Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3848: Come from desperation

Although, the Jiaolong general and the two demon clan lieutenants rushed at any cost.

But the number of Sea Clan army is more than ten times more than them.

Moreover, the generals of the sea clan army is also a middle-ranked **** king, and there are three lower **** kings.

With the passage of time, the number of the monster race team decreased sharply, and the entire army would soon be wiped out.

Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing decided to help.

There is no idea of ​​acting for the heavens and helping justice, he just feels curious and wants to figure out the reason.

By the way, he admired the Jiaolong general a little, and didn't want to see him buried here.

As the pinnacle **** king, you can do whatever you want, without so much consideration.


The Heaven Burial Sword hidden in the sky suddenly burst into bright golden light and turned into a huge sword that opened to the sky.

The Heaven Burial Sword that suddenly appeared, like a golden scorching sun hanging high in the sky.

The tens of thousands of Sea Clan who fought fiercely over the sea, as well as the more than 800 monsters and soldiers, were all taken aback.

The fighting in the field also stagnated for a moment, and countless people looked up at the sky.

In the next moment, the brilliant golden light bloomed, and tens of thousands of golden sword lights poured down like a rainstorm.


Sword rain fell in the sky, and the terrifying pressure and sword intent descended, causing tens of thousands of sea people to be extremely frightened, and the formation was chaotic.

Everyone knows that the power of that sky full of sword rain is extremely terrifying, and it can blast the army into scum in an instant.

And the more than 800 demon clan soldiers, neither panicked nor angry, all showed a relieved and relieved smile.

Many demon clan soldiers also laughed up to the sky, and shouted extraordinarily boldly: "Sea clan tribes, you can't escape, let's die together! Hahahaha..."

The demon clan soldiers did not know that those tens of thousands of sword lights locked the sea clan army and would not assassinate them.

They just felt that if such a terrifying rain of swords blasted them down, this sea area would surely be devastated.

Except for the king of gods, everyone will be killed by Jianguang.

They are bound to die, and it is not a loss to be buried with tens of thousands of sea people.

However, the next scene made all the demon clan soldiers dumbfounded.

"Boom bang bang!"

Tens of thousands of golden sword lights, like long eyes, locked the tens of thousands of sea clan army and killed them fiercely.

With the deafening loud noise exploded, dense blood blossoms burst out over the sea, splashing out countless debris.

At least six thousand sea people were instantly bombarded and killed by golden sword light, fragmented.

But the more than 800 demon clan soldiers were safe and sound, no one hit the sword!

There were more than 20,000 sword lights left in the sky, circled and danced for a moment, and then assassinated the remaining sea clan.

The stunned demon clan soldiers reacted and immediately burst into excitement cheers.

"It's my monster clan powerhouse who made the shot!!"

"Great! Someone has come to help and rescue us!"

"We don't have to die!!"

The countless blood-stained and scarred soldiers of the Monster Race cheered hoarsely, venting the excitement and joy of the rest of their lives.

General Jiaolong and more than a dozen generals were also moved with tears, bowed to the golden giant sword in the sky, and expressed their gratitude.

at the same time.

Tens of thousands of marine tribes were strangled by Jianguang, and only more than two thousand marine tribes survived.

More than a dozen Marine generals were shocked and furious.

Many generals roared, roared, and wanted to siege the giant sword in the sky.

However, the leader of the Sea Clan general, the golden scale shark of the middle king, forcibly ordered a retreat, and fled with the surviving soldiers.

Ordinary soldiers did not know the power of the Golden Light Great Sword, but he knew it well.

The divine aura and sword intent of that giant sword made him feel terrified, unable to produce any resistance.

He knew that the owner of that giant sword was definitely the upper **** king, and his strength was very terrifying.

Under such circumstances, he can only decisively order a retreat.

"Huh! Huh! Huh!"

In the blink of an eye, the surviving more than two thousand Marine Clan soldiers merged into the blue sea and disappeared without a trace.

Ji Tianxing did not pursue it, nor did the more than 800 demon clan soldiers.

They all collapsed from exhaustion, panting violently.

The headed General Jiaolong, leading eighteen generals, all withstand the tragic injuries, bowed to the golden sword.

Therefore, Ji Tianxing put away the Heaven Burial Sword and appeared in the sky.


He descended from the sky and fell in front of everyone.

After more than a dozen generals saw his appearance, they became more excited and bowed again to thank him.

"Thank you, seniors, for your help, I am so grateful!"

"The great kindness of the predecessors, my generation will remember it for life!"

"Dare to ask the senior's name and surname, I will definitely report to the Lord of the Domain and thank you..."

These lower **** kings and demonic generals of the upper **** monarch realm are obviously the mainstays and leaders of each domain.

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly, and said in a calm tone: "Everyone else retreat, go and treat the wounded."

After finishing speaking, he pointed to the headed Jiaolong general and said: "You stay, this king has something to ask you."

More than a dozen Yaozu generals happily took their orders and quickly returned to the crowd to treat the wounded.

The headed General Jiaolong also ignored his own injuries and hurriedly bowed to salute, saying: "The seniors have questions, and the juniors will know everything and endlessly."

This general was a middle-aged man wearing a golden armor. Ji Tianxing was just a young man in a white robe, but the other party called him a senior with a very respectful attitude.

This seems a bit contradictory, but no one finds it weird.

After all, this world respects strength.

Many strong men and old monsters who have lived for thousands of years and tens of thousands of years like to pretend to be tender after their transformation. Everyone has long been surprised.

Ji Tianxing waved his hand and shot a divine light, which wrapped the general Jiaolong.

Immediately afterwards, the **** stains of General Jiaolong quickly dissipated, and the dense wounds healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Originally he was very tired and weak. After absorbing the divine light, he immediately became more energetic and relaxed.

"Thank you for the treatment, senior!" General Jiaolong saluted again~www.ltnovel.com~ Ji Tianxing waved his hand and asked: "Who are you? Why do you break into the hinterland of the Sea Clan and fight with them?"

General Jiaolong bowed and said sadly: "Senior, this matter is a long story. If you really want to know, please be patient and listen to it.

The next name is Long Xiang, one of the generals Zhengnan under the seat of the Tianlong Temple.

This matter will start ten years ago..."

General Zhengnan, named Long Xiang, told Ji Tianxing about the cause and course of the incident.

Although it was a brief introduction, it was still eloquent, and it took half an hour.

Ji Tianxing was not in a hurry, and listened patiently.

After Long Xiang finished speaking, he understood the cause and effect of this incident.

Wonderful book house

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