Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3403: I am also desperate

"Double rebound!

When I was practicing in retreat, I realized the supernatural powers by myself.

This is the first time to use them. Try them out. "

Ji Tianxing smiled slightly and explained a few words to Yanke and Chao Qingyu.

It is true that this magical secret technique is exactly what he created by comprehending the Zhutian formation.

Today is the first time to use it, the effect is not bad, to his satisfaction.

Of course, he also felt that this magic trick was not perfect enough, and there were many improvements.

The defects can be found only after actual combat, and more improvements will be made later.

"Double rebound?"

Both Chao Qingyu and Yanke frowned, looking at Ji Tianxing with weird expressions.

"My son, the name you gave this magical power is too...too random, right?"

"Lord, this magic trick is so wonderful and powerful.

I think you should give it a domineering name, not so hasty and perfunctory. "

Ji Tianxing has always been a person who is good at listening to different opinions. After thinking about it seriously, he nodded and said: "Well, I did get this name temporarily, which is a bit sloppy.

However, this is just a name, and it's good to be simple and straightforward.

Even if you take a name that bluffs people, the magical power itself is not subtle enough, isn't it useless?

So, there is no need for you two to entangle the name, I think it's good. "

"Uh..." Chao Qingyu was startled, unable to laugh or cry.

Yanke thought about it seriously, nodded and said, "Master, what you said is too reasonable, I agree!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Chao Qingyu glared at him, and said with a teasing smile: "Yanke! Are you good at flattering now?"

Not far away, the star king, saw the three of Ji Tianxing talking and laughing, suddenly became angry and even more angry.


Do you not exist as the king?

It's crazy!

Looking for death! "

The Astral King roared angrily, waved his palm again, and gave the order to attack.

Those more than sixty high-ranking gods were all in a shocked look, full of hesitation and hesitation.

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you. After hesitating for a while, they reluctantly brandished their swords and launched a second round of attack on the Ji Tianxing trio.

The Golden Dragon Domain Lord and Jing Feihong also frowned, secretly worried and anxious.

At this time, the Astral King turned his head to look at them and shouted angrily: "You two, what are you doing in a daze?"

"Huh?" The Golden Dragon Domain Master was taken aback.

"We?" Jing Feihong pointed to the tip of his nose, his expression a bit bitter.

Both of them suffered losses and were beaten violently by Ji Tianxing, leaving a shadow in their hearts.

In the ambush of Ji Tianxing this time, the Astral Elephant King was present, and they had no plans to attack.

Unexpectedly, the Astrology God King called directly.

"Nonsense! You are not going, do you still want to watch a good show?" The Star Elephant King glared with a burst of anger.

The Golden Dragon Domain Master and Jing Feihong shuddered, no longer dared to hesitate, they could only bite the bullet and attack.

"Tian Xing dog thief, this king is fighting with you!"

"Zhuzi, take your life!"

Both of them roared, brandishing magic weapons, using the magical powers at the bottom of the box, and attacking the three of Ji Tianxing.

At this time, the light and shadow of the heavenly divine arts performed by dozens of gods overwhelmed the three of Ji Tianxing.

The previous scene was staged again.

Ji Tianxing was full of divine light and condensed into a huge black and white light ball, which wrapped him, Yanke and Chaoqingyu.


Thousands of divine magic light and shadow and divine power blasted into the black and white light ball.

After the divine light passed through the light ball, its power doubled when it appeared again, and its speed doubled toward many gods.

The tragedy just happened again.

"Boom! Boom boom boom!"

There were more than forty high-ranking gods who were hit by thousands of divine light and sharp blades, and turned into fireworks on the spot, bursting out with brilliant divine light.

Of course, it is inevitable that the rain of blood will fly, and countless flesh and blood residues will be scattered.

Of the more than forty gods who were hit this time, none of them were spared. They were all wiped out, and the gods collapsed.

There were only more than 20 high-ranking gods left, and they retreated in horror, and they were so scared that they did not dare to attack again.

No matter what kind of magical powers they displayed, how strong their fighting power broke out, they couldn't hurt Ji Tianxing a single hair.

Instead, they will receive double attacks and die under their supernatural skills.

What is this?

Too weird, too evil, right?

How to break?

what can I do?

I am also desperate!

More than twenty gods all died down, with no fighting spirit, like eggplants beaten by frost.

The Star King not far away, witnessing all this with his own eyes, couldn't help clenching his fists, full of anger.

"Damn it!

He actually used those gods as grindstones, trying his new magic tricks?

Moreover, he only used it once to discover the flaws of supernatural powers and improve them.

Using that magical power again, the power increased by 50%, and it was even more natural.

The talent and understanding of this kid is really terrifying! "

The Astrology King was also very shocked, and was quite jealous of Ji Tianxing.

He had a hunch in his heart that Ji Tianxing was probably the strongest and most difficult opponent he encountered during this patrol of the mainland!

At the same time ~www.ltnovel.com~Golden Dragon Domain Master and Jing Feihong also wielded magic weapons to kill them, using their magical skills to destroy the world, and slammed at Ji Tianxing.

"As long as we are fast enough, he won't have time to rebound the attack!"

"Furthermore, we joined forces to attack. As long as the power exceeds his capacity, he will not be able to rebound, he can only suffer heavy losses!"

The two domain masters glanced at each other and communicated with divine consciousness through sound transmission, both full of confidence.

They are all powerful gods, and of course they can understand the mystery of Ji Tianxing's magical powers and guess the way to crack them.

As long as their attack is strong enough to destroy the black and white ball of light, Ji Tianxing will not be able to rebound.


Ideals are beautiful, but reality is cruel.

"Huh! Huh!"

The magical skills performed by the two domain masters suddenly hit the black and white ball of light with a radius of thousands of feet, but it also looked like a clay cow into the sea, and failed to arouse any waves.

Next moment.

In the black and white ball of light flew more gorgeous and doubling the power of the magic light and shadow, blasting towards the two domain masters with a posture of destroying everything.

"Not good! He still bounced back!"

"It's over! Flash!"

The Golden Dragon Territory Lord and Jing Feihong's complexion changed drastically, both showing deep horrified eyes, and backed away in a panic.



The divine light that ruined the heavens and the earth slammed them both severely, bursting with a loud noise.

Both of them were bombarded and flew out, opening their mouths and screaming heartbreakingly, and blood was spilled all over the sky.

With this blow, the Golden Dragon Domain Master and Jing Feihong were severely wounded, falling into the sky covered in blood.

The Golden Dragon Domain Lord was cut off with a leg, Jing Feihong's waist was blasted out of a blood hole with a big mouth, and the injuries were very miserable.


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