Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4041: Unexpected secret

In the first two sentences, Dao Xingyun still sounded like that.

Although he doesn't major in kendo, he also believes that Ji Tianxing's words are the principle of kendo.

But the last sentence made him stunned on the spot.

"Your sword, are you back?"

Dao Xingyun didn't turn the corner for a while, thinking that the sword had been knocked off and fell hundreds of thousands of miles away. How could it be possible to come back?

But a flash of light flashed in his mind, and he suddenly remembered the past thousands of years ago.

Suddenly, his body shook, and his eyes burst into incredible light.

"Your sword... Burial Heaven... is also resurrected?"

As one of the five people who besieged the Sword God and killed the Sword God with their own hands, he certainly knew that the sword of the Sword God was named Funeral Sky.

And in that burial sword, there is a sword soul named burial sky!

The sword soul is spiritual and wise.

However, after the fall of the sword god, the five **** emperors personally destroyed the burial sword.

Everyone believed that the Heaven Burial Sword was completely destroyed and could not be restored.

Even if he saw the sword **** rebirth and returned with an identical Sky Burial Sword, Dao Xingyun thought it was an imitation.

After all, the Sword God’s resurrection is horrifying enough, how can the Heaven Burial Sword that has been destroyed for thousands of years be reproduced?

Now that he heard this sentence, he reacted.

If the Sky Burial Sword can be returned to Ji Tianxing's hands, it must have been done by the Soul Burying Sky!

as predicted.

What happened at the next moment confirmed Dao Xingyun's conjecture.

"call out!"

A black light flew from the broken sky and fell into Ji Tianxing's hands.

Dao Xingyun looked intently, that was the Heaven Burial Sword!

Seeing the Sky Burial Sword flying back with his own eyes, he could no longer suppress the shock in his heart, and exclaimed in disbelief: "It really is the Sky Burial! It has been destroyed for thousands of years. How can it be resurrected?

Sword God, how did you do it? "

Ji Tianxing held the sacred hammer in his left hand and the Sky Burial Sword in his right hand, regaining his previous momentum.

Now that the existence of Funeral Sky had been exposed, he no longer had to pretend to be weak.

"Hehehe...Want to know? Then you can come in person!"

He sneered and stopped talking, brandishing the hammer and burial sword, and launched a fierce attack on Dao Nebula.

"Lei Hai is born and died!"

"Sword of Destruction!"

Thousands of thunders were thrown out by the hammer, forming a colorful ocean of thunder, pouring down toward the Dao Nebula.

And the Heaven Burial Sword draws on the power of the five elements world, condenses a giant sword of golden light that is ten thousand feet long, and fell from the sky.

At this point, Ji Tianxing knew that it was time to end!

Funeral had already told him about the situation and situation of the alien kings behind.

At this time, it is the best time to break one by one!

"Rumble rumbling!"


Amidst the earth-shaking thunder, Dao Xingyun pinched the gods in both hands, released the power of the heavens, and formed a shield on the body to resist the erosion of the thunder sea.

No matter how violent the sky **** thunder is, it can't defeat his heavenly power shield.

Although, Dao Nebula will consume too much power in doing so, and it will accelerate power exhaustion.

But this is the safest and one of his most powerful defense methods.

After resisting the erosion of Leihai, Dao Xingyun waved the silver dragon gun with both hands, piercing the sky full of spear shadows, and resisting the sword of destruction.

He felt that the Sword of World Destruction was a powerful, formed of a force comparable to the power of Heaven, and its power was very terrifying.

He did not expect the Silver Dragon Spirit Spear to defeat the sword of the world, but only to reduce the power of the sword light.

Coupled with his shield of heavenly power, it will definitely be able to resist this sword.

However, he still underestimated the power of the sword of destruction.

"Boom bang bang!"

Hundreds of silver dragon gun shadows slammed into the sword of the world, but they were vulnerable and collapsed.

On the other hand, the Sword of Destroying World, its power and speed remained undiminished, and it was still dazzling with golden light, severely cut down.


Finally, the huge sword of golden light hit the Dao Nebula severely.

It's not that he doesn't want to hide, but the sword aura and the invisible amount of pressure have already imprisoned him firmly.

Moreover, he has the shield of the power of heaven, and he has eight points of assurance in his heart.

But the facts exceeded his expectations.

In the earth-shattering sound of shattering, the shield condensed by the power of the heavens was smashed by the giant sword!

At this moment, Dao Xingyun's eyes widened, his pupils tightened, and a deep horror was born in his heart.

He finally realized that the special power that condensed this sword light was the power of the legendary world.

That is the magical power that creates everything, from zero to evolve the entire world.

In ancient legends, that is the power of the Creator, which is equivalent to the power of heaven!

"It's over, it's big!"

Dao Xingyun suddenly regretted it, but it was too late.

The brilliant golden sword light flooded his figure.

The strong and broad arms were instantly cut off by the sword light, splashing out a pile of debris.

This is an incarnation, not a body of flesh and blood, naturally there is no scene of splashing blood.

But Dao Xingyun's entire right arm was cut off, and his arm was broken into slag, splashing around.

Such a scene is still chilling.

In the next instant, the power of Jianguang completely exploded, and the Dao Nebula flew upside down, tumbling and smashing thousands of miles away.

"Ah! You...damn it!"

The frightened and angry Tao Nebula let out a low roar like thunder.

Fighting against Ji Tianxing so far, this is his first injury.

Moreover, the injury was so serious that his strength was accelerated and his strength weakened a bit.

Ji Tianxing took advantage of the situation to chase Dao Xingyun, and sneered: "I have said long ago, you, this incarnation, will definitely die!

Very angry, right?

Want revenge?

Then let your deity come here in person! "

He once again angered Dao Xingyun, just to test what Dao Xingyun is doing, how important is it?

Although the Nether God Emperor's incarnation was destroyed, the deity never came for revenge, which already made him feel confident.

But Dao Xingyun's reaction can further confirm his guess.

Sure enough, when he mentioned that the deity had come in person, Dao Xingyun shut up.

When he flew upside down for eight hundred miles, just after the impact was resolved, Ji Tianxing slammed in front of him again and swung his sword again.

"The sword breaks nine days!"

Next, the two fiercely fought and chased in the high sky, and continued to shift the battlefield.

Although, ordinary kendo supernatural powers can hardly hurt Dao Nebula.

But this can accelerate the consumption of Dao Nebula's power and make his injuries continue to deteriorate.

Ji Tianxing was also unable to continuously cast the sword of destruction within a short period of time.

He needs a little buffer time, in Bailong's words, that is called skill cooling.

Finally ~www.ltnovel.com~ after the two fought for a quarter of an hour, they moved a million miles from the battlefield.

At this time, the domain master of Tiance brought more than 300 kings to chase after him.

Ji Tianxing waved the Heaven Burial Sword again, using the Sword of Destruction.

Dao Xingyun could not escape the previous sword.

Now that he was seriously injured and weak, it was even more impossible to escape with this sword.


Under the gaze of hundreds of alien kings, the huge golden light sword that stretched over ten thousand feet hit Dao Xingyun suddenly.

Everyone saw with their own eyes that Dao Xingyun's body collapsed in the sword light, was split into two halves, and countless pieces of debris were spattered!

The **** scattered in the broken world, turned into pure divine power, and quickly dissipated.

Suddenly, everyone was dumbfounded.

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