Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3669: Decisive moment

Fox Xinyue and many **** kings are concentrating on searching for the trace of Ji Tian.

Unpretentiously, Ji Tianxing appeared suddenly.

He unexpectedly showed up and attacked Tao Yongsheng, the strongest and hardest to assassinate the Ninth Stage God King among the crowd!

This was completely beyond everyone's expectations and caught everyone off guard.

Especially those two who are the weakest in strength, who are only the inspectors of the middle **** king, secretly relieved.

According to habitual thinking, everyone knows that Ji Tianxing has only two options for hiding.

Either take the opportunity to escape, or wait for the opportunity to attack and assassinate.

If you make an assassination, you must kill the weakest person first to reduce the number of opponents and effectively reduce the threat.

The two inspectors understood this truth, Hu Xinyue and the three heavenly kings understood, and Tao Yongsheng also understood.

Therefore, as everyone searched, Hu Xinyue and the three heavenly kings secretly followed the two monitors to prevent Ji Tianxing from making a sneak attack.

As for Tao Yongsheng, he was ignored by everyone.

But the facts are just the opposite of what everyone expected. Ji Tianxing picked Tao Yongsheng's hardest bone.

However, when everyone thought about it, this seemed reasonable.

After all, the person who issued the reward order was Tao Yongsheng, and Ji Tianxing had blood and blood feuds with him, but he had never lived with the six powerhouses of the Ten Thousand Demons League.

When Fox Xinyue and the five gods heard Tao Yongsheng’s screams, they flew towards him, and they saw the tragic scene of Tao Yongsheng being severely injured.

Even if the Primordial Chaos Clock blocked nearly half of the attack, he still had several swords in his body and his robe was stained with blood.

Not to mention the sword wound on his body, his **** left eye was shocking and terrifying.


Tao Yongsheng pinched Fa Jue with his left hand, manipulating the Primordial Chaos Clock, urging his defense to the extreme.

His right-handed martial artist's **** left eye made a heartbreaking cry, and his whole body was trembling.

The power of the Potian Finger not only penetrated his left eye, but also shook his sea of ​​consciousness, making him dizzy and confused.

Even his godhead was greatly affected, and his **** power aura was very disordered.

More importantly, he had been poisoned by Ji Tianxing's Soul Removal from the Heavenly Evil, and he has not had time to remove the poison.

Although, he has been using his profound skill to suppress the poison and will not break out.

But at this moment, after he was severely injured, his divine power was disordered, and the poison took the opportunity to explode and spread all over his body.

In this way, the strength of the Ninth Layer of the Divine King Realm was greatly compromised, directly weakening nearly half!

"Longtian! You despicable beast, you must die!"

Tao Yongsheng hid in the protective cover of the Primal Chaos Clock, glaring at Ji Tianxing who was thousands of feet away, cursing bitterly.

Ji Tianxing said blankly: "You are the one who can't die."

Tao Yongsheng sneered with disdain: "Want to kill this seat? You dream!

With the Primal Chaos Clock in hand, this seat is invincible!

Twenty days ago, at the battle of Yongyang Lake, you could not kill this seat.

Today too! "

Although he had been seriously injured, his life was saved and he would slowly heal his injuries later.

However, the corner of Ji Tianxing's mouth evoked a joking sneer, and said: "Can't kill you? Haha...Let's look behind you."

Hearing these words, Tao Yongsheng suddenly felt his heart, and subconsciously turned his head and looked behind him.

I saw that behind him, there were five identical Ji Tianxing in the blood-colored mask!

Four of them are clones, and the other is actually his ontology!

Obviously, just now, he took advantage of the gap where Tao Yongsheng sacrificed the Primordial Chaos Clock, and quietly broke into the shield.

"This is impossible!!"

Tao Yongsheng's complexion changed drastically, his eyes widened in amazement, and he let out a roar.

At the same time, Ji Tianxing and the four clones simultaneously swung their swords and used unique tricks to attack Tao Yongsheng.

"The Blade of Time and Space!"

"Daylight sword!"

"The sword breaks nine days!"

"Sword of Destruction!"

"Breaking the sky!"

It was also a variety of supernatural skills, carrying more than three hundred kinds of laws and supernatural powers, transforming the dazzling light and shadow, and instantly drowned Tao Yongsheng.

Before Tao Yongsheng had the Primal Chaos Clock, he was naturally safe to resist all kinds of magical moves.

But now, he and Ji Tianxing are both in the light shield of the Primal Chaos Clock.

The Primordial Chaos Clock could not resist the attack for him, so it could not exert its power.

He could only urge the divine clock with all his strength, unleash terrifying power, and severely suppress Ji Tianxing and the Sidao clone.

This action was really effective. The Primordial Chaos Clock released the mighty power of the primordial chaos, tilted down overwhelmingly, and severely suppressed Ji Tianxing and his clone.

Even their supernatural skills trembles, their speed becomes slow, and their power is weakened a bit.

But it only weakened the power, and could not resolve the attacks of Ji Tianxing and the clone.

Tao Yongsheng was seriously injured and was in a protective shield with a radius of a thousand feet. He couldn't avoid it. He was immediately hit by the sword light.

"Boom bang bang!"

With a series of muffled noises, Tao Yongsheng was hit by the sky full of sword light, and his body trembled.

Although he avoided the vital point in time, those sword lights and broken fingers still left a few blood holes in him.

The splattered blood dyed his clothes, hair and face red, making him almost a blood man.

His strength was further weakened, and the poison of Heavenly Evil Soul Transferring in his body exploded violently again, causing his blood and divine power to burn.


He ignited a **** fire all over his body, and his divine power vented crazily, and the Qi orifices spewed out the blood of flames, making vague screams in his mouth.

This is definitely the most dangerous and embarrassing moment in his life!

"Shoo! Shoo!"

Ji Tianxing remained silent, and took the opportunity to storm with his four clones.

Although both he and the clone were suppressed by the mighty power of the Primal Chaos Clock, their speed was slow, and their combat effectiveness was greatly reduced.

But in order to kill Tao Yongsheng as soon as possible, he did not hesitate to use his hole cards.

"Tianlong Overlord Body!"

He roared ~www.ltnovel.com~ golden light burst into the sky, and the whole person turned into a dragon.

The golden light flashed, and he became a hundred-foot-tall golden armored giant, covered with dragon scales, and dark golden dragon wings grew behind him.

It's a pity that his body used the Tianlong Overlord Body, and his strength skyrocketed six times, but the four clones remained unchanged.


Ji Tianxing shouted angrily, holding the Heaven Burying Sword in both hands, mobilizing the three hundred and thirty laws and supernatural powers to cut out the strongest sword of destruction!


The hundred-foot-long brilliant golden sword is more dazzling than the scorching sun, and it fell from the sky to Tao Yongsheng.

Layers of law and **** pattern, like invisible water waves, enveloped Tao Yongsheng, sealing him in place, unable to dodge.

In today's battle, in order to punish Tao Yongsheng, this is the third time he has used the power of the world.

After the event, at least hundreds of billions of resources must be added to the Five Elements World to make it back.

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