Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3527: Supreme Pearl

() The war is over.

The tens of thousands of miles around the island gradually returned to calm.

Ji Tianxing waved away the Zhutian Sword Formation.

As high as a thousand feet, the surging waves gradually stopped.

The shards of divine light and the rain of blood scattered all over the sky gradually dissipated.


Ji Tianxing put away the godhead fragments of the four sea kings, as well as the king-level artifacts and space rings scattered in the ruins.

Then, he landed on the godship of Chaohaizong.

Xu Chaohai, the protector, and the great elders, with more than 20 survivors, lined up neatly and bowed to Ji Tianxing.

"Thank you seniors for your life-saving grace, Chao Haizong will never forget it!"

Under Xu Chaohai's leadership, everyone saluted and thanked them uniformly, with a very sincere tone and attitude.

Although, they were all seriously injured, covered in blood, and looked quite embarrassed.

But everyone is enduring the pain and supporting the injury, and they must first be grateful to Ji Tianxing.

Ji Tianxing nodded indifferently, raised his hands falsely, and said, "Everyone, please get up."

Xu Chaohai and others just got up.

Xu Chaohai motioned to more than 20 disciples and deacons to return to the divine ship to heal their injuries.

Only him, the protector and the great elder were left in place, looking at Ji Tianxing gratefully.

"Senior’s great kindness, Chaohai Sect has nothing to do with it, and only asks the senior to tell the name. In the future, I will wait day and night to pray for seniors..."

"The Sea Clan has always been fierce and domineering. I wait for foreigners to have almost no place to survive in this Xiaolong sea area.

If we weren't lucky enough to meet seniors this time, the entire Chaohai Sect would be destroyed! "

The three of them surrounded Ji Tianxing, unavoidably grateful and sighed.

Ji Tianxing still looked calm, but looked around the island without speaking.

After Xu Chaohai and the three of them finished their polite remarks, they were a little embarrassed to see that Ji Tianxing didn't respond.

So Xu Chaohai tried to ask Ji Tianxing: "Senior, how do you call it?"

"Heavenly Dragon God King." Ji Tianxing replied casually.

Xu Chaohai hurriedly clasped his fists and saluted, and said in a respectful tone: "It turns out that it is the Heavenly Dragon God King. The juniors are polite.

I don’t know where the seniors practice..."

He wanted to get close to Ji Tianxing and get close to each other.

Unexpectedly, Ji Tianxing was not interested, and asked straightforwardly: "There is a vein in the bottom of this island, what kind of vein is it?"

"Huh?" Xu Chaohai was taken aback for a moment, then scratched his head in embarrassment.

At this moment, he suddenly understood a lot of things.

It turned out that this senior Tianlong didn't even know him, and didn't care about the survival of Chaohai Sect.

In contrast, the mineral veins under the islands are what he is more interested in.

Xu Chaohai changed his mind to think, this is also human nature, it is a matter of course.

After all, Chaohaizong didn't know the Heavenly Dragon God King at all, let alone have any friendship.

For no reason, why did people save Chao Haizong?

After thinking about this, Xu Chaohai quickly replied: "Senior is so insightful and admirable.

You are right, there is indeed a vein growing under this island.

And it is a very precious, very rare meteorite vein! "

"Meteor vein?" Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows and showed an interesting smile.

"This kind of high-class goods, if the Chaohai Sect can eat it, it will become soaring.

It's no wonder that the Sea Rock Empire will send sea masters and sea beasts to siege you.

By the way, can there be crystal nuclei in the meteorite vein? "

Xu Chaohai hesitated, waved his hand to signal the guardian and the great elder to retreat and let them lead the disciples to clean the battlefield.

Afterwards, he welcomed Ji Tianxing into the divine ship and entered a secret room for detailed discussion.

"Senior Tianlong, please allow the younger generation to tell you what happened."

Xu Chaohai put his posture very low, but was not in a hurry to answer Ji Tianxing's question.

Ji Tianxing guessed his thoughts, mostly about how difficult the Chaohai Sect is, how much this vein is needed, and so on.

However, he did not refuse, nodded and said: "Okay, you can talk about it."

Xu Chaohai was obviously relieved, and quickly said: "Half a month ago, the two elders of this sect passed by here and accidentally discovered this remote island for thousands of years. There is a vein hidden in the ground, and the power is very powerful. It should be High-grade mineral veins.

One of the elders stayed here, and the other returned to the sect to report the situation.

The younger Chaohai Sect has only been in a corner for thousands of years, struggling to survive.

The emergence of this vein made the younger generation's heart surging with excitement, and I had to get it no matter what.

As a result, the younger generation mobilized all the elites of the Chaohai Sect and almost came out...

We occupied this island and set up a large seal formation.

The juniors, guardians, and elders went into the ground to study carefully and discovered that it was a meteorite vein.

According to the younger generation, there must be star nuclei in that vein.

Moreover, it is not an ordinary planetary nucleus, it is most likely the nucleus of a star! "

Hearing this, Ji Tianxing couldn't help nodding and smiled.

"Even an ordinary stellar crystal nucleus is enough to refine a king-level middle-grade artifact.

If it is the nucleus of the earth evil and the sky gang level, it can refine the king-level high-grade and supreme artifacts.

Coupled with the entire vein, such abundant resources are enough to allow the Chaohaizong to develop rapidly. "

Xu Chaohai showed a bitter smile and shook his head lightly, saying, "Senior Tianlong doesn't know that the stellar crystal nucleus is rare, but Chao Haizong is not qualified to enjoy it.

As long as the mineral vein can be obtained, the younger generation will be satisfied. "

Ji Tianxing frowned and asked, "The star nucleus, are you going to pay tribute to the Haiyan Empire?"

"Of course not!" Xu Chaohai waved his hand quickly and said angrily: "The Sea Clan is cruel and domineering. The younger generation hates them so much, how can they pay tribute to them?

The younger generation intends to tribute the meteorite crystal nucleus to the reincarnation island owner, the unparalleled Nether God Emperor.

Only in this way can Chaohaizong be able to exchange for a few places to enter the temple of good fortune, and establish relations with Samsara Island.

If there is Samsara Island as a backer, the Sea Clan will definitely not dare to oppress us! "

"A tribute to the Nether God Emperor? In exchange for a place to enter the God of Good Fortune?" Ji Tianxing frowned ~www.ltnovel.com~ and revealed a look of doubt.

Seeing his reaction like this, Xu Chaohai was taken aback and asked quickly: "Senior Tianlong, you are not from Samsara Island, right?"

"Yeah." Ji Tianxing replied and asked, "Are there any twists and turns in it?"

Xu Chaohai suddenly realized, "No wonder you don't know about this! It's like this, the younger generation has heard a legend about the Shrine of Good Fortune.

It is said that a thousand years ago, when the Nether God Emperor had achieved great success and unified the island of reincarnation, he accidentally found a supreme **** orb in the forbidden area of ​​reincarnation island.

That **** orb has the miraculous effect of nurturing all things and creating good fortune. It can not only awaken the wisdom of plants and beasts, but also enhance the talents of gods.

However, the Netherworld Divine Emperor had already surpassed the Divine King Realm, and could not use the Divine Orb.

Therefore, he built a temple of good fortune, put the **** beads in it, for the soldiers and geniuses under his command to improve their strength. "

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