of hands.

Standing in front of the mausoleum, she knelt down at the tombstone, and respectfully knocked three heads before turning to leave.

Next, she launched a carpet-style search in the cave, not letting go of all clues, vowing to find out the real murderer.


Only two hours later did she collect some scattered clues, and she was interrupted.


Thousands of miles away in the sky, there is a brilliant colorful light, which is flying fast like lightning.

Lin Xue noticed that the divine power fluctuation was approaching, and quickly stopped the search, turned and looked at the entrance of the cave.

Seeing the divine light flying, she immediately frowned, holding the demon knife in her right hand, and she began to accumulate divine power in her body.


In the blink of an eye ~www.ltnovel.com~ the divine light flew closer and stopped.

After the divine light was gathered, five figures appeared.

These are five celestial demon protoss, four of them are fire bear protoss, wearing strong and heavy black armor, dressed as guards.

And the person in the lead is a lanky Sirius Protoss with wings on the back and thin body.

This was a handsome young man with a feminine and cold breath, dressed in luxurious brocade gowns and a gorgeous crown.

The young man also had a gloomy expression, his eyes looked at Lin Xue warily.

After observing for a while, he suddenly thought of something, suddenly showing a look of surprise, and tried to ask: "This lady, why do you think you are familiar?

Excuse me... Are you... Lin Xueer? "

Originally, Lin Xue also stared at the opponent sharply, fully guarded, ready to attack at any time.

After all, most of the Protoss who trespassed in her cave house were enemies and not friends.

But she didn't expect the young man to call her name.

After she froze for a while, she frowned and asked, "Who are you? Why did you break into my cave?"

Seeing that Lin Xue had acquiesced in his identity, the young man was relieved immediately, and he was full of joy.

His emotions were quite agitated, he hurriedly walked towards Lin Xue, and said in excitement: "Are you really Lin Xue? I didn't admit it!

I didn't expect that after more than a thousand years, I finally saw you again!

Xueer, where have you been in the past thousand years?

Why did you never return to Ssangyong City after you disappeared?

Do you know how much I worry about you during these thousand years? "

Hearing what the young man said, Lin Xue looked at him carefully, and then she gradually awakened her memory.

She finally remembered the identity of the other party, suddenly relaxed her vigilance, and asked: "You...are you Meng Yu?"

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