Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3800: A subtle situation

Within the Xuanji Cave, it was quiet and boring, and time passed quickly.

   Ji Tianxing has been practicing in retreat in the secret room of the divine palace, striving to consolidate the foundation of the divine way and attack the eightfold of the gods.

   At the same time, he was also waiting for news from the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor.

   But it's a pity, one month after another, he got closer and closer to the Eighth Layer of the Divine King Realm, but the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor remained silent.

   At the same time, the three thousand soldiers of the Ten Thousand Demon League are all in the Ten Thousand Demon City and various branches, retreating with peace of mind to heal their injuries.

   In the battle a few months ago, the Ten Thousand Demons League won a big victory, but it also suffered an impact. It lost too many masters and strong players, and its vitality was greatly injured.

   In the past few months, the Ten Thousand Demons League has rested in peace, and has not taken the opportunity to expand its power and territory.

   This is what Ji Tianxing meant. The head of internal affairs and the guardian of the left and right understand his intentions and support this decision.

   After all, if the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor does not get rid of it in one day, even if the Ten Thousand Demons League occupy the entire continent, it will return sooner or later.

  Instead of this, it is better to regenerate your energy first, wait until the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor is removed, and then gradually take over the entire continent.

   Of course, this is only part of the reason.

   Another more important reason is that the Star Source Continent is still in a turbulent period, and the news that the Myriad Demon Alliance has captured Xuanji Dongtian is still widely circulated and discussed.

  The shock and surprise of the hundreds of millions of Li people ~www.ltnovel.com~ still failed to calm down.

  The intelligence organization of the Ten Thousand Demons League has investigated, and most people think that this is a chaotic situation, and the change of the overlord position will definitely cause chaos in the entire continent.

   Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that the Star Source Continent is now in panic.

   I don't know how many people are worried and how many forces are worried.

   Even more, there are countless people who are ready to escape.

  Because everyone believes that the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance's capture of Xuanji Dongtian is just the beginning of a great battle.

   The real decisive battle will be when the Dragon Emperor Jinyuan returns and gathers the old department to fight back.

   The people of the Li people don’t care about who wins and who wins. They are afraid that the flames of war in the Liaoyuan will cover the entire continent and affect themselves.

   Of course, there are also many strong men and forces who are waiting and hesitating.

   They do not belong to any faction, but they want to seek corresponding status and benefits from this extraordinary battle.

   There are also some affiliated forces of Xuanji Dongtian, as well as the old part of the Jinyuan Dragon Emperor.

   They naturally refused to admit defeat, and they were still trying to retain their strength, waiting for the return of the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor, and they came back in one fell swoop!

   At this time, the Ten Thousand Demons League was naturally not idle.

   The elites who participated in the battle before are indeed healing their wounds in retreat.

   But the other more than 20,000 allies who did not participate in the war have become extremely busy these months.

   In addition to the normal operations of the Ten Thousand Demons League, they have to perform many tasks.

   For example, investigating the whereabouts and news of the Jinyuan Dragon Emperor is the top priority and the first task.

   For another example, the investigation is very loyal to Xuanji Dongtian, and the forces and strong ones that cannot be parted are secretly eliminated and assassinated.

   For another example, those who are separated are affiliated to Xuanji Dongtian, but only for survival and benefit, and do not have much loyalty.

   In addition, there is lobbying and comforting those swaying ‘wall grass’.

  Whether it is a first-class power, or a god-king powerhouse that cannot be underestimated, the Ten Thousand Demons League will take various measures to appease.

   If it can be absorbed into the Ten Thousand Demons League, of course it is the best.

   Even if it can't be included in the Ten Thousand Demons League, it must be guaranteed that these hordes of grass will never take refuge in the mysterious cave and deal with the Ten Thousand Demons League.

   Of course, there is one more thing that Wan Yaomeng has been carrying out, and that is creating rumors and deliberately spreading various opinions.

  Ao Jinying has always been in charge of these things. He is very proficient and skilled in this business.

   Ao Jinying did something similar long before the Ten Thousand Demons League attacked Xuanji Dongtian.

   Its purpose is nothing more than manipulating public opinion, arousing discussion among hundreds of people on the mainland, and achieving the effect of propaganda and demagoguery.

   To put it simply, it is to brainwash the hundreds of millions of people in Limin, and let them gradually accept the Ten Thousand Demon Alliance's control of the Star Source Continent in their hearts.

   Moreover, we must discredit and weaken the image of Xuanji Dongtian, and reduce the majestic status of Xuanji Dongtian in the eyes of the people.

   The above are just part of what the Ten Thousand Demons League has done in the past few months.

   There are still many complicated things, none of which can be explained clearly in a few words.

   Fortunately, the Ten Thousand Demons League has enough alliances, and it has absorbed elite talents from all walks of life, and is good at various tasks.

   And Ji Tianxing, the left and right guardians, the head of the interior, and the elders only need to agree on countermeasures and issue orders.

   If you let them do it yourself, these trivial chores, I don’t know how many years it will take to complete.

   All in all, the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance will not expand for the time being, will not go to war, and will not rush to take over the Star Source Continent.

   However, the Ten Thousand Demon League is not doing nothing, it is still actively preparing and paving the way for taking over the Star Source Continent.

   Although Ji Tianxing is far away in Xuanji Dongtian, he has already made a plan so that the left and right guardians, Hu Xinyue, Ao Jinying and others will act according to the plan.

   Ao Jinying is responsible for inquiring about news and assassination missions, Fox Xinyue is responsible for soothing and buying people's hearts, and the left and right guardians are responsible for destroying the forces that are very loyal to Xuanji Dongtian.

  Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner~www.ltnovel.com~ If Jinyuan Longdi appears, Ji Tianxing will deal with him by himself and try to get rid of it.

  If the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor never appears, then as time goes by, the heart and wind direction of the Star Origin Continent will also change.

  Perhaps ten or eight years later, people's heart will not be the mysterious cave sky, but the ten thousand demons alliance.

   At that time, even if the Golden Source Dragon Emperor returned to the Star Source Continent, he would not be able to gather his old ministry to counterattack the Ten Thousand Demon League.

   This is Ji Tianxing's plan, to make two-handed preparations, just for the Ten Thousand Demon League to succeed.


   Unconsciously, the Star Source Continent was in turmoil, and a whole year passed.

   Throughout the year, the undercurrent of Star Source Continent has been surging, and the situation is very chaotic and complicated.

   However, under the secret control of the Ten Thousand Demons League, no major disturbances occurred, let alone wars and large-scale fighting.

   It's just that many forces and strong people quietly leave the Star Source Continent and go elsewhere to avoid the limelight. This is no one can avoid.

   There are also many powers and strong kings, unable to withstand the temptation of the Ten Thousand Demon League, and change course to join the Ten Thousand Demon League.

   In addition, there are several powers that belonged to Xuanji Dongtian, who were extremely loyal to the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor, and could not be separated, disappeared without notice.

   Don't doubt, that of course was done by the Ten Thousand Demons League!

  Everyone knows that once the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor returns, those forces will definitely respond to the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor's order and launch a counterattack against the Ten Thousand Demon League.

   That being the case, the Ten Thousand Demons League must of course get rid of it as soon as possible to prevent it from becoming a disaster in the future.

   It's just that the Ten Thousand Demons League deliberately covered up the news, lest this ‘clearing out dissident’ actions would cause panic among the people of the Li people.

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