Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3349: Fu Zhu

After Chang Yu confessed, Ji Tianxing removed the giant golden palm and stopped capturing him.


Chang Yu, dripping with cold sweat, fell to the ground feebly, as if he had no bones.

He was still trembling on the ground, convulsing and shaking all over.

Obviously, he has not yet woken up from the extreme pain and fear.

Seeing his appearance, everyone was secretly shocked, and became more and more in awe of Ji Tianxing's methods.

"It stands to reason that Chang Yu is also a high-ranking god, even if his body is tortured, he won't be so scared?"

"Yes! The flesh is cut and crushed, and it is painful, but how could Chang Yu's will collapse? He is not so fragile!"

"Have you seen it? Chang Yu not only suffered torture in his body, but also suffered tremendous torture, so that he was so afraid that he was willing to truthfully confess."

"You mean, that guy not only tortured Chang Yu with torture, but also used the secret method of the soul to tortured Chang Yu's soul?"

"If this is the case, why didn't we even notice the spirit fluctuations? This is too powerful?"

Several elders and guardians secretly looked at Ji Tianxing and quietly talked.

Sect Master Wanfa calmed down and raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

The eyes of many guardians and elders gathered on him.

Everyone knows that the lord has something to say to Ji Tianxing and Lin Xue.


Sect Master Wanfa looked at Lin Xue with a guilty face, and said sincerely: "Miss Lin Xue, we are deeply sorry for the death of our father.

Prior to this, for two to three thousand years, my father had suffered grievances, and was burdened by the infamy of deceiving his master.

Although, this incident was caused by the conspiracy of the villain Chang Yu.

However, as the suzerain, protector, and elder, we have not been able to find out the truth of the matter, and we have an unshirkable responsibility.

For this, Wan Fazong owes you and your father an apology..."

In front of everyone, Sect Master Wanfa pleaded guilty to Lin Xue and bowed.

The deputy suzerain, the left and right guardians, and several elders met, and quickly bowed to apologize.

If you change to someone else, you will most likely be flattered and moved.

But Lin Xue's mood was very calm, without any joy or excitement.

She watched with cold eyes as Sect Master Wanfa and others bowed and apologized, with a sneer on her face.

After everyone bowed and apologized, she said: "You confess your mistakes and apologize, this is all right!

Even, you let my dad bear the stigma of bullying the master and the ancestor, and he couldn't clear his grievances until he died.

Compared with what you did, today's salute and apologize are nothing at all! "

Suzerain Wanfa didn't deny it, nodded, and said earnestly: "Miss Lin, what you said is correct. My dad has been wronged for three thousand years. It is definitely not something we can compensate by paying courtesy.

We can understand your feelings and are willing to do our best to compensate you.

If you have any request, please make it, as long as we can do it, we will never refuse. "

Hearing the words of Sect Master Wanfa, the Deputy Sect Master, the left and right guardians, and several elders were a little surprised.

Everyone glanced at each other, and they all felt that something was wrong, and they quickly talked.

"What does Sect Master want to do?"

"Even if Lin can't be wronged, now that he has been wronged, Sect Master doesn't have to be so polite to her, right?"

"Didn't you listen to the Sect Master? As long as she asks, the Sect Master will do her best to compensate.

This is no longer polite, but generous! "

"I guess the Sect Master's attitude towards Lin Wu's daughter is not only to calm things down.

He also wanted to take this opportunity to reassure Miss Lin and gain her trust and favor. "

"What? Does the Sect Master still have ideas for Miss Lin? Isn't this too ridiculous?"

"Where did you think of it? Sect Master wants to keep Miss Lin at this door!"

"That's right! This Lin Xue is very young, with top talents and strengths.

If she can stay at this door, our power will grow further! "

"Not only is Lin Xue a genius, but the strength of the white-robed youth is even more terrifying. He should be a strong man in the Divine King Realm.

Everyone, imagine if we can keep Lin Xue, wouldn't we have a good relationship with that **** king?

With the help of the king of the gods, why can't we worry about it alone? "

"That's it! Sect Master is really far-sighted and clever thinking, I can't wait."

The arguments of the deputy suzerain, law protectors, and elders are not unreasonable, and the suzerain of Wanfa does have such thoughts.

Although everyone had a very unpleasant quarrel, they had a big fight.

However, as long as the follow-up matters are handled properly, it may not be impossible to repair the relationship, which won the favor of Lin Xue and Ji Tianxing.

Lin Xue glanced at Sect Master Wanfa deeply, then moved her eyes to Chang Yu's body.

"This person is the chief culprit. It is he who committed crimes and caused a series of tragedies. He is heinous and unforgivable!"

At this time, Chang Yu was already calm and sober.

He slumped on the ground with an expression of indescribability and despair in his heart.

Hearing Lin Xue's cold shout, he didn't react much~www.ltnovel.com~ still lowered his head and panted, letting the blood flow to the ground.

Sect Master Wanfa nodded, and said in a low tone: "Miss Lin is right. It is only natural to kill people and pay off debts.

Chang Yu conspired to murder his fellow family, and blamed Lin Cannot. His mind was vicious, his methods were cruel, and his death was not a pity! "

Having said that, the Sovereign of Ten Thousand Fas looked around again, and announced in a majestic tone: "This school has been inherited for tens of thousands of years and is still prosperous today. It depends on sincere unity and clear rewards and punishments.

Chang Yu tortured the same family, behaving viciously and outrageously.

Today today, I personally implement the door rules and clean up the door.

Hope all the disciples will keep in mind and take this as a warning! "

As the voice fell, the Sect Master of Ten Thousand Laws held the Divine Sword and slashed towards Chang Yu with great momentum.

Chang Yu woke up in shock, staring at Sect Master Wanfa with horror in his eyes, and shouted in horror: "No! You can't kill me!

I am loyal to Ten Thousand Fasects... There is no credit and hard work..."

While roaring, Chang Yu desperately backed away, trying to escape.


Chao Qingyu released the invisible supernatural power and firmly suppressed him.

The deputy suzerain, the left and right guardians and several elders also blocked Chang Yu's retreat.

Chang Yu had nowhere to escape, so he could only watch the divine sword beheaded.


The cold light flickered and the blood spattered.

Chang Yu's neck was cut off on the spot, his head flew up into the sky, and blood spurted from his neck cavity.

of course.

For the upper gods, even if the head is chopped off, it is not fatal, but the **** body is destroyed.

Chang Yu's head was still in the air, and the Sect Master of Ten Thousand Fas issued another sword and split it in half.


This time, not only the flesh and blood splattered, but Chang Yu's godhead was also smashed to pieces, and dozens of godhead fragments broke out.

Chang Yu busted on the spot!

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