Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4004: Delay

If the Tianshi domain master is not alert, he should still be in the secret room at this moment.

It was only a quarter of an hour before Ji Tianxing went to kill Tianshu.

He thought, the Tianshi domain master should not have reacted yet.

After all, he didn't alarm anyone when he killed Tianshu.

But after a hundred breaths of time, when he arrived outside the secret room, he frowned and his eyes were dark.

Because, through the door of the secret room, his divine sense sensed something strange inside.

The breath of Tianshi domain master seems to have disappeared!

This is not a good thing.

Ji Tianxing hurriedly cast a spell to crack the magical formation at the door of the secret room, and decided to break in to see what happened.

As for the four guards guarding the door of the secret room, he was naturally knocked out by his magical secret technique.

In a short while, Ji Tianxing cracked the formation of the stone gate in the secret room and opened the stone gate.


As soon as the Shimen opened a crack, Ji Tianxing stepped into it, his divine consciousness enveloped the entire secret room, searching for the trace of the Tianshi domain master.

However, the situation was as he expected, the secret room was empty, and the Tianshi domain master had long since disappeared.

This result is undoubtedly verified, the Tianshi domain master has noticed something wrong and hid.

After confirming that the Tianshi Domain Lord was not in the secret room, Ji Tianxing immediately exited the secret room and flew outside the shrine.

At the same time, he released his invisible spiritual consciousness, spreading in all directions, searching for the whereabouts of the Tianshi domain master.

At this time, a loud horn suddenly sounded around the shrine.

Thousands of guards from the Divine Sovereign Realm emerged from the palaces on all sides and quickly assembled in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, horns sounded from the mountains in the distance, awakening countless guards.

The rapid and powerful sound of the horn indicates that a powerful enemy is coming.

Therefore, in a short period of time, thousands of guards guarding various palaces and passages completed the assembly.

Later, more than 10,000 guards flew into the sky and formed a circle of thousands of miles, enclosing the entire palace group.

The shrine where Ji Tianxing was located was heavily surrounded, at the center of the encirclement.

The first level encircled by nearly a thousand guards, and the second level encircled by 5,000 guards.

As for the third level of encirclement, there are more than 10,000 guards surrounding the entire palace group.

The Tianshi Territory Lord, with more than twenty **** king powerhouses, was standing above the palace, looking down below.

Although Ji Tianxing is in a state of invisibility, he will not be discovered by the Tianshi domain master.

However, the Tianshi domain lord with his hands on his back, a confident posture, shouted in a majestic tone: "Don't hide anymore, this seat has already seen your whereabouts, come out obediently!"

On the surface, the Tianshi domain master shouted at the shrine under his feet, and seemed to have seen through Ji Tianxing's disguise.

But in fact, the eyes of the Tianshi domain master were out of focus, a little empty.

Of course, Ji Tianxing knew that this was the bluff of the Tianshi domain master who deliberately led him to appear.

Under normal circumstances, he shouldn't show up now, and when the Tianshi domain master can't calm down, try to escape the encirclement.

But in Ji Tianxing's view, with the 20,000 guards and dozens of **** kings, he could not stop him from capturing the Tianshi domain master.

What's more, the Tianshi domain master is already on the alert, if he does not show up, chances are that the Tianshi domain master will flee.

Most importantly, the clone of Nether God Emperor set off to return to Tianshi Star three months ago.

Delay a few hours, it will be more dangerous.

For Ji Tianxing, only the clone of Nether God Emperor is truly dangerous!

Therefore, Ji Tianxing no longer hides and shows up openly.


As the white light flickered, he flew to the top of the shrine and stood still thousands of feet away from the Tianshi domain master, revealing his figure.

The Tianshi domain master and more than twenty **** kings suddenly became nervous and stared at him vigilantly.

Before Ji Tianxing could speak, the Tianshi domain master smiled and said: "Your Excellency thought that he didn't know what he was doing, and he broke into the Shenhui Cave without knowing it.

Unexpectedly, this seat has been waiting for you for a long time! "

At this time, the Tianshi domain master showed quite self-confidence, with a winning posture.

Originally, those **** kings and guards were still a little nervous.

Infected by the aura of the Tianshi domain master, they also regained their confidence and calmness.

Ji Tianxing looked at the Tianshi Territory Lord, with a calm expression: "Don't put gold on your face. If the Nether God Emperor had not sent you a message, how could you know?

By the way, did Nether God Emperor tell you...who is this king?

Do you know where this king comes from, why does it come, and what realm of strength it is? "

Obviously, the Netherworld God Emperor did not tell the Tianshi Territory Lord this.

First, he didn't want to explain too much to his subordinates, and second, he was afraid that the Tianshi domain master would be timid and make some jokes and problems.

If you let the Tianshi domain master know that a pinnacle **** king is about to sneak into the Tianshi star to assassinate him, I don't know what the Tianshi domain is mainly frightened.

Hearing Ji Tianxing's question, the Tianshi domain owner was also taken aback, unable to answer.

He has already seen that Ji Tianxing's strength is unpredictable, his aura is very mysterious and restrained, and his realm is definitely higher than him.

He is the Ninth Level of the Divine King Realm, so Ji Tianxing must be the Peak Divine King!

Thinking of this, the Tiens Domain Master's heart also lifted up, and most of his confidence disappeared.

But he did not dare to show timidity and guilty conscience, still maintained a confident posture, and sneered: "You don't need to know this, just know that you are in the trap, and you will die!

No matter who you are and what means of strength you have, you are all alone.

And under this seat, there are dozens of **** kings and tens of thousands of guards of the **** monarch realm.

Even if you have great abilities, you will be crushed and buried here today! "

Ji Tianxing saw that he was stern, and sneered: "Since you are so confident, what are you waiting for?"

The Tianshi domain master is not stupid, of course he knows that the longer the time delay, the better for him.

If they fight with Ji Tianxing now, even if they are destined to win, they will have to pay a heavy price.

A peak **** king, desperately fighting to kill nearly ten thousand guards on the spot, twenty or thirty **** kings, there is still no problem.

However, the Tiens domain owner is unwilling to bear such tragic consequences.

Therefore, he chose to continue to delay time.

"Although ~www.ltnovel.com~ you alone cannot fight against so many elite guards in this seat, victory is destined to belong to us.

But if you are trapped in the beast and fight back, you will still cost us a lot.

This seat is a good domain master who loves his people like his children, and has always pityed the lives of his subordinates.

Therefore, this seat still hopes that you have self-knowledge and can take the initiative to surrender. This seat will give you a decent way to die.

This is good for everyone! "

The Lord of the Tianshi Territory looked at Ji Tianxing indifferently, and said awe-inspiring words.

Those twenty-odd **** kings and twenty thousand guards were actually moved and grateful for his words!

Ji Tianxing showed a disdainful smile.

"Want to procrastinate? Dreaming!"

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