Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3835: The trend is gone

Although, the battlefield was overwhelmed by the brilliant light.

The colorful sacred light and the brilliance of various sacred trees obscured the figures of Ji Tianxing and Jinyuan Longdi.

However, God King Luohu and others could clearly sense that the aura of Young Master and Golden Origin Dragon Emperor filled that area.

Everyone was worried before that, they were afraid that the young master was not the opponent of the Golden Dragon Emperor. After fighting for so long, they might have been injured long ago.

Now, seeing Young Master and Golden Dragon Emperor fighting inextricably, no matter where they are, everyone feels much settled.

It seems that the young master has not been injured, nor has he fallen into a disadvantage.


At this time, the blood flames that wrapped Mr. Deer finally dissipated.

Under the protection of nine artifacts, he rushed to the battlefield, casting spells and manipulating several artifacts, blasting towards Ji Tianxing like a cannonball.

"Huh! Huh!"

Nine artifacts of various shapes ignited a sacred fire, bursting out power to destroy the world, and enveloped Ji Tianxing's figure.

Mr. Deer was determined and cruel. In order to severely injure Ji Tianxing, he did not hesitate to detonate nine artifacts.

Once the nine king-level high-grade artifacts exploded, they would explode with incomparably terrifying power, and would not be weaker than the **** king of the Nine Stages!

I don’t know if it was Jinyuan Dragon Emperor who told Mr. Lu to cooperate with him to besiege Ji Tianxing?

Or did Mr. Lu know that Ji Tianxing is the core of the Ten Thousand Demons League, as long as he is killed, there will be a chance of comeback?

In short, while Mr. Deer attacked Ji Tianxing with all his strength, Jinyuan Dragon Emperor also roared and used his unique trick.

"Ancestral Dragon's Fury!"

The Golden Origin Dragon Emperor burst into the sky with golden light, condensed into a phantom of the ancestral dragon that is ten thousand feet long, protruding out huge five claws, and patted Ji Tianxing from the sky.

Before the dragon's claw arrived, the amount of terror suppressing pressure had already enveloped Ji Tianxing.

Ji Tianxing was immediately caught in a dangerous situation, with a dilemma, and precarious.

God King Luohu, the left and right guardians and others saw that the young master was in distress, and their eyes were split in anger, and all of them were burnt anxiously.

It is a pity that everyone is too far away, and it is too late to intercept and rescue.

Seeing, nine king-level high-grade artifacts exploded in the void, and dazzling sparks bloomed around Ji Tianxing.

A loud and deafening noise came out, and the shock wave that destroyed the world immediately engulfed Ji Tianxing.

At this critical moment, Ji Tianxing's figure disappeared out of thin air.

Vanishing with him, there is also the primitive chaotic clock that obscures the sky.

God King Luohu and the others were far away, and didn't understand what was going on for the time being.

But Jinyuan Longdi and Mr. Lu could see clearly. At the moment when the nine artifacts exploded, Ji Tianxing hid in the primitive chaotic clock.

At the same time, the chaotic primitive clock that covered the sky and the sun suddenly shrank to the size of a dust.

"Boom! Boom boom boom!"

The shock wave of the explosion of the nine artifacts turned into a raging colorful fire, spreading like a sea tide, sweeping tens of thousands of miles.

Mr. Deer retreated as quickly as possible, God King Luohu and others were also forced to stop, and joined forces to resist.

The chaotic primitive clock, which was like a dust of dust, was also blown upside down for thousands of miles, rolling in the void.

Before the divine clock stabilized, the giant claws of the Ancestral Dragon that covered the sky and sun also slapped.

"Boom bang bang!"

The empty void was also slapped by the Ancestral Dragon's giant claws with muffled noises, shaking endlessly.

The Primordial Chaos Clock was hit hard by this, and was blasted out thousands of miles away, tumbling and slamming deeper into the void.

Fortunately, the Primordial Chaos Clock is a king-level supreme artifact, and even if it has been repeatedly bombarded, there is no damage.

Ji Tianxing, who was hiding in the divine clock, was unscathed.

The joint attack of Mr. Lu and Jinyuan Longdi was evaded by Ji Tianxing.

The two of them were full of annoyance and resentment, and the God King Luohu and others in the distance were relieved with a sigh of relief.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, God King Luohu took the nine powerful God Kings and hurried to the battlefield to join Ji Tianxing.

"Young Master, we are here to help you!"

"Young Master, are you okay?"

"Young Master Qi, the more than one thousand soldiers under the Golden Dragon Emperor have been killed by us!"

The ten **** kings surrounded the Primordial Chaos Clock, saluting with excitement and excitement, reporting the battle.


The Primal Chaos Clock suddenly changed to a radius of a thousand feet, and Ji Tianxing flew out of it and appeared in front of everyone unharmed.

God King Luohu and others hurriedly gathered around, greeted him with cold and warm, and reported the situation.

"Young Master, we have already killed the soldiers under the Golden Dragon Emperor, and only Mr. Deer escaped."

"Young Master has worked hard, let you fight the Golden Dragon Emperor alone for so long..."

"Please rest assured, Young Master, we will fight together, and today we will be able to punish the Golden Dragon Emperor, and a battle will determine the universe!"

God King Luohu and others discussed countermeasures with Ji Tianxing and the next plan.

On the other side, Mr. Lu also looked sad and solemn, and reported the results of the battle to Jinyuan Longdi.

"Your Majesty Dragon Emperor, our subordinates, the soldiers gathered from all walks of life... have all... all died in battle!"

Although Jinyuan Longdi saw Mr. Deer coming alone, he was already prepared for it.

But when he heard the news, he confirmed the thoughts in his heart, his eyes were still black, his blood surged, and he almost spewed a mouthful of old blood.

Unable to accept this cruel blow, he stared directly at Mr. Deer, and asked in a deep voice, "Are you sure? Everyone died in the battle, only you... escaped?"

Mr. Lu was also full of grief and indignation, his heart was extremely heavy, and he nodded with tears in his eyes, and said, "Yes!"

"I..." Jinyuan Longdi trembled, his face turned pale as paper, and a momentary blank appeared in his mind.

Mr. Lu was sad, and subconsciously persuaded: "Your Majesty, you must be sorry!

We were caught in the ambush of Longtian, and more than 3,000 soldiers from the Ten Thousand Demons League besieged us. All the soldiers would rather die than retreat. They are heroes and heroes! "

Emperor Jinyuan Long took a deep breath, forced down his grief, and stared at Mr. Deer with scorching eyes.

He opened his lips several times, but he couldn't utter a word.

In fact, he wanted to growl and questioned Mr. Deer: "Everyone died in battle, so why did you survive? Why don't you die?"

But Jinyuan Longdi did not lose his reason, and finally did not spit out these words~www.ltnovel.com~ After all, Mr. Deer was not injured, and he was still a strong fighting force.

Moreover, Mr. Deer still has a huge network of influence in the outer starry sky, and still has countless loyal subordinates.

Dragon Emperor Jinyuan had already figured it out, this time he had lost the battle with the Ten Thousand Demons League.

Next, he can only escape from the Dragon Realm, go to the outer starry sky, firmly control that star field, and plot a comeback in the future.

Therefore, he still can't tear his face with Mr. Deer.

After taking a few deep breaths, Jinyuan Longdi suppressed his anger and finally calmed down.

He nodded to Mr. Deer, and said in a heavy tone: "The soldiers were ordered to die in battle, and they died well. The Emperor will always remember their sacrifice and dedication.

Now only you and me are left. Although we are gone, we must not leave in such a wasteful manner! "

Wonderful book house

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