Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3831: Gun of Annihilation

God King Luohu followed Fengtian Dragon Emperor and practiced the way of Heavenly Dragon throughout his life.

He is in the same situation as Ji Tianxing. Although he is not a real Heavenly Dragon bloodline, he can perform various magical skills of the Heavenly Dragon clan.

Of course, Ji Tianxing's research and mastery of the Heavenly Dragon's Tao is more profound than him.

Therefore, he can change the dragon body, so that everyone in the dragon world thinks that he is a dragon.

And what God King Luohu is best at is actually the poisonous way.

After his whole life's research and hard work, Poison Dao is no longer limited to the superficial way of carrying poison in kind and poison in divine power.

He has cultivated the Poison Dao law, and the invisible law contains extremely poison.

Even in the power and consciousness of the soul, it can also use poison.

To reach the level of God King Rahu, just a single thought can poison many gods.

With just a ray of divine thought, you can poison the king and the strong.

What a terrifying method this is!

He was incarnate as a heavenly dragon, raging in the battlefield of more than two thousand gods, blasting and killing hundreds of gods.

There are also more than two hundred gods and princes who were also wiped out under the bombardment of the overwhelming divine fire, beam of light and sharp blade.

The multicolored poisonous fog that spread rapidly and obscured the sky has caused more than 600 gods to be eroded.

The terrifying toxins rotted the bodies of many gods into blood.

The invisible divine mind is very poisonous, eroding the divine souls of many gods, making them confused, collapsed, and quickly falling into a coma.

In just a few breaths of time, the Nine House Meteor Battle Array was shattered, and many gods suffered heavy casualties.

Even those lower **** kings, there are a few unfortunate ones who are entangled in poison and lose their combat effectiveness.

Everyone roared in horror, ran away in a panic, and could no longer attack the seal formation.

As a result, the pressure on the soldiers of the Ten Thousand Demons League in the big formation was greatly reduced, and they attacked Mr. Lu and the others with all their strength.

Mr. Deer and the seventeen **** kings are struggling to break out, trying to get close to the edge of the seal formation.

After being violently bombarded by the soldiers of the Ten Thousand Demons League, everyone was unable to move forward, and soon there were casualties.

Seeing that the strategy of combining inside and outside and attacking inside and outside is about to be defeated by King Luohu.

At the critical juncture, more than forty lower **** kings outside the big formation kept calm and stabilized their positions.

They shouted loudly, gave orders hoarsely, and finally stabilized the more than 1,000 surviving gods.

Then, they hurriedly formed a battle formation and joined forces to resist the bombardment of King Luohu.

Moreover, everyone also joined forces to cast spells, resorting to taboos, and blasting the seal formation fiercely.

They knew very well that if they could not break through the seal formation and rescue Mr. Deer and many **** kings, they would also die here.

Only by converging with Mr. Deer and others, and everyone working together, can we get a chance.

The situation immediately stabilized.

Even if God King Luohu repeated his old tricks, he failed to achieve great results, and only killed dozens of gods.

He frowned anxiously, observing the battlefields of more than a thousand gods, looking for flaws and opportunities for action.

However, many **** kings took the masters of the gods and attacked the seal formation several times frantically, but failed to break the formation.

Therefore, after weighing and weighing repeatedly, twelve **** kings decided to sacrifice themselves.

They used the taboo secret technique, burned the **** body and godhead, and condensed a spear of annihilation that can destroy everything!


That thousand-foot-long dark gun shadow, carrying the might of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, slammed into the seal formation.

With a loud and earth-shaking noise exploded, the colorful mask was blasted out of a huge hole on the spot, splashing out fragments of divine light.

The seal formation was breached, and the thirty-two **** kings and more than a thousand **** kings outside the formation burst into cheers, showing a relieved expression.

Although they suffered heavy casualties, the ultimate goal was achieved, and the survivors saw hope of survival.

Within the big formation, Mr. Deer and the fifteen **** kings, who were in despair, suddenly saw that the big formation was broken, and they were also full of desire to survive.

They were full of enthusiasm and morale, exploding to their final potential, and desperately rushing to the gap of the big array.

For a moment, the soldiers of the Ten Thousand Demons League couldn't resist it, and they were really rushed out of the encirclement.

"Huh! Huh!"

Twenty breaths later, Mr. Lu and the others paid a great price, and finally passed through the gap in the big formation and escaped from the sealed big formation.

Although, only fourteen people are still alive, and they are all seriously injured and weak.

But they escaped the trap of the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance, and soon joined over a thousand gods.

In this way, Xuanji Dongtian has 46 **** kings and more than 1,500 **** kings.

Such a force, as long as it is deployed and used properly, may not be unable to fight the Ten Thousand Monster League!


"Evacuate here first, and then consider the long-term plan!"

After Mr. Deer and thirteen **** kings and powerful men joined with more than a thousand gods, they shouted and gave orders.

The more than one thousand people did not hesitate, and hurriedly followed Mr. Lu and the others to escape to the depths of the cave at the fastest speed.

Only by leaving the Golden Dragon Mountain Relics and far away from this area full of traps can they fight with confidence.

At the same time, during the retreat, Mr. Deer and a dozen or so god-king powerhouses ~www.ltnovel.com~ are also discussing countermeasures.

"Did Your Majesty Dragon Emperor send you to support?"


"How is the situation on your Majesty Dragon Emperor's side? Has he also fallen into a trap and been under siege?"

"No! Long Tian is the only one to deal with His Majesty Dragon Emperor!"

"That's great! With the strength and means of His Majesty Dragon Emperor, he will soon be able to kill Long Tian and come back to support us.

At that time, we can turn defeat into victory!

So, next we must cheer up and unite everyone's strength to resist the attack of the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance.

If we can resist a few more breaths, our hope of victory will increase by a few points! "

As Mr. Deer flees with everyone, he encourages and appeases everyone, and makes the next plan.

The many gods and kings immediately had the backbone and their emotions were much more stable.

On the other side, when Mr. Deer and others fled the seal formation, the left and right guardians and several elders led more than 3,000 soldiers and launched a fierce pursuit.

Although everyone is murderous and morale is high, the formation of the pursuit is not chaotic.

King Luohu charged at the forefront, surrounded by more than a thousand gods, constantly attacking and assassinating along the way to delay the speed of everyone's escape.

However, the more than 3,000 people of the Ten Thousand Demons League pressed on at each step, and soon caught up with the opponent and began to meet each other.

Seeing that the fleeing team was dragged down, if they continued to flee, they would definitely be eaten up a little bit by the Ten Thousand Demons League. Mr. Deer decisively ordered to stop running away.

Under the command of him and many **** kings, more than a thousand **** kings formed a battle formation, fighting the siege of the Ten Thousand Demons League over the lofty mountains.

Everyone remembered Mr. Deer's instructions, not to kill the enemy, but to condense the strongest defensive formation and delay longer.


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