Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3429: Tianye Artisan

The twelve gods attacked Yanke, all gearing up.

It seems that Yanke has offended again, and they will immediately attack them in a group without mercy.


The twelve famous gods, instead of intimidating Yanke, Yanke laughed and took the lead.

"Hahahaha...My Patriarch is high-minded and doesn't care about you ants. I didn't expect you to be aggressive.

Since you are shameless, then...get away from Laozi! "

Yanke suddenly yelled, raised his huge palms, and shot a brilliant light around him.

"Boom! Boom boom boom!"

Suddenly, dull loud noises burst out one after another, uninterrupted.

The twelve gods hadn't reacted yet, they just felt that the darkness before them all flew out involuntarily.


Many gods spouted blood, and after flying upside down a hundred meters away, they crashed into the square or fell into the red maple forest.

For a moment, the muffled sound was endless, and a bit of blood wafted in the square.

The air was quiet for an instant.

The twelve gods were all in horror, and several were knocked out on the spot, and the others also groaned in pain.

The dozens of gods on the square stopped discussing and talking, and they showed horrified and unbelievable expressions, staring at Yanke with wide eyes.

No one thought that the three of Ji Tianxing looked unremarkable, but they had such terrifying strength and means.

What an amazing strength to wound twelve gods who have been famous for many years!

For a time, dozens of gods re-examined and looked at the three Ji Tianxing, their eyes solemn and jealous.

at the same time.

The few gods lying in the red maple forest and the square all endured severe injuries and asked the gods on the square for help.

"Sect Master Ye, those three alien races are deceiving too much, please help us!"

"Leader Liu, we are all registered disciples of Master Artisan, we must unite and help each other!

Those three **** are arrogant and domineering, they are simply trampling on the glory of Huosangyu and Master Divine Craftsman, and they must not be spared! "

"Prince Chen, I am ashamed of our Zisang Empire, please be sure to save the face of the Empire..."

The wounded gods were the leaders of the various empires of the Fire Mulberry Region, and they were also the overlords of the famous party.

They have shallow or deep friendship with dozens of gods on the square.

Now that they ask for help, they are also pulling at the glory and faces of the various empires and the Huosang Region. It is impossible for the dozens of gods to remain indifferent.

After only hesitating and discussing for a while, more than twenty gods stepped forward and surrounded the three Ji Tianxing with outrage.

"Boy, you guys are too rampant!"

"This is the Fire Mulberry Domain, you can't tolerate your presumptuousness!"

"No one in the field knows you, and you are so arrogant and domineering, you are definitely not a person of the Fire Sangyu Territory!"

"People from other domains dare to come to the Huosang domain to go wild and wound so many people in public. You are looking for death!"

"Today, if you don't give a reasonable explanation, don't want to leave!"

If it is difficult for some people to lead their hair, more gods will agree with them.

Soon, there were more than 30 gods, relying on the large number of people, surrounded the three people of Ji Tianxing, and they rebuked and condemned.

Ji Tianxing looked at the many gods indifferently, his eyes were cold and there were no waves.

Both Chao Qingyu and Yanke looked indifferent, with their arms wrapped around their chests, they didn't even look at these gods.

No matter how fierce the crowd was and how arrogant they were, they did not have the slightest worries and concerns.

At this time, the white-haired craftsman was lying on the throne of the first place in the hall, yawning and not waking up.

Hearing the loud and noisy voices outside, he couldn't help frowning and muttering disdainfully: "A group of frogs at the bottom of the well have little insight and ability, but their temper is not small. Qiqi novels are published on the whole network.

The master craftsman of Huosangyu is so unhelpful, this king is really a waste of time and waste of time!

No matter, after today, I will go to the Ten Thousand Forest Regions to have a look..."

Although it was very noisy outside, the white-haired craftsman was very disappointed.

But he was very tired, lying on the throne and dozing off, with no intention of stopping or intervening. Qiqi novel first published on the whole network

Anyway, he didn't look down on the group of refining masters, and the task that the family had accounted for could not be completed in the Huosang Domain.

He only waited for the smelting craftsman to come quickly that day, and after competing with refiners, he left the Huosangyu as soon as possible.

Seeing, the situation at the gate intensified.

More than 30 gods were filled with righteous indignation, and they were about to capture the three of Ji Tianxing.

Yanke grinned and sneered again, and he was about to use thunder methods to teach these gods a lesson that he will never forget.

At this moment, a dazzling divine light lit up in the sky not far away.

A thousand-foot-long, exquisite dark golden divine ship, galloping like a stream of light.

The shape of the godship is peculiar, and the hull is also engraved with a special emblem, showing the identity of the owner of the godship.

Among the crowd in the square, no one yelled.

"Look, Lord God General is here!"

As soon as the words came out, the noisy crowd immediately calmed down.

Everyone looked up at the sky, their eyes focused on the Dark Golden Divine Ship.

Seeing the shape and emblem of the divine warship~www.ltnovel.com~ everyone showed a strong color of joy, with excitement and anticipation in their eyes.

"Sure enough, it is Tianye God Craftsman who is here!"

"Hahaha...Surely, the master craftsman arrived on time to teach the white-haired craftsman!"

"There is a good show to watch now, that white-haired craftsman is about to lose!"

"Congratulations to Master Tianye God Craftsman!"

In the blink of an eye, dozens of gods all turned and rushed to the square, respectfully welcoming Tianye **** craftsman.

The three of Ji Tianxing's side suddenly became empty, and no one paid any attention to them.


The Dark Golden Divine Ship descended from the sky and hovered over the square.

After the hatch of the Excalibur was opened, a middle-aged man wearing a golden robe and a purple cloak on his shoulders walked out of the divine ship.

This person is tall, with broad shoulders and a broad body. A face with Chinese characters is not angry and prestigious. His long gray hair hangs behind his head, and he wears a **** crown.

Behind him, there were eighteen gods wearing silver armor, all wearing armor and swords, acting as his attendants and guards.

Such a majestic pomp is a bit more solemn than the emperors of the major empires.

Undoubtedly, this burly man with gray hair is the **** craftsman of Tianye who has been famous for thousands of years.

The dozens of master craftsmen in the square have all been instructed and educated more or less by the gods of Tianye.

Everyone regarded themselves as disciples and students, and bowed and saluted.

"Students (disciples) welcome the Lord God to come!"

Everyone shouted in unison.

"No ceremony, get up." Tianye Divine Craftsman glanced at them indifferently, and said calmly.

Then, surrounded by many guards, he walked towards the palace gate.

Seeing the three of Ji Tianxing standing at the gate, the two guards immediately rushed out from behind Tianye Divine Artisan, and shouted in a majestic tone: "Master Divine Artisan is here, why don't you get out?!"

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