Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3632: Ancient times

"call out!"

The Sky Burial Sword cut through the sky like a jet of black lightning, so fast that it was not visible.

It maintains a high degree of vigilance, and while guarding its surroundings, it stares at the sky ahead of thousands of miles.

"Below is the border of the clear sky, crossing this majestic mountain range, you can leave the clear sky and enter the Ganyang region.

The four **** kings just now were not the powerhouses of the gluttonous clan, they should be the helpers invited by Tao Yongsheng. "

In the sword world, Ji Tianxing, who was awakened by the funeral sky, was standing in the sky and muttering to himself.

With the perspective of Funeral Sky, he looked at the world beyond the sword and analyzed the current situation.

"Unexpectedly, Tao Yongsheng is so cruel and must rush to kill him.

Since he has hired a helper, I am afraid that it is not only in the clear sky domain, but also in the Ganyang domain, right? "

Ji Tianxing could have imagined without guessing that the gluttonous tribe has been entrenched in the clear sky for tens of thousands of years, and the surrounding areas must have been infiltrated by the gluttonous tribe.

Not to mention that the surrounding areas are controlled by the gluttonous tribe, at least the influence of the gluttonous tribe is lurking.

Even the domain owners of several domains and other top forces must sell the face of the gluttonous clan.

Thinking of this, Ji Tianxing was 70% to 80% sure, and concluded that the Ganyang Domain ahead might also be ambush.

However, he thought of a very important question.

"I already got rid of Tao Yongsheng and the high priest, right now they are thousands of miles away?

Moreover, I didn't drive the way personally, nor did I leave a breath of power in the heavens and the earth.

What method did he use to detect that I fled in this direction, and can accurately calculate the time when I fled to the border? "

Ji Tianxing frowned and thought, vaguely thinking that this was a big problem.

If it is not resolved as soon as possible, it will be difficult for him to get rid of the chase of the gluttonous clan.

It's a pity that in his previous life, he paid the most attention to kendo cultivation, followed by formation, and then alchemy and refining tools.

As for the way of tracking and deduction, he rarely dabbles, can only be regarded as an introduction, not proficient enough.

He deeply suspected that Tao Yongsheng might have mastered a certain way of tracking and deduction before he could calculate the direction and progress of his escape.

Otherwise, this matter is difficult to explain.

He decided to ask Bai Feng for advice after the incident passed.

After all, Bai Feng also mastered similar magical secrets, proficient in tracking and deduction.

In the Haotian Continent of the God Realm, those divine envoys used Bai Feng to accurately find his position and sent heavy troops to intercept and kill him.

And now Tao Yongsheng is similar to it, and there must be similarities.

Just as Ji Tianxing pondered it to himself, Tian Tianjian had crossed the lofty mountains and left the clear sky.

The sky in front is still vast and blue.

But the earth has changed.

In the north of the lofty mountains, there is an endless dark green grassland, covered with weeds that are more than ten feet high.

The gentle south wind whizzed past, and the green grass all leaned over and waved in layers of blue waves.

Starting from this grassland, it is the territory of Ganyang Region.

And a bigger crisis also appeared at this time.

Over the end of the grassland, more than a dozen colorful divine lights lit up, all of them shot straight into the sky.


In the blink of an eye, there were eighteen divine lights rushing to the sky above the top of the sea of ​​clouds.

Those were 18 murderous demon gods wearing scarlet armor.

Their faces are like jackals, their bodies are like tigers and leopards, but they have wide wings behind them.

That is obviously not a gluttonous clan!

When they flew over the sea of ​​clouds, they quickly dispersed, forming a curved line of defense on the sky.

The eighteen high-ranking gods all clenched knives, spears, swords, halberds and other gods, and stared attentively and dignifiedly at the oncoming pitch-black sword.

The distance between the two sides keeps getting closer.

Ten thousand miles, nine thousand miles, eight thousand miles, seven thousand miles...

Ji Tianxing also carefully observed the eighteen blood armor gods from the perspective of Tiantianjian.

After looking around for a few times, he suddenly frowned and suddenly realized.

"It's a poor stranger!

Looking at their costumes, is it the elite of the Qiongqi Clan Blood Killing Hall? "

Thousands of years ago, Ji Tianxing had dealt with the Qiongqi tribe when he was in the dragon world.

Of course, it is not too pleasant.

The Qiongqi tribe and the gluttonous tribe are both vicious generations among the seven nobles of the demon tribe, and their reputations are outside.

Regardless of character or style, they are inferior to the other five.

After all, these two races are also different in the Yaozu orthodoxy.

Strictly speaking, they are most appropriate to be called fierce beasts.

Before the ancient times, when dragons, phoenixes, and unicorns opened up the dragon world, Qiongqi and Glutton were big beasts that caused misfortune, and countless monsters shunned them.

One likes to kill and plunder, the other is keen on devouring creatures and plundering resources.

Therefore, the two clans of Qiongqi and Taotie are so fierce and powerful that no demon clan dares to provoke them.

Fortunately, the three tribes of dragon, phoenix, and unicorn are all innate gods, and the strong are like clouds.

The powerful people of the dragon and phoenix tribes took action and killed countless giants of the poor and gluttonous tribes. This suppressed the arrogant arrogance of the two tribes and made the dragon world clap their hands and applaud.

Later, the chaotic era ended, the dragon world established order and rules, and all races began to live in peace.

The two tribes of Qiongqi and Taotie are deeply hated, feared and excluded by other monster races, and they can't mix in the dragon world anymore.

As a result, the ancestors of the two races saw the wind at the rudder and went to hold the thigh of the dragon.

In the process of the dragon clan calming the world and conquering the tens of thousands of demon clan, the two clans of Qiongqi and Gourmet also made a lot of credit.

In order to appease the two clans, the dragons classified them into the seven noble clans of the demon clan and were able to continue to thrive in the dragon world.

However, the descendants of the Qiongqi and Lutie tribes are still smart, and for the following tens of thousands of years, they have been in good order and dared not mess up the world again.

Even if it is a crime, it is a small fight in a small area, and it never dared to alarm several dragon emperors.

At the same time, they are also quite cautious, covering their covers, wiping their buttocks, and concealing news, etc., which have also made them perfect.

These are all ancient strange talks, and he had heard of them at that time.

Therefore, he has a poor perception of the two tribes of Qiongqi and Gourmet.

One more thing.

These two tribes are not only brothers and sisters, but also secretly formed an alliance to advance and retreat together.

The Star Devouring Cave Sky occupied by the gluttonous tribe is within the clear sky.

By coincidence, the Dongtianfudi occupied by the Qiongqi tribe is in the Ganyang area next door.

Although there are occasional small frictions between the two groups ~www.ltnovel.com~.

But most of the time, especially when doing bad things, they are still very united.

"Damn it! I even ignored this... I should have thought that the Qiongqi Clan is in the Ganyang Domain!"

Ji Tianxing frowned, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and his expression was a bit solemn.

Of course, he has to leave the clear sky and go to the Jinpeng Clan’s Nine Profound Cave Sky, Ganyang Region is the only place he must pass.

No way, who would let Jiuxuandongtian be on the northwestern edge of Xingyuan Continent, next to the endless divine sea.

He can't always go around two or three domains in order to avoid the Qiongqi tribe, right?

Now that it’s done, everything is useless.

He just wanted to find out, besides the eighteen elites of the Blood Killing Hall, which powerhouses the Qiongqi Clan had sent?

Wonderful book house

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