Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3825: Space Battle

Within days of Xuanjidong.

In the depths of the mountains, there is a huge peak of ten thousand feet high.

On the bluestone square with a radius of hundreds of miles, the tall altar's divine light flickered, and it kept lighting up one white light after another.

One after another, the **** masters of the Ten Thousand Monster League flew out from the altar and landed on the bluestone square.

In just a few hundred breaths, more than 3,000 soldiers came to the mysterious cave sky from Ten Thousand Demons City through the teleportation formation.

The crowd landed on the square, neatly arranged into six teams, without any panic.

The left and right guardians, Fox Xinyue, and several elders were the leaders of the six teams.

After finishing their respective teams, everyone stared at the altar, waiting for the leader of the alliance.

"Huh! Huh!"

When the God King Luohu and the Five Golden God Kings also flew out of the altar, the people finally arrived.

The soldiers did not salute, but looked at the leader with scorching and excited eyes, and their blood was boiling over.

The God King Luohu stared at the direction of the exit of the cave. Although the divine sense could not detect the situation there, he knew well that Ji Tianxing was pinning the Jinyuan Dragon Emperor and others there.

With his own power, he passed through the Nine-Qu Tianhe Great Formation to compete with the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor and dozens of powerful gods.

This is undoubtedly dangerous, but it can effectively delay time.

At the same time, let the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor make sure that he is in the mysterious cave, instead of singing the empty city plan.

Only in this way can the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor be determined to attack firmly, and will not retreat when he notices something bad.

"All the soldiers listen to the order and start!"

God King Luohu was worried about Ji Tianxing's safety, so he immediately issued an order and brought more than 3,000 soldiers to the Jinlong Mountain Ruins.

That was the battlefield set by Ji Tianxing, where the decisive battle would be the most beneficial to the Ten Thousand Demons League.

Because those seemingly messy piles of stones and woods, and the palace walls that have just laid the foundation, will form a large array.


When the soldiers of the Ten Thousand Demons League flew to the Jinlong Mountain Ruins, Ji Tianxing was at the entrance of the cave, fiercely confronting the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor.

He was alone, standing proudly in the sky, and in front of him was the door of a thousand-square-meter space.

Around the blazing white space gate, hundreds of millions of lines of formations were lit up, flowing with colorful divine light, flashing bright and dark.

Nine silver Tianhe shadows are also surging surgingly, like a dragon roaring.

Ji Tianxing stared at the door of the space intently, his mind connected with the billions of arrays, pinching the magic trick with his hands, and constantly playing out inexhaustible light.

He is fully manipulating the Jiuqu Tianhe Great Array to prevent the destruction of Jinyuan Longdi and others.

Moreover, he also released a variety of magical attacks through the large formation, taking the opportunity to severely inflict and assassinate the **** kings who broke the formation.

On the surface, he was in no danger at the moment.

After all, the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor and sixty **** kings are outside the cave, separated from him by the Jiuqu Tianhe Formation, and the space barrier of the mysterious cave.

But in fact, between the two is like a curtain of water, fighting in the air.

If you look beyond the cave sky, the Jinyuan Dragon Emperor and others on the top of Tianhe Mountain can see how dangerous this contest is.

The huge bright moon in the sky is bursting with colorful lights.

Nine Tianhe phantoms soared like a dragon, roaring surgingly, and constantly releasing beams of light and sharp blades.


The large array continued to release the sharp blade of divine light, like a sword rain covering the sky and the sun, pouring down towards the sixty **** kings.

Sixty **** kings, headed by the old man with antlers, are scattered around the "Mingyue", arranged in a formation, casting spells with all their strength to break the formation.

Facing the sword rain and light beam bombarding the sky and the sun, everyone was frightened, but they did not dare to evade without permission, so as not to destroy the formation and ruin the major event of the Jinyuan Dragon Emperor.

Therefore, in the previous hour, they did not know how many bombardments they had endured, and they refused to give up.

Nowadays, many people have suffered serious injuries. They are covered with wounds and dripping with blood, looking quite embarrassed and miserable.

Fortunately, the twelve upper **** kings said that the injuries of the forty-eight middle **** kings were terrible.

Fortunately, they joined forces to form a battle formation, and the strength of all people gathered to block the bombardment after another.

If not, many middle **** kings would have been bombarded and killed.

"Boom bang bang!"

Another wave of sword rain and divine power light beams hit, and many **** kings showed fear on their faces, but they could only grit their teeth and hold on.

With a series of muffled noises exploding, dozens of blood blossoms burst out around the bright moon, and scum flying out of the sky.

There were seven middle-ranked **** kings who were seriously injured and could no longer support them.

Four of them were unlucky, and even the godheads were shattered and fell directly.

The other three were lucky, and the godhead survived and recovered a life.

Before the next wave of sword rain and the beam of light arrived, the three gods left Mingyue in a panic and fled to Tianhe Mountain.

Seven gaps appeared in the battle formation, and the circulating divine power immediately stopped.

As the core of the battle formation, the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor only felt that his divine power was not smooth, and the movement of casting spells to break the formation was also affected, and the speed slowed sharply.

"Damn it!"

Jinyuan Dragon Emperor cursed angrily, and hurriedly instructed the **** kings to adjust their positions and complete the battlefield nodes.

He didn't look at the seven slain and destroyed **** kings at all, staring at the Jiuqu Tianhe Great Formation intently, and continued to use magic to crack.

The old man with antlers in the battlefield was not injured. He was one of the few uninjured.

He methodically cast the spell to help Jinyuan Dragon Emperor break the formation, but he secretly sighed in his heart.

"If you continue to do this, resist the bombardment of the big formation, and insist on casting spells to crack the big formation.

I am afraid that after breaking the big formation, these kings will suffer heavy casualties, and their combat effectiveness will be sharply reduced by half.

Might as well give up cracking the big formation and change to forcibly attacking the divine formation, it can also be broken in half a day.

However, the cracking of the big array has reached a critical juncture, and a breakthrough will be made soon.

Even if I discourage Longdi now, he will definitely not give up.

The Dragon Emperor ~www.ltnovel.com~ Once he makes a decision, he will not change it easily. He is really stubborn! "

In the eyes of the **** kings of the Xuanji Dongtian family, the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor must do what he says and have a tough posture. This is the king's majesty and domineering.

But for the old man with antlers, he would rather not be dignified and domineering, and only seek to achieve the greatest results at the least cost.

Perhaps this is the essential difference between the two.

As time passed, waves of divine light blades and beams of light poured into the crowd, bombarding more than fifty divine kings.

Everyone's injuries are getting worse, their strength is getting weaker, and their state is more embarrassed.

Even every once in a while, there are one or two **** kings, who are shattered on the spot, leaving only the gods to escape.

There is even more miserable, even the godhead and body collapsed together and died on the spot.

The number of the king of the gods is decreasing, and the speed of Jinyuan Dragon Emperor breaking through the formation has also slowed down.


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