Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3852: Beiming and Emperor Shi

   Everyone landed in the palace, and the surrounding guards immediately saluted when they saw it.

   Long Xiang personally led Ji Tianxing and settled him in the best guest room.

   After Ji Tianxing settled down, he went to the Dragon Emperor Shrine to return to Beiming.

   Ji Tianxing was not in a hurry, so he stayed in the guest room to meditate and adjust his breath, waiting patiently for news.


   The Dragon Emperor Shrine is brightly lit, guarded by guards inside and outside, and is heavily guarded.

   At this time, the Longdi study was still lit.

   Through the window paper in the study, a burly figure can be vaguely seen, still writing at the desk, dealing with government affairs concentratingly.

  For such a situation, the guards guarding outside the study have long been used to it.

   For nearly a thousand years, His Majesty Dragon Emperor has always been so diligent and loving the people, and he must do everything by himself. It can be described as painstaking.

   Regardless of how the outside world views and evaluates His Majesty Dragon Emperor, at least in the eyes of many guards, His Majesty Dragon Emperor is definitely worthy of respect and love.

   At this time, Long Xiang came to the outside of the study and saluted respectfully, expressing his intention.

   The guard hurriedly reported to Longdi Beiming, the busy figure in the study paused, and quickly announced that Longxiang saw him.

  Long Xiang stepped into the brightly lit study room, walked to the large purple jade bookcase, and bowed respectfully to the big salute.

After    the book case, the middle-aged man wearing a golden dragon robe and a **** crown put down his work and raised his hand to signal Long Xiang to exempt him.

   This dragon emperor Bei Ming has a burly and tall body, but his face is beautiful and his skin is as white as jade.

   Fortunately, his chin has a beard deliberately, otherwise he will be a handsome young man, how can he have the majesty of the middle-aged Dragon Emperor?

  "General Longxiang is free!

   General    went to the Changhai Region to perform his mission this time. He was born and died in three years. It is really hard work!

   Come, let General Long Xiang take a seat! "

   Bei Ming sat on the chair of the grandmaster and looked at Long Xiang with a smile on his face.

   Seeing that Long Xiang was injured and seriously injured, Bei Ming showed him a seat and prevented him from standing and debriefing.

   This was obviously a great grace and respect, which made Long Xiang flattered and quickly bowed to thank you.

   After the guard moved the chair, Long Xiang sat down a little nervously and began to report the results of the investigation to Beiming.

   Although, many clues from Long Xiang's investigation in the past three years have been reported to Beiming.

   But now that he returns to the Dragon Emperor Shrine, he still has to sort it out and report it completely.

   Beiming listened patiently, sometimes nodding his head in appreciation, and sometimes asking questions, letting Long Xiang explain.

   Generally speaking, he was quite satisfied with Long Xiang's performance and affirmed Long Xiang's contribution.

   However, as soon as Long Xiang's report was halfway through, the study door was opened.


   A tall figure in a black robe, carrying a strong wind, stepped into the study with its head high.

  The coming man is a tall and thin old man with a thin and black face, his eyes are ice blue, and he exudes a gloomy and cold atmosphere.

   The black-robed old man possesses the nine-fold strength of a **** king, wears a luxurious crown on his head, and has the majesty of a superior.

  Long Xiang paused to report, and quickly got up to salute the black-robed old man, respectfully saying: "The final admiral will see the emperor's crown!"

   Bei Ming also stood up, bowed slightly, and said, "Isn't the emperor taking a rest? Why is he here?"

   There is no doubt that the old man in black robe is the emperor, the ice dragon king.

   The emperor nodded slightly to Bei Ming, and said blankly: "The old man heard that General Long Xiang had returned to the shrine and came back to his Majesty overnight, so he came here specially."

   Beiming nodded to express his understanding, and sat back on the chair of the Supreme Master, and said: "Since the emperor is here, let's listen to General Long Xiang's work together."

   But the emperor didn’t mean to listen, turned his head to look at Long Xiang, frowned, and shouted in a majestic tone: "Long Xiang! You are so bold!

   You are not doing well, making a big mistake, not only do you not ask your majesty, but you dare to ask for credit? "

   "Huh?" Long Xiang was a little dazed, looking at the emperor with a confused expression.

   Bei Ming also frowned, looking at the emperor with a puzzled face, wondering what the emperor was doing?

Long Xiang came back to his senses, bowed his hand to the emperor, and asked without arrogance: "I will perform the mission in the Changhai area in the last three years. He has been born and died nearly a hundred times. He has repeatedly risked his life to collect and investigate various clues. Be loyal and never slack off.

   At the end, the general dare not take credit, let alone take credit, but he consciously has a clear conscience. I don't know why the emperor is angry? "

   Beiming also felt puzzled, so he didn't say a word, looked at the emperor, and waited for him to answer.

   The emperor kicked the chair behind Long Xiang and sneered: "You are not a tribute? In your majesty's study, how can you sit?"

   Long Xiang frowned, humiliating anger in his heart.

   Beiming waved his hand quickly and explained: "The emperor calmed down his anger, and General Long Xiang did not ask for credit. It was the emperor who understood him for his loyalty and hard work and rewarded him for sitting and debriefing."

The emperor shook his sleeves, no longer entangled in the matter, stared at Long Xiang majesticly, and asked: "Long Xiang, this seat asks you, you have spent so much manpower and material resources in the Long Sea for the past three years. What is the end result?

   Have you found out the culprit? Can any conclusive evidence be found? "

"This..." Long Xiang was speechless, lowering his head to explain: "Although the final general has not found the most critical evidence, the clues from the final three years of investigation are enough to analyze that the culprit is one of the four South China Seas. One of the Trench Department!"

   "Hahahaha...It's really ignorant and ridiculous!" The emperor sneered with contempt: "This is the most important matter related to your majesty and the safety of the mainland!

  You have no conclusive evidence~www.ltnovel.com~ dare to jump to conclusions just by guessing?

   If we relied on your speculation and rushed into battle with the Trench Department, would you be responsible for the casualties and losses caused? "

   "I..." Long Xiang was speechless again.

   Before he could say anything, the emperor continued to scold again: "You have failed your majesty's trust and respect. You are unfaithful!

   You spent three years in the Changhai area, spent so many materials and manpower, and sacrificed tens of thousands of soldiers. This is incompetence!

   You have not completed the task, you fled back to the shrine in a panic, and you still want to deceive your majesty to obtain credit and rewards. This is a great crime of cheating! "

   At this point, he turned his head to look at Bei Ming, and asked in a rather sad tone: "Your Majesty! The old man knows that you are generous and kind.

   But you must be careful of these treacherous ministers, don't be fooled by them!

   Long Xiang, an unfaithful and incompetent minister who deceives the emperor, how can you reward him?

  Only by punishing his crimes and punishing him severely, can we revitalize the court and warn others!

   Please see your majesty and punishing Long Xiang according to the law! "

   After finishing speaking, the emperor bowed deeply towards Bei Ming.

   Long Xiang was dumbfounded on the spot.

   He did not expect that things would evolve to this point.

   Although he used to be dissatisfied with the arbitrariness of the emperor. .

   But he rarely showed it, let alone objected publicly.

  He did not expect that the emperor would turn black and white, obliterate his credit, and even convict him!

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