Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3858: Trial in public?


There was a deafening muffled noise.

The dark golden fist light slammed the emperor's back severely, splashing a ball of blood.

The emperor leaped forward, **** arrows spurted from his mouth and nose, and he let out a painful snoring.

His back sank, and at least six or seven keels were shattered.

The black robe was blasted out of a hole, and the armor he was wearing next to his body was also blasted out of a hole, cracking open several cracks.

The surrounding **** kings and the forbidden army were all dumbfounded.

No one thought that Long Tian's strength would be so tyrannical, so fast!

Before everyone's supernatural powers were used, he had already injured the emperor!

Moreover, he just slapped a punch lightly, and did not display any subtle magical powers.

The divine king of the dignified nine-layer realm, the emperor teacher closest to the peak **** king, was severely injured in this way.

Is this the strength of the Peak God King?

too frightening!

While flashing this thought in his mind, the supernatural killer moves of more than one thousand and thirty people were finally released.



Suddenly, the overwhelming sword light and magical light and shadow poured down like a monstrous flood, flooding the sky.

But before the Man Tian magic attack came, Ji Tianxing had captured the seriously injured Emperor Shi and disappeared from the sky.


Amidst the earth-shaking loud noise, the heavenly magical attacks blasted down on the earth, blasting the earth into ruins.

The dust splashed between the heaven and the earth, and the vigor was raging, but there was no trace of Ji Tianxing and the emperor.

After a while, after the smoke and divine light dissipated, a **** king suddenly discovered the trace of Ji Tianxing.

"Look, they are there!"

This high-ranking **** king is the deputy commander of the Imperial Guard and has the strength of the **** king realm eightfold.

Everyone looked in the direction he was pointing, and they saw two figures over the sea of ​​clouds 30,000 miles away.

A black figure was wrapped in golden light, as if imprisoned and unable to move.

The other white figure was constantly waving its palms and flicking its fingers, hitting a sword light, and slashing on the black figure.

Even if it was 30,000 miles away, many **** kings could feel the sharp sword intent of that sword light.

Even, everyone vaguely saw the black figure trembling constantly, bursting out a ball of blood.

"Damn it! He actually took away Master Emperor!"

"Damn thief, he is killing the emperor!"

"Everyone, go together! Be sure to rescue Master Emperor!"

More than 30 gods and kings uttered grief, humiliation, and hurried to rescue the emperor with nearly a thousand guards.

At the same time, there was another splendid light galloping in the northern sky.

In that dazzling divine light, there were also more than a thousand figures, all of which were imperial guards wearing armor and holding swords.

And the leaders of many imperial guards are more than twenty powerful **** kings, of which four are upper **** kings.

Obviously, this group of **** kings and the Imperial Guards were ordered to be mobilized after the emperor master discovered that Long Tian was ‘escaping’.

They flew across the sky quickly, and after seeing the situation in the field, they soon joined the first batch of imperial guards and rushed to rescue the emperor.

After more than two thousand imperial guards and sixty **** kings converged, they quickly surrounded Ji Tianxing and the emperor.

At this time, everyone clearly saw that the Emperor Master, who was imprisoned by the golden light, was already scarred and bloody, and his appearance was so miserable!

Not only did he fall from the crown, his head was disheveled, his clothes ragged, and his whole body was covered with bone wounds.

However, he was bound by more than a dozen golden light beams, and he could neither use his divine power to resist nor the strength to struggle.

What shocked everyone the most was that before Ji Tianxing stabbed the emperor with a sword light, he would ask in a majestic tone.

"Do you plead guilty?"

"Are you still not guilty?"

"Don't repent?"

Obviously, Ji Tianxing was extorting a confession by torture, deliberately torturing the emperor and forcing him to confess his guilt!

Sixty **** kings and more than two thousand imperial guards were all dumbfounded.

Everyone looked at each other, their eyes were filled with doubts, and even whispered.

"How is this going?"

"Too hateful! Long Tian actually humiliated the emperor so much!"

"Long Tian was actually extorting a confession by torture? What crime did he let the Emperor Di Shi confess?"

"What the **** did the Imperial Master make?"

Under doubt, everyone forgot to rescue the emperor teacher and did not dare to act rashly.

At this time, when Ji Tianxing saw that many gods and guards were coming, he said loudly: "Everyone, bear a testimony today, and look at this emperor, dare to admit the crime.

He relied on his identity, ignored the majesty of Emperor Beiming, and used public tools for private purposes.

Even, he has taken the Dragon Emperor over, without the approval of the Dragon Emperor, he can mobilize all soldiers to act recklessly!

With such treacherous ministers, how can the Tianlong Temple prosper?

How can the majesty of the Dragon Emperor and the management of the world be used?

You said, should these criminal officials be killed? "

Ji Tianxing's majestic sound waves shook the high heavens endlessly, trembling in the ears.

More than two thousand imperial soldiers and sixty **** kings were shocked, and no one said anything for a while.

They vaguely felt that things were wrong, as if the taste had changed, but they could not tell what was going on.

No one took the lead to refute or rescue the emperor teacher, everyone was silent and did not dare to act rashly.

Only some of the more courageous Imperial Guards started talking in whispers.

"Aren't we on the order of the emperor to punish the evil thief who intends to assassinate the Dragon Emperor?"

"Yeah! Why did you become Long Tian interrogating Master Emperor in public and forcing him to confess?"

"This...this...what shall we do? Should we do something?"

"That Long Tian, ​​did he really assassinate his Majesty Dragon Emperor? Why didn't I hear anything?"

Seeing that many imperial guards and **** kings didn't respond, the imperial teacher with miserable injuries almost exploded his lungs.

The incomparable humiliation and anger ~www.ltnovel.com~ made him hideous, with blood-red eyes glaring at the crowd, and roared: "You **** who kill a thousand swords, what are you doing?

Don't you want to kill Long Tian and save this seat?

He is a thief who assassinates His Majesty Dragon Emperor. This is to deliberately humiliate and frame this seat! "

Anyway, the emperor's majesty was sweeping, and his face was completely ashamed, then he could not admit the crime, and must deny it.

Seeing the reaction of the emperor, Ji Tianxing sneered: "Ice Dragon King, have you seen it? This is called the death of many unjust actions!

You usually dominate the power, deceive the superiors and conceal the subordinates, and are used to domineering blessings. These forbidden troops have long been resentful.

Only because of your hegemonic power, they dare not speak. .

Now that this king has exposed your sinful nature, who would violate your conscience to save you? ! "

"Ahhh! You **** bastard, you are spitting blood!" The emperor was so angry that he roared hoarsely.

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