Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3535: Act ahead

() Dealing with the four guards, Ji Tianxing stayed in the secret room to meditate.

He remembered that before entering the Temple of Good Fortune, there was one most important thing he had not done.

So he changed back to his original appearance, entered the twisted time and space of the **** tower, and found Yun Yao who was still practicing in retreat.

The blood flame tree is still growing, and the height is close to 20,000 feet.

The surging divine power released by the sacred tree is more surging than before.

Everyone has benefited a lot from cultivating under the sacred tree and progressed rapidly.

Only Yun Yao still stopped at the peak of the gods, unable to break through the **** king realm.

Even if she has worked hard for so many years, she has only continued to raise the limit of the gods and strengthened more than thirty times the strength.

Ji Tianxing awakened Yun Yao with his spiritual thoughts and asked her about her situation.

Yun Yao's expression was a little sad, and she shook her head.

"Now I have risen to the limit of the gods, thirty-nine times the peak of ordinary gods.

It must be due to the lack of God Orbs, and there is no sign of breakthrough so far.

The God Realm is vast and vast. Even if the God Orb is left in the God Realm, I am afraid it will be difficult to find, like finding a needle in a haystack..."

Ji Tianxing showed a slight smile and said with comfort: "Don't be discouraged, the seventh divine bead and extraordinary thing, it is a rare treasure of the Supreme God King level.

No matter where it goes, it will definitely trigger a vision of heaven and earth and show extraordinary things.

By the way, I am now in the secluded capital of Samsara Island.

I had previously inquired that the Nether God Emperor got a supreme **** orb in a secret place on Samsara Island thousands of years ago.

That divine pearl is full of good fortune divine light..."

Ji Tianxing told Yun Yao about the divine beads and the **** of good fortune.

After Yun Yao listened, her dim eyes suddenly became more radiant, and she asked with some expectation, "The God of Good Fortune? That divine bead contains the light of good fortune?

Tian Xing, do you want to enter the Palace of Good Fortune and see if that **** orb is what I need? "

"Well, I do have this plan." Ji Tianxing nodded and said, "So I inquired about the news in Youdu, and took away a dude who could enter the palace."

Yun Yao frowned and murmured, "The six divine orbs I have merged before are Canghai, Stars, Longevity, Earth Spirit, Wind and Fire, and Light.

This almost includes most of the divine power attributes, only a few are left, including darkness, good fortune, and reincarnation..."

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly, and analyzed: "Yaoguang is an ancient goddess, and also the sacred and glorious mother of the human race.

She will never have the power of darkness, because she represents creation, new life and light.

As for the power of reincarnation, that is not something that the Peak God King can control.

Only by surpassing the **** king and reaching the realm of the **** emperor can death and reincarnation be broken.

In this way, darkness and reincarnation can be eliminated, and that divine orb of good fortune is very likely to be related to you. "

Yun Yao's eyes became bright, and she said in anticipation: "There is a mysterious feeling between me and the God Orb. As long as it is within a certain range, I can sense the existence of the God Orb.

Are you in Youdu now?

Then I feel it personally, and then I can judge whether the **** orb in the **** of good fortune is what I need.

If it is, we will try to win it.

If not, there is no need for you to take risks. "

"Well, this is exactly what I am looking for you." Ji Tianxing nodded and smiled.

Later, he took Yun Yao out of the twisted time and space and appeared in the secret room.

Yunyao sat cross-legged on the soft couch, closed her eyes and exercised her skills, and soon entered a state of no distraction.

Her consciousness is ethereal, as if drifting between heaven and earth, extending out infinitely.

The God of Good Fortune is in Youdu, and the Qiansong Courtyard is in the south of Youdu. The distance between the two should not exceed eight hundred miles.

Yun Yao should be able to sense it at such a close distance.

However, Yun Yao tried to sense the Hundred Breath of Time, but still did not respond.

Ji Tianxing was anxious and worried, but he didn't bother and waited patiently for the result.

Next, Yun Yao seemed to sense something, and suddenly frowned, showing a complicated expression.

Ji Tianxing wanted to ask, but when she saw her concentration, her consciousness seemed to be searching and groping, so she held back.

It wasn't until half an hour later that Yunyao's forehead was sweaty, and then she ended her luck and recovered her mind from wandering around the sky.


She breathed a sigh of relief, frowning thinking.

Ji Tianxing then asked, "How? Have you ever sensed the breath of God Orb?"

Yun Yao nodded, but shook her head again, and said bitterly: "I have searched for thousands of miles, but I haven't sensed the breath of God Orb.

When my consciousness spread 30,000 miles, it had reached its limit.

Strangely, I vaguely sensed the breath of the **** beads.

However, I cannot determine its direction, nor can I get closer. "

Ordinary peak gods, divine consciousness shrouded within thousands of miles.

Yunyao is special, and the scope of her consciousness and mind can reach 30,000 miles away.

But even so, she could only vaguely sense the breath of the **** pearl.

"The God Pearl is clearly in the Great Fortune Shrine, and the Great Fortune Shrine is in Youdu City.

Your mind feels, but you detect that the pearl is 30,000 miles away?

This shouldn't be! "

Ji Tianxing frowned, puzzled.

Yun Yao thought for a while and asked, "Tianxing, are you sure that the **** of good fortune is in the city? Have you ever seen it with your own eyes?

Is it possible that the Shrine of Good Fortune is actually outside the city, somewhere hidden? "

Ji Tianxing shook his head and said: "The news I have heard from various parties proves that the Palace of Good Fortune is indeed in the city.

Tomorrow, as Yuwenji, I will enter the Shrine of Good Fortune and receive the baptism of divine light.

But the entrance to the palace is in the palace of the gods in the city. "

"It's weird, how could this be?" Yun Yao was also confused.

Ji Tianxing frowned and analyzed: "Isn't that divine bead in the **** of good fortune?

Or is there another mystery in the God of Good Fortune? "

Seeing that he was so persistent and eager to solve the mystery, Yun Yao quickly reassured him: "Forget the sky, don't worry about the position of the gods.

Anyway, I can sense that God Orb is indeed what I need.

You only need to wait until tomorrow ~www.ltnovel.com~ to enter the Temple of Good Fortune to receive the baptism, and then wait for the opportunity to grab the orb. "

After she finished speaking, she paused for a while, and then solemnly warned: "There will be many people entering the Temple of Good Fortune tomorrow, and they are basically masters.

That shrine is in the nest of the Nether God Emperor, and there must be a large number of strong gods guarding it.

I'm very worried about your single-handed actions. You must proceed with caution.

How about you bring Yanke and Chaoqingyu and let them assist you? "

Ji Tianxing waved his hand and said in a low tone: "Bringing them makes it difficult to move. I am more flexible by myself.

Moreover, I don't want to wait until tomorrow to enter the temple of good fortune with others.

I will act tonight, and I must find out the specific location of the **** of good fortune in advance!

This matter is about your destiny, I must be cautious and go all out. "

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