Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3468: 1 game for nothing

() There is dead silence in the hall.

The air is dull and depressed.

Everyone really felt the determination of the astrological gods.

But everyone is not worried or afraid, but full of confidence.


Thirty strong gods and kings sit in town, nearly a thousand strong kings and 100,000 soldiers.

With such a luxurious lineup, not to mention dealing with a few alien kings, even if two squads of gods are wiped out!

As long as those alien kings pass through the Tianlong Pass, they will definitely die, ten deaths but no life!

The plan is stable!

Everyone just needs to wait patiently.


It was precisely because of the few alien kings who had not appeared and did not know whereabouts, the astrological divine envoy was uneasy.

He glanced at the night sky outside the main hall, and muttered to himself with a gloomy expression: "According to the speed of those rebels and counting the time, they should be almost at the Heavenly Dragon Pass."

The Divine Envoy of Withered Cloud and Shadow Slashing both nodded in agreement.

"That's right! Next, everyone should enter the state of combat readiness, try to hide their breath, and wait for the rebels to snare!

With the lessons of Manchuan Pass, they will definitely be more cautious.

Therefore, we still have to make some preparations and send several groups of scouts to search nearby. "

"As long as the rebels pass through the Tianlong Pass, they will die without a place to be buried.

But the only uncertainty is whether they will pass the Tianlong Pass!

By the way, don’t you mean that the White Phoenix Divine King is so talented that he can detect the traces of those rebels?

How about letting him explore, where are those rebels now? How far is it from Tianlong Pass? "

The eyes of the two divine envoys fell on the crowd, gathering on Bai Feng's body.

More than twenty powerful **** kings also looked at him with burning eyes, and many people had jealousy hidden in their eyes.

After all, Bai Feng can arouse the attention and respect of the three divine envoys, and he will be lucky in the future.

The star **** envoy nodded slightly, staring at Bai Feng, and said, "Bai Feng, you have a talent for predicting good and bad things and deducing secrets.

Moreover, you have met with those rebels and fought in battle, so you are no stranger to their situation.

At this critical moment, I should bother you to cast a spell to speculate. "

Although, the status of the star **** envoy is higher than that of Bai Feng.

But he is not as strong as Bai Feng, and the two are friends.

In front of many **** kings, the star **** envoy was also quite polite to him.

Bai Feng naturally did not dare to refuse.

He also knew that his greatest role in coming to Tianlong Pass was not to participate in battle.

Instead, he used his nirvana pupil to help everyone search for the traces of Ji Tianxing and others.

"Astrology God made the lord's order, this king naturally obeyed."

Bai Feng bowed his hand, walked out of the crowd, and stood still in the middle of the hall.

The other **** kings quickly backed down and stood on the edge of the hall, quietly watching Bai Feng cast a spell.

Bai Feng offered nine mysterious order flags and placed them on the floor of the main hall to form a simple divine formation.

Then, he took out a quaint vicissitudes of fire bronze compass and sat cross-legged on the ground.

"Three envoys, please help this king."

Bai Feng made a request.

The three divine envoys did not hesitate, and hurriedly followed his instructions, standing in different positions, and casting spells to assist him.

Next, Bai Feng concentrated on using the secret method to turn on the pupil of Nirvana, deducing and calculating the traces of the heavenly palace.

The hall was silent, and time passed quietly.

Two hours passed quickly.

Many **** kings waited a little impatiently, all secretly talking about it, questioning whether Bai Feng was reliable.


Bai Feng's spellcasting came to an end, and finally guessed the result.

The nine mysterious flags all shone with dazzling divine light, and the fire bronze compass in his hand also bloomed with colorful divine light.

Ten divine lights converged above his head, forming a star-like light curtain, gorgeous, vast and profound.

An endless boundless and mighty breath radiated from the light curtain.

More than 20 **** kings in the hall, including the three **** envoys, all looked solemn, and a trace of awe and jealousy rose in their hearts.

Those **** kings who had secretly questioned Bai Feng before, all shut up and didn't dare to doubt anymore.

As the saying goes, once an expert makes a move, he will know if there is any.

Among the thirty **** kings, Bai Feng's strength was not the strongest, and could only be ranked in the top five.

But his magical skill shocked everyone.

Soon, a dim, fuzzy picture appeared in the vast light curtain like a starry sky.

A divine ship with an obscure appearance cut through the sky and sea of ​​clouds like lightning and landed in the middle of a lofty mountain range.

If you look closely, you will find that there seems to be an ancient city deep in the mountains lined with peaks.

But the picture ends here, and soon dissipates.


The light curtain dissipated, and the nine flags and the fire bronze compass fell silent, becoming dim.

Bai Feng finished casting the spell and opened his eyes.

More than 20 **** kings were staring at him, and the three **** envoys couldn't wait to ask the result.

"How is it? Did you find out their whereabouts?"

"Bai Feng, where are those rebels now?"

"Are they close to Tianlong Pass?"

Facing the eager eyes of the three divine envoys, Bai Feng's expression was a little strange.


He groaned for a moment, and conveniently put away the nine flags and the fire copper compass, and the **** of Nirvana on his forehead was also closed.

Seeing his strange expression, the star **** envoy asked more anxiously: "Bai Feng, what's the matter? You mean it!"

Bai Feng hesitated for a moment, and then said in a low tone: "Three God Envoys, those rebels are very far away from us, they...not in the Scarlet Dragon Region!"

As soon as these words came out, the three divine envoys opened their eyes wide.

More than twenty **** kings were also stunned and couldn't help exclaiming.


"Not in the Red Dragon Region?"

"What are you kidding? Let's work for nothing?"

"Baifeng, you must be mistaken, right?"

"I just said that he is definitely not reliable!"

"Also deducing secrets and predicting good or bad luck? Too nonsense!"

"Such a ridiculous thing, you can't say it!"

There was a burst of discussion, exclamation and questioning in the originally silent hall.

Bai Feng became a target of public criticism and was criticized and denied by many gods.

The Astrology Divine Envoy looked gloomy and waved for everyone to be quiet.

He stared at Bai Feng with dignity, and asked seriously: "Bai Feng, our eyeliner clearly detected that the rebels passed through the Fire Mulberry Region and headed south into the Crimson Dragon Region.

Are you sure they are not in the Red Dragon Region now? "

Others don't believe Bai Feng~www.ltnovel.com~ but he does.

Bai Feng nodded, and said with a certain tone: "This king is very sure."

"Then where are they?" the star **** envoy asked.

Bai Feng frowned for a moment and replied, "In the southwest, Hengshan Region, it seems to be in the Hengshan Empire."

More than 20 **** kings were still questioning and discussing Bai Feng, but the astrological **** envoy suppressed it with majesty.

He discussed with two divine envoys, Kuyun and Zhanying, and quickly made a decision.

"Pick out fifteen **** kings to stay in Tianlong Pass and stand by.

The other eleven kings rushed to the Hengshan Empire immediately.

Bai Feng, you go with us first and rush over as quickly as possible. "

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