Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3425: Refining device failed?

Yanke undoubtedly obeyed Ji Tianxing's order.

Moreover, he did not disappoint Ji Tianxing.

Relying on the Houtu Jinyun Art, he quickly refined the piled source stone into a large source crystal.

Compared with the ordinary source stone, the source crystal is more pure, contains more powerful power, and has greater plasticity.

It took Ji Tianxing a month to use the Nine Heavens Divine Cauldron to refine two divine swords from the source crystal.

Although, these two divine swords are only the best artifacts of the king class.

However, compared to the double swords Yun Yao was using, these two divine swords were more perfect and had greater potential.

Next, Ji Tianxing used the method of refining in the twisted time and space.

He put the two newly-made divine swords into the Nine Heavens Divine Cauldron, and added materials such as the Galaxy Golden Sands, the Essence of Xuanji Mother Qi and the Purple Flame Silver Silk, to create two king-level divine swords!

It is rare to see Ji Tianxing personally refining the tools, Yanke did not go to retreat to practice, just stood by and watched quietly.

After all, the last time he and Chao Qingyu watched Ji Tianxing recast the Sky Burial Sword, they benefited a lot.

For him, it is definitely a great opportunity to watch Ji Tianxing refining artifacts!

Yanke looked attentively, keeping his eyes on Ji Tianxing's casting movements, observing the changes of the Nine Heavens God Cauldron.

Since he didn't bother rashly, Ji Tianxing went with him and didn't let him leave.

Just watch it if you want.

How much you can learn from it depends on your personal ability.

Time passed quickly, day after day passed...

The flames in the Nine Heavens Divine Cauldron were soaring, several pieces of refining materials were smelted one after another and merged into the two source crystal divine swords.

As time goes by, the two magic swords have undergone subtle changes, and their quality has continued to improve.

One month later.

Three king-level refining materials are thoroughly integrated into two divine swords.

This makes the material of the Excalibur completely sublimated, reaching the king-level inferior grade.

What the two divine swords lacked were only the forbidden divine formation and the rule divine pattern attached to the divine sword.

Therefore, Ji Tianxing began to perform secret techniques, engraving the gods of prohibition and law on the sword.

One, two, three...

A year later, two hundred and forty law and **** patterns were engraved on the two Yuanjing swords, and more than two thousand and four hundred kinds of prohibitions.

The Origin Crystal Excalibur at this time is already a treasure in the king-level low-grade artifact.

Add more than fifty rules and **** patterns, and more than five hundred kinds of **** formations forbidden, and you can become a king-level middle-grade artifact.

Ji Tianxing was able to remain calm, but Yanke looked fascinated, full of wonder and emotion.

"The master's method of refining is so subtle and amazing!

Last time he recast the Sky Burial Sword, the speed was already fast enough, but he did not expect to shorten the time several times this time.

But till now, I have watched twice, but still haven't understood his refining technique. "

Just as Yanke was full of emotions, Ji Tianxing suddenly stopped casting the spell and frowned. Qiqi novel first published on the whole network

His eyebrows were frowned, his expression was a bit solemn, and a trace of unwillingness and disappointment flashed in his eyes.

Yanke was stunned for a moment and looked at him suspiciously, just about to ask what was going on.

At this time, the flames floating in the Nine Heavens Divine Cauldron, and the two divine swords suspended in the flames suddenly heard a crisp sound of "Kacha Kacha".

Yanke's body shook, suddenly showing incredible expression, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "How can this be? The Excalibur... actually broke?"

That's right.

Cracks appeared on the surface of the two source crystal swords suspended in the fire.

The blade of an excalibur cracked, and chopsticks cracked.

The hilt of the other divine sword burst, exploding a half-foot-long crack.

Even the two divine swords were trembling, as if they could not bear any strength, and the cracks on the surface were still expanding.

Ji Tianxing sighed and muttered to himself: "Oh... I didn't expect it to happen. I had already guessed this result.

I shouldn't have a fluke, I should have prepared the refining materials in advance.

No matter how sophisticated my refining method is, I can't change the grade of the material, forcibly stacking more **** patterns and prohibitions. "

Yanke was still puzzled, but he suddenly realized when he heard his self-talk.

"Lord, what do you mean... the texture of the two divine swords is not strong enough to withstand so many laws and restrictions?"

Ji Tianxing nodded and explained: "When I recast the Sky Burial Sword, I used a total of five king-level materials, so I can be upgraded to a mid-level king-level. Ching Huo 繓赽奇奇書蛧|w~w~

But to refine these two divine swords, I only have three king-level materials, so I can only refine them into king-level inferior products.

Forcibly promoted to the middle grade of the king level, the material of the sword cannot withstand, it will only collapse and burst. "

It is true that when he recast the Sky Burial Sword before, he also used 30,000-year-old dragon vertebrae and a piece of seven fire **** gold.

Yanke also frowned fiercely, and said worriedly: "Master, did you fail this refining? What should we do now?"

Once the refining device fails, it falls short.

Not only did the two divine swords collapsed, the materials and time consumed were also wasted.

Ji Tianxing shook his head, and said in a calm tone: "It's not a failure! I continue to cast the spell, control the power of the Nine Heavens Divine Cauldron, and still maintain the form of the Divine Sword, so that it won't collapse quickly.

However, if you want to save these two swords ~www.ltnovel.com~, you must add more king-level crafting materials. "

"This..." Yanke was suddenly embarrassed, scratching his head and said: "But in this rush, where are we going to find the king-level refining materials?

You don’t have it, and I don’t have any stock.

Well, you are waiting here, I will ask Chao Qingyu and his wife..."

While talking, Yanke was about to leave Twisted Time and Space to find Chao Qingyu and Lan'er.

Ji Tianxing hurriedly stopped him and exhorted: "Wait a minute! There should be no suitable refining materials in the hands of the couple.

You go to Chaoqingyu and ask him where we are now.

If possible, let's suspend our journey, and first look around to see where we can find the king-level refining materials. "

Yanke understood it as soon as he heard it, and nodded and said: "Okay! I understand."

Before in the Golden Dragon Realm, they entered the Golden Dragon Abyss and obtained massive resources and mineral veins, as well as precious king-level refining materials.

Yanke prayed silently, hoping to maintain good luck this time and find a treasure place like the Golden Dragon Abyss nearby.


With a flash of light, Yanke left the twisted time and space and returned to the divine ship.

He hurried to the cab, asked Chao Qingyu for directions, and conveyed Ji Tianxing's meaning.

Hearing that Ji Tianxing was in trouble and urgently needed the materials for the king-level refining, Chao Qingyu also showed worry.

"How about the son? Is the situation stable?

I only have a few materials for alchemy and formation, and there is no suitable material for refining!

We are now in the Fire Sang Territory and have just entered the territory of the Sang Lan Empire..."

Yanke said without hesitation: "Sure enough, the lord guessed...you poor ghost!

Okay, let's stop on our way, and check the news first, and see where we can get the king-level materials as soon as possible. "

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