Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3680: Sins from the sky


Ji Tianxing frowned and murmured these two words silently.

This is the second time he has heard the word.

But the source of this word comes from the mouth of King Luohu.

Ji Tianxing thought for a moment, without clue, he asked: "Snake husband, what is going on with the sinner?

Why does God sin against all races?

As a sinner, what punishment is there? "

God King Luohu shook his head, and said with regret: "The old slave doesn't know why God sinned against all races. Only the sinners were found to be from ancient times.

As for the punishment from the heavens... it is very likely that the blood is withered, and will never be able to break through the peak of the gods. "

His tone was uncertain, and he added: "These are just the clues the old slave has inferred based on the various clues investigated over the past few hundred years, and may not be correct."

Ji Tianxing frowned and murmured: "I can never break through the peak of the gods? That is to say, he can only stop at the peak of the gods, unable to take the last step and master the power of the gods?"

King Luohu nodded.

Ji Tianxing asked again: "The phoenix clan and unicorns are extremely rare and rare in the dragon world, so there is a saying that phoenix feathers are rare.

But the dragons, foxes, Qiongqi, and Taotie are really withered and dwindling? "

God King Luohu nodded earnestly, and said, "Young Master, you also know that the reproduction ability of the Demon Race is second only to the Human Race.

The demon race that has not been condemned by the heavens has been in peace for 30,000 years, has been multiplying and growing, with more and more children.

Only those sinners, no matter what method is used, there will be fewer and fewer children and bloodlines.

For example, the two races of Qiongqi and Taotie, in the ancient times, were vast and traversing the world, and their numbers and strength were straight ahead of the dragon race.

But after ancient times, its number declined to about sixty to seventy thousand.

Twenty thousand years ago, it decayed to about two to thirty thousand.

By ten thousand years, it will drop to the early ten thousand.

But today, the children of the two tribes of Taotie and Qiongqi can barely exceed 10,000.

The situation of the dragons is almost the same, and nowadays blood heirs are becoming rarer..."

Hearing this, Ji Tianxing was silent.

He had never investigated before, nor paid attention to this matter, let alone the existence of sinners.

When he returned to the Dragon Realm in this life, he first came into contact with the Taotie and Qiongqi tribes, and then met Fox Xinyue.

Now, after listening to the analysis of God King Luohu, he suddenly realized, and he said in his heart that it was true.

After all, he knew the most about the number of the two clans, Taotie and Qiongqi.

The poorest Tianhu tribe, including Fox Xinyue and Qianyue, only had five left.

According to this situation, maybe after ten thousand years, the Tianhu tribe will completely disappear.

"It seems that the sinners and the sins from heaven really exist!" After a long time, Ji Tianxing said this sentence leisurely.

He thought of one thing, and then asked God King Luohu: "Is there anyone in the Dragon Realm today who has broken through the peak of God's way and reached a higher realm?"

God King Luohu thought about it for a long time before shook his head and said, "There are about a dozen Peak God Kings from all over the world, but none of them has broken through to a higher realm.

Even if the three dragon emperors and the golden source dragon emperor had been practicing in retreat and trying their best to improve their strength, they still couldn't take the last step. "

Ji Tianxing said calmly: "But in the God Realm, there are already five Peak God Kings, and they have all taken the last step."

"What?" God King Luohu was shocked, showing an expression of disbelief.

"Can they break through the shackles, reach a higher level, and master the power of heaven?

Young Master, what realm is that? "

Ji Tianxing replied blankly: "Those five guys call themselves **** emperors."

God King Luohu still couldn't hide his shock, and said quietly, "There are five dragon emperors in the dragon world, and there are five divine emperors in the gods. It sounds the same.

But the dragon emperor is just the overlord, the **** emperor is the supreme **** who transcends the world and masters the heavens. "

Ji Tianxing sneered at the corner of his mouth, and said, "Transcendence? That's not necessarily true!

I haven't seen those five **** emperors, and I don't expect the power of heaven to be that easy to master.

Otherwise, they will not enslaved hundreds of millions of creatures, searching and grabbing resources for cultivation every day and night. "

God King Luohu looked at Ji Tianxing earnestly, and said with expectation: "Young Master, it has been more than 1,500 years since you went to the God Realm.

When you left, you had the fourth level of the Divine King Realm, but now you have reached the 9th level of the Divine King Realm.

Your talent and aptitude seem to be even more enchanting than before.

If the old master knew about this, he would be very pleased and proud!

Young Master, can you tell the old slave about the God Realm?

What is the God Realm like?

What interesting things have you experienced in the God Realm over the past thousand years? "

Obviously, God King Luohu only thought that Ji Tianxing was successful in his cultivation in the God Realm, and now he returned in triumph.

He couldn't think of how bizarre things had happened during these thousand and five hundred years.

He was even less likely to know that the young master in front of him had also climbed to the pinnacle of Shinto, but now he is reborn and returned.

Of course, this is Ji Tianxing's greatest secret, and he will not tell God King Luohu for the time being.

Facing the ardent eyes of God King Luohu~www.ltnovel.com~ Ji Tianxing smiled and said: "The God Realm and the Dragon Realm are very similar, but there are many differences.

Over the past thousand years, I have indeed experienced a lot of things.

When I have time, I will tell you more slowly. "

"Okay!" God King Luo Hu quickly nodded and said with a smile: "Young Master, although the old master is gone, since you have returned, the old slave will follow you.

If you want to inherit the throne of the old master, the old slave will assist you and grab the throne from Bei Ming's hands.

If you are unwilling to inherit the throne, the old slave and the Ten Thousand Demons League are your most loyal servants.

No matter what you want to do, the old slave will follow you and go through fire and water, and will do whatever you want! "

Ji Tianxing patted him on the shoulder and smiled: "You old man, you weren't as sensational as you are now, how can you turn your temper now?"

God King Luohu sighed, and said with emotion: "You and the old master were here before, and we have been safe. The old slave has nothing to ask for, so naturally he will not confide in his heart.

But after experiencing these things, the old slave deeply felt the pain of losing his relatives.

Since then, the old slave swears in his heart that he will do everything to protect his relatives.

Now that you are back, the old slave must always give an explanation and express his opinion. "

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly and said, "I don't care if the throne is not the throne.

When I returned to the Dragon Realm this time, there were more important things besides looking for the master. "

"What's the matter?" God King Luohu clasped his fists and said in a sonorous tone: "The young master only needs to give orders, and all the members of the Ten Thousand Demons League are waiting for dispatch."

Ji Tianxing looked out the window, with a trace of worry in his eyes, and said: "As you said just now, the young master will also do his best to protect his relatives.

I went back to the Dragon Realm to find my son, Ji Wuhen. "


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