Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3399: Brand new burial sword

Yanke's eyes widened, showing an expression of disbelief.

Chao Qingyu was quite proud, couldn't help holding his head high, and said with a smile: "How is it? I am also a middle-ranked king now, the same as your realm of strength!

After you are in front of me, you are not qualified to show off your might. "

"You..." Yanke frowned fiercely and said with jealousy: "I said the son gave you a lot of benefits, don't you admit it?"

"So what?" Chao Qingyu simply admitted, and said with a smug expression: "Are you very jealous?"

"You... **** it!" Yanke's face was even darker, and he said in an angry tone: "What if the realm is the same? You just broke through the fourth realm, and I am already the fourth peak!

If your kid is not convinced, how about we fight a game now? "

"Cut... a waste of time! I still want to observe the young master refining equipment!" Chao Qingyu rolled his eyes at him, and flew to the Nine Heavens Divine Cauldron at an accelerated speed.

He basically didn't have this kind of expression before. After following Ji Tianxing for a long time, he rolled his eyes a lot.

Yanke suffocated his stomach and hurriedly followed.

In the blink of an eye, the two came to the vicinity of the Nine Heavens Divine Cauldron.

At this moment, the two talents saw that Ji Tianxing was sitting cross-legged in the twisted time and space, focusing on performing divine arts.

While absorbing the power of the blood flame tree to keep his divine power at its peak, he used spells to manipulate the divine cauldron.

I saw him pinching the magic art in both hands, constantly hitting the colorful magic light, adjusting the flame in the **** cauldron, and controlling the sword embryo and several materials.

Seeing his refining technique, Yanke and Chao Qingyu both kept their eyes on them, showing curiosity and surprise.

The two forgot to be stunned for a while, and they started talking in a low voice.

"What kind of refining technique does the son use? Why can't I understand it?"

"Ha ha ha... you are a big guy, and generally don't have enough brains, how can you understand it?"

"Humph! Don't look down on people, as if you can understand them."

"I... Although I don't understand it very well, I am observing and learning."

"Despise you!"

"Immunity to despise!"

The two bickered, but their eyes were always fixed on Shending and Ji Tianxing.

Ji Tianxing's technique of refining, the technique and timing of casting are all at its peak.

The subtle changes of the gods also indicate that the **** sword will continue to strengthen and the sword embryo will gradually take shape.

Both Yanke and Chaoqingyu saw them, and learned and comprehended many skills.

Soon, another six months passed.

So far, Ji Tianxing has refined the Heaven Burying Sword for a whole year.

But his refining work seems to have not been halfway yet.

After the sword embryo was fused with five materials, there was a new change, and the shape was basically determined.

However, Ji Tianxing still needs to make subtle adjustments, combing the internal structure of the Excalibur, and detailing every metal and every stripe.

This took another three months.

Next, is the most important part of refining the Excalibur.

Engraved with the law of **** pattern, and the pattern of the **** array!

The biggest difference between king-level artifacts and king-level artifacts is that king-level artisans can engrave the laws of the gods on weapons, armors and other items.

And the powerhouse of the god-sovereign level can only master and use the laws of the gods, but cannot impose on the equipment.

In addition, the formation patterns engraved on the king-level artifacts are often called prohibitions.

The more rules and prohibitions contained in an artifact, the stronger its power will naturally be.

Of course, the level of rules and prohibitions must be high enough.

Ordinary king-level artifacts that can condense a hundred laws and thousands of prohibitions are qualified low-level king-level artifacts.

And the middle-grade king-level artifact requires at least three hundred laws and three thousand prohibitions.

As for high-grade king-level artifacts, 900 rules and 9,000 prohibitions are required.

As for the king-level supreme artifact, it is only a legendary artifact.

It is said that it appeared in ancient times, and has not heard of it for nearly ten thousand years.

The ultimate king-level artifact requires at least 1,800 rules and 18,000 prohibitions.

Even the Sword God in the previous life did not master so many laws of Shinto.

The Heaven Burial Sword, at its peak, was nothing but a king-level high-grade artifact.

Even so, it was once ranked in the top ten in the ranking of artifacts in the gods.

Ji Tianxing still focused on casting the spell, and inscribed the law **** pattern and the formation path **** pattern on the brand-new Sky Burial Sword.

This work is very meticulous and can not tolerate any mistakes!

Therefore, his speed of casting spells is not fast, and his spirit is fully absorbed!

Both Chao Qingyu and Yanke shut up and watched very intently, for fear of missing any details.

One month, three months, five months, six months...

Time passed quickly, but the three of them didn't even notice.

Two years later, Ji Tianxing inscribed three hundred laws and gods in the Heaven Burial Sword, and three thousand kinds of prohibitions.

It wasn't until this time that he ended, no longer inscribed the **** pattern, and carried out the final finishing work.

Chao Qingyu and Yanke had already stared at them and couldn't help exclaiming.

"God! The son actually engraved three hundred laws and gods on the sword, and three thousand formations are prohibited!"

"A middle-rank king-level artifact? He actually made a middle-rank king-level artifact in one go?

Is this too exaggerated? Is he a middle artisan? "

The master of the gods who can refine the king-level artifacts is no longer a refiner, but a master craftsman.

But there are also high and low levels of master craftsmen, low, middle and high.

Among them, the lower craftsmen are more common.

God kings like Chaoqingyu and Yanke ~www.ltnovel.com~ who have studied the refinery for thousands of years, can become the lower master craftsmen.

But the middle master craftsman is relatively rare, and there are only one or two of the ten masters.

As for the upper master craftsman, it is even more legendary, and there are only a few people in the entire continent.

Chao Qingyu and Yanke know this, how can they not be shocked?

"Posted! We watched the middle master craftsman up close. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

"Look at what you are doing, don't be so excited!

Let's follow the son, we only need to serve him well, be loyal to our duties, and there will be many opportunities to observe in the future! "

Three days later, Ji Tianxing's refining tool was completely over.

The Nine Heavens Divine Cauldron ceased operation, and the endless divine flame finally extinguished.


After the lid of the **** cauldron was opened, a black divine sword about four feet long and black as ink flew out of the **** cauldron.

This is the brand new Heaven Burial Sword to complete promotion and transformation!

It is longer and wider than ordinary divine swords, straight and upright, but mysterious and gloomy, and contains a bone-thin death chill.

Originally, the Heaven Burial Sword held by the Sword God back then was a mighty sword of light, divine light and panic, without the gloomy breath of death.

But now the Sky Burial Sword has become like this.

Ji Tianxing held the Sky Burial Sword in both hands, frowned and observed for a moment, and couldn't help but mutter: "I thought it was caused by the source stone. After you restore the king-level artifact, you can restore it to the original state.

Unexpectedly, with so many king-level materials, it was still pitch black and gloomy and cold.

Is this related to our experience? "

The low voice of the funeral sky sounded in his mind: "Perhaps! How else would you be born with death?

This problem can only be solved slowly later. "


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