Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3647: Poisonous

Although, the right guardian left a king-level high-grade artifact for the elites of the Blood Kill Hall to save their lives.

It was a simple and old ten thousand demon banner, releasing a strong **** light, forming a light shield to protect everyone.

But the Ten Thousand Demon Banner needs divine power to urge it to exert its powerful power.

Twenty elites of the Blood Killing Hall were hiding in the blood-colored light mask, with no distractions, trying their best to urge the Ten Thousand Demon Banner to maintain the blood-light shield.

But unfortunately, their strength is too low.

The blood-light shield was constantly bombarded by ten thousand swords, and it was full of cracks in the blink of an eye. The blood-light flashed and was on the verge of breaking.

The elites of the Blood Killing Hall were pale in fright, and desperately released their supernatural powers, manipulating the Ten Thousand Demon Banner, trying to repair the cracks in the blood light shield.

But it is a pity that the Ten Thousand Demon Banners are the natal artifacts of the Right Guardian, and they rarely touch and use them on weekdays.

They only understand the basic manipulation formulas of the Ten Thousand Demon Flags, and they can neither exert the power of the Ten Thousand Demon Flags nor perform esoteric and high-end operations.

As a result, they soon became tragic.



When the overwhelming sword rain struck again, the blood-light shield covered with cracks could no longer support it, and it was shattered on the spot and fell apart.

Countless blood-red divine light fragments splashed in all directions.

Twenty elite blood killers were also overwhelmed by the sword rain, uttering heartbreaking, painful and desperate howls.


Almost every elite of the Blood Killing Hall will be hit by dozens of giant swords.

Their **** bodies were blasted into slag, and their godheads were also shattered into dregs, and they were truly wiped out in ashes.

In an instant, the twenty elite blood killers died cleanly, and none were spared.

Their screams still echoed in the sky, but were soon drowned out by the deafening explosion.

High above the sky, the four strongest of the nine levels of the Divine King Realm broke through numerous obstacles, defeated dozens of sword light vortices and storms, and finally surrounded Ji Tianxing.

Although Ji Tianxing rushed from left to right, fled at extreme speed, and even used teleporting magical powers.

But his strength was a little weak, and it seemed that some of his strength was weak, and he was soon caught in a siege.

Xueshang, Right Guardian, Tao Yongsheng, and High Priest stood in four positions, staring at him with fierce eyes and grinning cruelly.

"I have already said that all **** sword formations are flashy things.

In the face of absolutely powerful strength, these are all jokes! "

Xueshang sneered with a hideous face, his hands restored the original shape of Qiongqi sharp claws, shining with a cold cold light.

Tao Yongsheng also grinned and sneered, and said in a joking tone: "Long Tian, ​​you really are seriously injured and weak.

Don’t you have a few guards by your side? Why don't you call them to protect you?

This is your last chance. If you don't let them show up, you will die! "

In fact, he didn't see Bai Feng, Chao Qingyu, Yan Ke and Peng Fei, and he was a little worried.

He knew that these guards must be in Ji Tianxing's portable artifact.

If Ji Tianxing was killed in this way, his corpse, godhead, and artifact equipment would all go to blood.

He can't get any benefits.

He had negotiated with Xueshang before, except for Ji Tianxing's body, godhead and equipment, everyone else belonged to him.

In that case, he can at least get the blood of the Feng clan and the Jinpeng clan to comfort him.

Surrounded by the four, Ji Tianxing was obviously weak and a little weak, but he pretended to be calm.

"For you, this king is enough to have this sword formation, there is no need for guards at all!"

After speaking, he waved the Heaven Burial Sword, cut out the dazzling sword light all over the sky, and killed the weakest high priest in order to break through.

The high priest was regarded as a breakthrough, and his heart was quite angry.

Originally, he would avoid his edge and cast a spell to stop Ji Tianxing.

For the sake of dignity and face, he even chose to resist and refuse to yield.

"Undefeated Blood Cut!"

The high priest shouted angrily and waved the **** magic sword with both hands, splashing the shadow of the sword in the sky, and attacked.

"Boom bang bang!"

The **** sword light collided with the sky full of sword light, and there was a loud and deafening noise.

Suddenly, the sword light and the sword light collapsed at the same time, exploding the sky divine light fragments.

The violent and unparalleled impact, and dozens of star giant swords that took the opportunity to strike, flew the high priest fiercely.


The person was still flying upside down in mid-air, his face was distorted, and a blood arrow spouted from his mouth.

Although the injury of the high priest was not serious, it did not affect the continued fighting.

But he was knocked into the air, and Ji Tianxing took the opportunity to rush out of the encirclement and wanted to escape from the Zhutian Sword Formation.

This sword formation was arranged by him, and he could go in and out at will, but Xue Shang and Tao Yongsheng could not.

Once he leaves Zhutian Sword Formation, everyone wants to chase him, they must cast a spell to break the sword formation.

In that case, it would be an hour later to say less, so where can I find him?

Xueshang, Tao Yongsheng, and Right Guardian all had this idea in their minds at the same time, and they were suddenly anxious.

"Quickly stop him, never let him escape!"

"Don't let him escape the sword formation, otherwise it will be difficult for us to catch up with him again!"

"Don't keep your hands anymore, don't capsize in the gutter!"

The three of them roared at the same time, and they all broke out at the fastest speed, using unique tricks, and attacking Ji Tianxing at the same time.

"Tianyang Desperate Sword!"

"Blood Sea Millions Slaughter!"

"Nine Heavens Xuan Ming Luo Tian Strike!"

With the anger of the three of them, three powerful magic tricks, shining more dazzling divine light than the scorching sun, flooded Ji Tianxing's figure.

"Boom bang bang!"


Amidst the sky, sword, shadow, and blood, Ji Tianxing was hit by three magic tricks, and he was shattered on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, the armor he was wearing was shattered, and countless pieces of debris fell.

Then, his body exploded and turned into scorched slag, splashing around.

The pitch-black **** mixed with the sky's divine light and air waves, and quickly swept across thousands of miles, filling the entire Zhutian Sword Formation.

In the blink of an eye, Gao Tianshang regained clarity.

Xueshang, Tao Yongsheng, the high priest, and the right guardian all stared at the sky in amazement ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ everyone in front of them was empty, and Ji Tianxing no longer existed.

The expressions of the four are quite complicated, and they are all a little surprised and stunned.

"This... is this over? He was killed like this?"

"No! Even if he is seriously injured and his strength is greatly reduced, he will not be so weak, right?"

"Don't think too much, everyone, although he killed several high-ranking **** kings before, he is not the peak **** king, and he was seriously injured.

We are all the **** kings of the Nine Layers of Realm, and it is only natural for us to join forces to kill him. "

After listening to the right guardian's analysis, everyone felt that there was some truth.

But Xueshang came back to his senses, he was full of anger, and roared with a black face: "Asshole! Tao Yongsheng! You despicable villain!

You smashed him into dregs and thwarted his bones and ashes. Where can I find the dragon bloodline? "

"Uh..." Tao Yongsheng's face became stiff, and he was about to explain.

Suddenly, both the high priest and the right guardian stiffened, and they opened their mouths and spewed a big mouthful of blood without warning.

The two seemed to understand something, and their eyes widened suddenly, revealing a deep look of horror.

"No! This Long Tian is... fake!"

"There is fraud in this, and we are hit again!"

The two screamed at the same time, their bodies began to tremble, their complexion turned pale, and big beads of sweat appeared on their foreheads.

Seeing the two of them reacting like this, Xue Shang and Tao Yongsheng were full of vigilance and quickly asked: "What's the matter? What's the matter with you two..."

Without waiting for the high priest and right guardian to answer, Xue Shang also trembled, and suddenly his eyes went dark.

He only felt that the divine power in his body was violent and violent, the blood was almost burning, and his consciousness became blurred.


He shouted subconsciously.


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