Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3846: Goodbye Pengfei

After leaving Ten Thousand Demons City, Ji Tianxing stayed in the Heaven Burying Sword, driving the Heaven Burying Sword to the north.

Next, he will rush to the Tianlong Continent, visit the peak **** kings from all walks of life, search for and investigate Wuhen's whereabouts.

If the topography of the dragon world is expressed on a plane, a map can be made.

Then, the Star Source Continent is in the middle, the upper left corner is the Tianlong Continent, the upper right corner is the Black Dragon Continent, the lower left corner is the Chilong Continent, and the lower right corner is the Sacred Dragon Continent.

The five continents are not connected, separated by the vast sky and sea.

Ji Tianxing was now in the northwest of Xingyuan Continent, very close to the northwest border of the continent.

Therefore, the continent closest to him is the Tianlong continent in the upper left corner (northwest).

In addition, he decided to investigate the Tianlong Continent first, and there were other reasons.

After all, that continent was the territory of his master and the Heavenly Dragon Emperor, and it was also the homeland he had been very familiar with.

Even though Bei Ming had inherited the position of Dragon Emperor for thousands of years and took control of the Heavenly Dragon Continent, he still wanted to go back and take a look.

However, when the Heaven Burying Sword flew for five days and five nights and was about to reach the border of the Star Source Continent, Ji Tianxing remembered one thing.

Tens of thousands of miles away is the boundless blue sky and sea.

But he remembered that hundreds of thousands of miles away on the right was the famous Tianpeng Mountain.

The Tianpeng Mountain, which stands among the mountains and resembles the spreading wings of a big Peng, is the entrance to the Nine Profound Caves.

"Since I passed by here, I won't be back in the short term. Do you want to go to Jiuxuandongtian and visit Jinpeng's ancestor to see how Pengfei is?"

Ji Tianxing frowned and thought about it, and decided to go take a look.

Therefore, Tiantianjian changed its course and turned to Tianpeng Mountain to fly.

Just hundreds of thousands of miles, the Heaven Burying Sword arrived at Tianpeng Mountain soon.


Guanghua flashed, the Heaven Burial Sword disappeared, and Ji Tianxing appeared in the sky.

Standing on the top of the mountain, he looked at a golden gate in the sea of ​​clouds and muttered to himself.

"It seems that the Jinpeng Clan really can't escape from the world. Not only is the entrance to the sky closed, but there is no guardian at the door."

Without the guards to report the news, it is impossible for him to break through the entrance of the Nine Profound Caverns, so he can only take out the jade slip of the message and send a message to Peng Fei.


The deepest part of Nine Profound Cave Sky.

On the top of a lonely mountain of three thousand meters high, under the vicissitudes of ancient trees with withered yellow leaves, the old and the young are still sitting cross-legged on a chessboard with a radius of ten meters.

Peng Fei held the tactics with both hands, formed a **** seal, and was practicing exercises.

The ancestor Jinpeng had a serene face, a calm tone, and a long-distance voice that spoke of the profound meaning of the Dao, the essence and truth of the divine Dao.

After more than a year of practice before, Pengfei has successfully broken through the shackles and reached the first level of the God King Realm.

The ancestors of Jinpeng were very pleased with this, and after Pengfei's breakthrough, he often preached for him and helped him consolidate the foundation of God's way.

Peng Fei's talent and understanding have been further improved after breaking through the Divine King Realm.

Listening to his ancestors preaching and imparting experience, his strength is also steadily improving.

But at this moment, an aura of light flew from outside the sky, breaking the peaceful and peaceful atmosphere of the mountain.

The aura fell in front of Pengfei and hovered, gleaming divine light.

Peng Fei felt a little bit, and ended his Yungong practice and opened his eyes.

He picked up the message jade slip, read the information with his spiritual sense, and looked up at the ancestor Jinpeng.

Before he could speak, the ancestor Jinpeng was very considerate and said kindly; "If there is something important, you can handle it first."

"Ancestor..." Peng Fei hesitated for a moment, and explained: "It was a message from Lord Longtian. He is on the top of Tianpeng Mountain and wants to visit you."

The ancestor Jinpeng frowned, and he pondered for a moment before he nodded slightly and said, "Go and pick him up."

"Yes." Peng Fei bowed, turned and flew away.

On the way through the Nine Profound Caves, he ran into several clansmen.

In the past, his sense of existence was very low, and he was unknown among young people, and he was not favored.

But in the past two years, he has become the object of envy and awe of many people.

One is because he was favored by his ancestors and practiced by his side.

The second reason is that he had just broken through the Divine King Realm not long ago. At that time, the movement was extremely quiet and the halo was lingering, and the elders in the clan praised ‘this son will become a great weapon in the future’.

Therefore, the tribesmen all salute him politely, with a sense of closeness in a respectful manner.

Peng Fei nodded indifferently, then went away.

After he left, several members of the tribe still praised him, saying that he is more mature and stable than he was in the past, and he is very powerful and talkative, and he will become a master in the future...

Arriving at the entrance of Dong Tian, ​​Peng Fei cast a spell to open the Sealing Divine Array, welcoming Ji Tianxing in.

Soon after, he took Ji Tianxing back to the top of the lonely mountain and fell under the ancient tree.

"Ancestor, Lord Long Tian is here!"

Pengfei landed on the chessboard and bowed to the ancestor Jinpeng.

The ancestor Jinpeng sat cross-legged and looked at Ji Tianxing with a smile.

Ji Tianxing took the initiative to salute, greeted him, and said, "I have seen Jinpeng ancestor."

The ancestor Jin Peng nodded slightly, and exchanged a few words with him, and said kindly: "Although the old man can't get out of retreat, he also heard the news from outside. Congratulations to Lord Long."

Of course Ji Tianxing knew that he was talking about the victory of the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance and the control of the Star Source Continent.

So he bowed his body and said: "Speaking of which, it should be the younger generation thanking the ancestors."

This refers to the fact that Jin Peng ancestors left before the battle. Both sides knew it well and didn't say much.

Ji Tianxing looked at the environment on the top of the mountain. There were three grass cottages, an ancient tree, and a giant stone chessboard. They also matched the magical way of heaven and earth, and couldn't help showing admiration.

"Unexpectedly, the place where the ancestors retreat and clean up is so elegant and clean."

After that, he looked at Pengfei and showed a gratified smile, "It is also a great blessing that you can follow the ancestor to practice.

I haven't seen him in just two years, and I have broken through the realm of the King of Gods, which is really gratifying! "

Peng Fei hurriedly saluted and thanked him, saying that he had benefited a lot from following him in the first place, and that he has made today's breakthrough.

After speaking, he asked again: "Young Master Long, why are you coming to Jiuxuandongtian this time?"

He thought in his heart~www.ltnovel.com~ Is Lord Long going to take me with me and continue to guide me in my practice?

If this is the case, should I stay with my ancestor or follow Master Long?

Unexpectedly, Ji Tianxing smiled and said: "My trip is here to say goodbye."

Not only Peng Fei was stunned, even Jin Peng Ancestor also showed a hint of surprise.

"Young Master Long, you... want to leave the Star Source Continent?"

"The overall situation is not stable, Lord Long will leave now, really not caring about the position of Dragon Emperor?"

Both grandparents and grandchildren asked questions at the same time, which was a little unbelievable.

Ji Tianxing nodded and explained: "I'm going to the Heavenly Dragon Continent to find my son Wuhen, and I will visit here when I pass by.

By the way, I would also like to ask my ancestors to help me pay attention to relevant news and clues. "

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