Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3666: Fox Xinyue

The gossip circulated in various regions in the northwest and attracted much attention.

I don't know how many powers and strong gods are waiting eagerly, looking forward to the scene where the strong of the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance will fight against Long Tian.

And these, Ji Tianxing, who counts the spoils in the twisted time and space, and refines the fragments of the godhead, doesn't know yet.

He just felt a little strange, since he killed the last wave of killers, no one has taken any more to kill him for a whole day.

He was accustomed to fighting fiercely every few hours, suddenly quiet and smooth all day, he was a little uncomfortable.

the most important is.

For the whole day in the past, he has been practicing in retreat for fifty days in twisted time and space!

In these fifty days, he refined twelve pieces of the godhead, his strength continued to grow, and the number of the laws of the gods he mastered increased again.

His strength has increased by a few percent compared to before.

"My route has not changed, and my whereabouts have been exposed to all forces.

But suddenly, no one came to intercept and kill me. "

Ji Tianxing temporarily stopped practicing and sat cross-legged under the blood flame **** tree, lost in thought.

"It seems that I killed so many forces before and successfully deterred other forces.

Most people are terrified and dare not stop and kill me again.

Of course, there is also another possibility... the real powerhouse is about to shoot! "

The current situation is basically in line with Ji Tianxing's expectations.

He could also guess that the person who intercepted and killed him next was mostly a strong man in the Ten Thousand Demon League.

However, he did not have the slightest fear or worry.

With his current strength, even if he encounters the powerful **** king of the Ninth Stage, he has the power to fight.

Even if the pinnacle **** king takes the shot, as long as he is not ambushing heavily and besieging the strong, he has the ability to protect himself even if he can't defeat it.

"Within a day at most, people from the Ten Thousand Demons League should appear."

Having reached this conclusion, he stopped thinking about it, and continued to refine the fragments of the godhead.


The green snowy land is back to the Yanshan Mountains.

It's midwinter, goose feathers are flying in heavy snow, and the sky is enveloped by boundless lead clouds.

The cold wind roared between the sky and the earth, and the north wind was as sharp as a knife, dripping into ice.

The Heaven Burial Sword passed through the vast sea of ​​clouds and was about to fly over the Guiyan Mountain Range.

But at this moment, Funeral Tian suddenly detected that a few strong monsters stood in the sky 30,000 miles ahead.

The person in the lead is a charming and charming fox woman.

She is about seven feet tall and slim, wearing a long silver palace dress, and wearing a complicated, exquisite and luxurious crown and headdress.

A snow-white furry animal skin cloak draped over his shoulders, exuding mysterious and restrained divine power fluctuations.

Although this fox woman looks delicate and weak, she is extremely majestic.

Behind him, the five powerful monsters with different appearances were all standing in a row, looking quite regular and respectful.

These five monster races with weird dresses are male and female, but they are all powerful gods.

Among them, there are three high-ranking **** kings in the seventh stage, and two middle-ranking **** kings in the sixth stage.

As for the fox female headed, her strength has reached the pinnacle of the Eightfold Realm.

These six powerful **** kings, placed anywhere on the Star Source Continent, must be one of the overlords and prestigious existences.

At this moment, they stood quietly in the sky, staring coldly at the front, watching the inky black divine sword that was flying towards them.

After Funeral Tian observed the six powerful **** kings, he hesitated and slowed down the flight speed.

It secretly explores all directions, searching for anomalies between heaven and earth, to see if there are traps and ambushes.

There is no way, the other party has a bad intention, obviously making an ambush and arrangement in advance.

No matter how strong Ji Tianxing is, he must deal with it cautiously.

As the saying goes, open guns are easy to hide, and hidden arrows are hard to guard.


When the six gods were still 20,000 miles away, the funeral stopped simply.

Although, it did not find any formations and ambushes around the six gods.

But it couldn't be careless, stopped in the sky to confront the **** kings, and awakened Ji Tianxing through a sound transmission.

"The person you are looking for is here."

Ji Tianxing, who was cultivating in the warped time and space, quickly stopped practicing and left the warped time and space.


In the next instant, he appeared in the sky, holding the Heaven Burying Sword, looking at the sky ahead.

Seeing the appearance of the six divine kings, and the strength of the opponent, he also knew clearly.

As a result, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, holding the Sky Burial Sword instead, turning and flying towards the east.

Twenty thousand miles away, six monster kings were staring at him.

Suddenly seeing him change direction and take a detour, everyone frowned, showing contempt.

"Huh! This kid is self-aware, and he knows to avoid the edge for now and take a detour."

"It is rumored that he is very arrogant and arrogant. When I saw it today, arrogance is not necessarily true, but vigilance and cunning are true!"

"The great elder personally took action, plus us, it is easy to kill him head-on, so why set up traps and ambush?

This guy is really a villain, saving the belly of a gentleman. "

Several **** kings all talked, and they did not hide their contempt in their words.

However, the head of the fox woman remained unchanged, and solemnly ordered: "Stop him!"

When the voice fell, she took the five **** kings and powerful people, chasing Ji Tianxing quickly.

However, before leaving, she glanced at a cloud of lead behind her.

After she and the five **** kings left, an indistinct phantom flew out of the seemingly normal lead cloud.


The phantom also flashed across the sky quickly, chasing in the direction where Ji Tianxing escaped.

Before long, in the sea of ​​clouds tens of thousands of miles away, many figures of the demon kings appeared, flying towards the east one after another.


Ji Tianxing did not escape.

Just flew east for a hundred thousand miles, and stopped in the sky above Guiyan Mountain.

Standing proudly in the sky, he watched everyone chasing after him in his spare time, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

In the blink of an eye, the fox woman and the five **** kings chased them and stopped a hundred miles away from him.

The two sides confronted each other in the sky, both eyes were cold.

And that seemingly phantom also quietly came nearby and hid in a cloud of lead.

In the sea of ​​clouds in all directions ~www.ltnovel.com~ and three groups of monster kings, all kept 50,000 miles away, hiding in the sea of ​​clouds and watching the changes.

The fox woman looked at Ji Tianxing, and asked calmly, "Are you Long Tian?"

Ji Tianxing raised his brows and said, "Yes, it's this king!

Are you from the Ten Thousand Demons League?

Tell me about my identity. "

The fox girl frowned slightly, and said indifferently, "Is it necessary?"

Ji Tianxing sneered at the corner of his mouth and said, "You have been waiting for this king for a long time, but I know that this king is actually waiting for you.

If your status is not high, this king will not talk nonsense with you. "

The fox woman immediately understood what he meant, and asked, "This seat is the elder of the Ten Thousand Demons League, Fox Xinyue.

You are looking for us, do you have anything to say to me? "

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