Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4030: You finally came

Without waiting for the two guards to recover, and without giving them a chance to escape, Ji Tianxing waved his hand and shot a few sword lights.

"call out!"

"Boom! Boom!"

The sound of sword light breaking through the air sounded, and six sword lights successfully penetrated the heads of the two guard leaders.

In the blood sprinkling room, the two guard leaders were killed on the spot, and the corpse fell backward and lay under the altar.

At this time, it was only twenty breaths, and all the guards on the square were killed.

Ji Tianxing didn't have time to clean the battlefield, let alone waste time collecting the spoils.

He stepped onto the altar, exercised the secret method of the magic pupil, and observed the altar's divine formation.

Within a moment, he figured out the doorway, and his luck opened the magical formation.


The altar was illuminated with dazzling white light, condensed into a light gate as high as ten feet.

He crossed the white light door, his figure disappeared instantly and broke into the secret realm.


The area of ​​the secret realm is not large, about 200,000 li.

But the secret environment is very good, green mountains and beautiful waters, flowers and trees, and a lot of spiritual energy.

The most important thing is that Ji Tianxing flew all the way through the sky, wherever he went, he was very quiet and peaceful.

During the flight, Ji Tianxing also encountered a team of patrolling guards.

The speed of the ten guards is not hurried or slow, their expressions are relaxed and natural, and there is no sense of urgency.

Ji Tianxing was in a state of invisibility, and he also condensed his own aura, passing by them was not found.

Judging from the current situation, the domain master of Tiance didn't know it, and Tiance Divine Palace did not have any defense methods.

Ji Tianxing believes that this operation will be very smooth.

He flew for about 100,000 miles and reached the depths of the secret realm. He saw the top of an undulating mountain range and built a large number of palaces and buildings.

The palace complex with a radius of thousands of miles should be the residence of the domain master of the sky strategy.

As a result, he quietly landed in the palace complex, and his divine consciousness extended to cover the entire palace complex.

He wanted to detect the location of the Tiance domain master, and then attacked unexpectedly to capture him.

In this palace group, there are more than 20,000 people living, most of them are masters of the gods, and there are more than 30 gods.

If he could easily catch the master of the heaven policy without disturbing those gods, Ji Tianxing would of course be happy, after all, it saves time and effort.

But he didn't expect it, just when he released his spiritual knowledge to search for the whereabouts of the master of the sky strategy.

A few dozen miles away, on the top of the most majestic mountain, an unusually powerful breath of divine power suddenly appeared!

That was the breath fluctuation of the Peak God King... No, it was several times stronger than the Peak God King, and even with a trace of Dao Yun!

Ji Tianxing immediately realized that the situation was not good, and 80% of the people who could possess this kind of divine power were the incarnation of the strong **** emperor.

Sure enough, when his consciousness gathered on that breath, he could clearly see the source of that breath.

It is a protoss man wearing an elegant nebula robe and holding a feather fan!

This person is handsome and personable, with two beards at the corners of his mouth, sitting on the throne of the conference hall.

When Ji Tianxing's consciousness touched him, he smiled, got up and flew out of the hall.


The white-robed man flew over the divine palace and looked at Ji Tianxing's hiding place with a smile on his face. His voice said loudly: "Sword God, this emperor has been waiting for you for several months, you finally came!"

Obviously, this white-robed man who claimed to be the emperor was the incarnation of God Emperor Dao Xingyun.

Not only did he come to Tiance Divine Mansion a long time ago, but he also found Ji Tianxing, who was invisible and convergent, and locked his position!

Now that it has been exposed, it doesn't make much sense for Ji Tianxing to hide.

He simply showed his figure, standing high in the sky, facing the Dao Xingyun fifty miles away.

After a thousand years, the two men with blood and blood feud met again.

Ji Tianxing's face was cold and his eyes were sharp.

Dao Xingyun seemed to have nothing happened, his expression was indifferent, with a slight smile at the corner of his mouth, and he gently shook the feather fan.

Seeing that the other party was so calm, Ji Tianxing said in a deep voice: "Along the way, the sky has been calm and the waves have been calm, and everything has been normal for the sky.

Even in this secret realm, there was nothing unusual inside and out.

I originally thought that you knew that I destroyed the avatar of the Nether God Emperor, and you would definitely cherish your avatar and dare not come in person.

Unexpectedly, you still came after all, and you didn't even give up the domain master of Tiance! "

The incarnation of Dao Xingyun smiled, and said in a calm and calm tone: "Yes, the Nether God Emperor told us that, everyone is really surprised.

We all couldn't believe that the sword **** who had been dead for more than one thousand and one hundred years had actually come back to life.

Moreover, he has returned to his peak state, and his strength is a bit stronger.

But do you think this emperor will be afraid of this and ignore the Tiance star field?

Do you think this emperor will be afraid of you and give up the entire Tiance star field?

Ha ha ha ha... You are too confident!

It's just the peak **** king, if you don't reach the realm of **** emperor, you will always be just ants! "

Dao Xingyun's plain tone is with undoubted confidence and domineering.

After speaking, he patted his palms, seeming to send some kind of signal.

Immediately afterwards, in the palace under his feet, the breath of a few gods and powerhouses suddenly appeared.

In the dozens of peaks in all directions, hundreds of palaces and buildings, the aura of hundreds of gods and powerhouses suddenly appeared!

"Huh! Huh!"

Those god-king powerhouses who had been hidden, and Ji Tianxing hadn't noticed for a while, flew into the sky and showed their bodies.

Ji Tianxing's complexion changed slightly, his pupils shrunk, and his divine consciousness swept over thousands of miles, and he found that more than 600 divine kings had emerged out of thin air!

It should be understood that he just released his spiritual knowledge and roughly searched the palace complex, only to find more than 30 **** kings.

But at this time, more than six hundred god-king powerhouses appeared in the palace group!

This suffices to show that more than 600 **** kings have long been lurking here, waiting for him to arrive!

How can there be more than 600 **** kings gathered in Tiance Divine Mansion?

Seeing that those **** kings were all foreign races, and most of them were middle **** kings, Ji Tianxing understood.

It must be Dao Nebula who issued the order, summoning many star masters to reinforce!

The other side ambushes here just to wait for him to appear before they join forces to besiege!

"Dao Xingyun~www.ltnovel.com~ You are a deep scheming, a vicious method!"

Ji Tianxing's gaze swept across the hundreds of **** kings, and finally landed on Dao Xingyun, and he asked in a deep voice.

"When I traveled this way, the entire Star Territory, Tiance Star, and this secret realm were very peaceful, with no flaws.

How did you do it?

Can you summon so many god-king powerhouses without being noticed by others?

Not only this secret realm, but even the entire Celestial Strategy star are cooperating with you in acting?

Dao Xingyun, your scheming and means are better than that of the past! "

Facing Ji Tianxing's questioning, Dao Xingyun smiled lightly and explained: "The emperor has given a password. Very few people know this, so naturally it can keep it secret.

The entire Star Territory and the people of Tiance Star did not know, how could they leak the news? "

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