Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3471: Want to be beaten again?

() "Grandpa Master?

Brother Seven, are you right?

I have never heard of it before, you have such a friend!

When you came out this time, the refining genius was not recruited, so you found a grandpa for us? "

Jiang Tiansheng had recovered, and he was a hundred unbelieving and unwilling.

The eyes looking at Jiang Tianyi and Ji Tianxing were also quite strange.

"How could the benefactor, who saved the Jiang clan 1100 years ago, be so young?"

Jiang Tianyi frowned and said, "Nine brother, don't you be so superficial?

Isn’t it normal for a strong man like Tianxing to stay young forever? "

Jiang Tiansheng still didn't believe it, and asked again: "Since that benefactor can save the Jiang Clan and can still let the second uncle and the third uncle worship him, at least he is the pinnacle god!

Even if it’s not the pinnacle **** king, it must be the upper **** king of the nine-layer realm, right?

Where is this young man? What realm is it now? "

"Uh..." Jiang Tianyi was also at a loss, unable to answer.

No way, he still couldn't see through Ji Tianxing's realm of strength.

He can only see that Ji Tianxing's aura is restrained and his strength is unfathomable.

However, he recalled that Ji Tianxing and Bai Feng had been fighting for a long time before, but he had not been able to defeat him.

It is conceivable that Ji Tianxing should not be the upper **** king.

Even if it was, it was about the same as Bai Feng's strength, around the seventh layer of the **** king.

This is indeed an unexplainable doubt.

Jiang Tiansheng stared at him and asked: "Seven brother, why are you not talking?"

Jiang Tianyi frowned and said with a majestic expression: "Old Jiu! How can you be so rude to question others' cultivation level face to face?

Anyway, you just need to know, Chen Lan of the Ancient Sect of Hundred Refinements, Young Master Tianxing just pick up him! "

"Really?" Jiang Tiansheng was still suspicious, looked at Ji Tianxing a few more times, and asked Jiang Tianyi: "Seven brothers, this is not a joke.

Since you believe that he is the benefactor of the Jiang clan, why don't you report to the patriarch? "

Jiang Tianyi glared at him irritably, and said, "What's the use of just reporting to the patriarch? Young Master Tianxing has already promised me to come back to the sky with me!

At that time, I want to surprise everyone! "

"Haha..." Jiang Tiansheng smiled without a smile, and said with a curled lips: "Anyway, this is your idea and it has nothing to do with me. Don't take me with you then."

"You!!" Jiang Tian gritted his teeth angrily, wishing to beat him up.

This clearly means that he doesn't believe him, feels that he is fooling around, and is afraid of being implicated by him and being punished by the patriarch.

Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing said calmly: "Jiang Tiansheng, whether you believe it or not, put this aside in advance.

The urgent matter, let Jiang Tianyi accompany you to find Chenlan to solve this matter as soon as possible.

Our time is very tight and should not be wasted. "

After his reminder, Jiang Tianyi remembered that the astrological envoy and many domain masters and kings were searching for and intercepting them.

The Hengshan Region is next to the Chilong Region. If the time is delayed for a long time, it is difficult to guarantee that the Star Elephant King and others will not find it.

Therefore, this matter must be resolved quickly.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Jiang Tianyi nodded quickly, and said to Jiang Tiansheng: "Nine brother, where is Chen Lan? Let's find him now!

This matter cannot be delayed, lest there will be many nights and dreams. "

Jiang Tiansheng pointed to the southwest of Changle City and said, "That guy is in Jingui Palace."

"Okay, let's meet him now." Jiang Tianyi nodded and took Jiang Tiansheng to the sky and flew to Changle City.

As soon as he flew thousands of feet away, he found that Ji Tianxing had not followed and was still standing in the manor.

Moreover, Ji Tianxing sat back on the stone bench and continued to drink tea.

Jiang Tianyi was stunned for a moment, and asked without thinking: "Young Master Tianxing, why don't you...not go with us?"

Ji Tianxing nodded and smiled: "It's enough for you two to go. I am here waiting for your good news."

"This..." Jiang Tianyi was in trouble immediately, and said with a wry smile: "Master Tianxing, if you don't go with it, I don't know what to do."

Jiang Tiansheng curled his lips and looked at Ji Tianxing with a smile but not a smile, and said, "Don't you dare to go? Are you afraid that if you really do it, you will show your stuff?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Tianyi slapped him on the back of the head and said angrily: "Shut up if you can't speak!"

"..." Seeing that Brother Seven was really angry, Jiang Tiansheng shut up and stopped talking.

Jiang Tianyi flew back to the manor, came to Ji Tianxing, bowed sincerely, and said, "Mr. Tianxing, the ninth brother is young, so nothing is more important.

He has been living in Shenyindongtian, and this is the first time he has gone out to practice.

Therefore, he did not speak through his brain and offended you, so please don't be insightful with him. "

Jiang Tiansheng is the ninth-ranked genius of the Jiang family.

In Shenyingdongtian, it is a habit of pampering.

But after all, he also lived for seven thousand years, and was called "young" by Jiang Tianyi and "nothing more," Ji Tianxing was speechless.

After all, he hasn't lived to two thousand years in total in his two lifetimes.

People cannot be compared with people.

But after Jiang Tianyi said so, he had to go.

Otherwise, it would appear that his measurement is too small, and he really cares about Jiang Tiansheng.

In desperation, Ji Tianxing nodded and said: "Jiang Tianyi, you have misunderstood.

Since you insist on inviting me to come, then I will follow you to have a look. "

Seeing him nodding in agreement, Jiang Tianyi was relieved.

After that, the three of them flew across the sky and headed straight for Jingui Palace in the southwest of Changle City.


The sunset gradually sets, and night is approaching.

Lights lit up in Jingui Palace.

Chen Lan, dressed in a mysterious robe, was sitting in the study, holding a book and reading it carefully.

He looks like a young man in his thirties, tall and sturdy, with thick eyebrows and big eyes.

Behind him stood a white-haired old man in a black robe, dressed as an attendant, standing with his hands down.

"Master Lan, this is the detailed information about Lin Zhen and Zhanlongxiang, including the details of the Lin Family and Changle Taoist Academy, and the old slaves can check them clearly.

The old slave thought that if we want to take the two refining geniuses into the bag, we can find another breakthrough and still have a chance..."

Chen Lan nodded and said: "Okay, then I will take a good look at this information."

At this moment, the voice of the guard rang at the entrance of the study.

"Master Qi~www.ltnovel.com~ a young man named Jiang came to visit, and he named him to see you."

Obviously, only the white-haired old man is a member of the Bailian Ancient Sect, who follows Chen Lan, serves and protects him.

The guards and maids in the entire Jingui Palace are from Changle City.

It's just that Chen Lan spent a lot of money to rent this palace temporarily.

"Jiang Tiansheng? Is that kid coming from taking his humiliation again?" Chen Lan closed the book and put it into the space ring, with a sneer at the corner of her mouth.

"Uncle Yan, let's go see that kid, what do we want to do?"

After all, he took Yan Bo out of the study and rushed to the hospitality hall.

In the hall, Ji Tianxing, Jiang Tiansheng, and Jiang Tianyi were all seated and were drinking tea.

As soon as Chen Lan entered the hall, she laughed teasingly: "Jiang Tiansheng, the previous beating is not enough? Do you want to be beaten again tonight?"

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