Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4098: Most trusted person

   As the saying goes, ugly things come first.

   Taking advantage of the formation of the rebellious alliance, nothing embarrassing or unpleasant has happened yet, Ji Tianxing picks out the problem first.

   This can also prevent things from actually happening, and dealing with those forces will make everyone embarrassed.

   The most important thing is that Ji Tianxing's forces, methods and strategies are all placed here.

   Even the Emperor Master and Meng Shuai were in his hands, and they all had a big somersault, let alone the eight powers.

   Therefore, no one dared to turn his face to him, they could only obediently obey orders.

   After listening to Ji Tianxing's explanation, Nangong was relieved that the father and daughter were not confused.

  Since Ji Tianxing is confident that he can determine the eight forces, they have nothing to worry about.

   Then, Nangong Buluo went on to report: "Long son, I have received four subpoenas just before you come back."

   Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows, a playful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and asked, "Is it the forces that sway left and right and watch in secret?"

   Nangong nodded quickly without confusion and said: "Exactly! The news that Meng Shuai was intercepted and killed yesterday spread, and today they can't wait to send information to express their willingness to join the alliance."

   Nangong Nihuang curled his lips in contempt, and said: "These guys are too powerful, they think they are very shrewd, but they are actually some clowns!

   Now that the son can easily kill Meng Shuai and more than two thousand masters, he has seen the strong strength of the son, and finally made up his mind..."

  Nangong didn’t get confused about what he wanted to say, but the daughter said, so he didn’t comment much, and asked directly: "Dong son, how do you think about this matter? Agree or disagree?"

   Ji Tianxing smiled and said: "When the alliance was first established, I said it.

   As long as those clans and top forces are willing to help us overthrow the rule of the Emperor Shura, this seat will not reject them.

   Agree, of course it must be agreed.

   It’s just that, don’t rush to answer them.

   In the next two days, there should be a few more forces, and they have made up their minds one after another to send subpoenas to request joining.

   When the time comes, let's deal with it together. "

   Nangong suddenly smiled like a fox, with an expression that I understand, nodded and said: "Okay, then let them dry according to what you said."

   After hesitating, he tried to ask again: "Young Master Long, take the liberty to ask, what kind of treatment do you plan to give to those powers joining the alliance?"

   Before Ji Tianxing could answer, Nangong Nihuang frowned and said, "They joined afterwards. They obviously have no determination and sincerity. How can they be qualified to negotiate terms with the son?"

   Ji Tianxing smiled and said: "Of course they are not qualified to negotiate terms, but if you want them to contribute, you still have to promise them certain treatment.

  Let’s do this...Permit to give them one area, only in the area where they are.

   If they think the conditions are too low, do you know how to deal with it? "

   Nangong said with a smile, "Of course! If they bargain, just let them go!"

Humph! It would be nice to let them join the alliance and get a land.

   At least, they can keep their foundation after the incident.

  Like those forces that oppose us, they can't even keep the ten thousand years of foundation.

   In comparison, they will be content! "

   Ji Tianxing nodded slightly and said, "Very well, I will leave this to you when it comes time.

   In addition, I divided the death list into two parts, and I will hand it to you now.

   You lead those powers to deal with the strong and powerful on the first list.

   The second list, I will direct the three forces to solve it. "

   Nangong nodded without confusion and said in obedience, and then asked: "Nangong Ao and the eight elders have not collected enough information, and the death list is only 80% complete.

   What about the remaining 20%? Should we continue to send someone to investigate? "

   "No need." Ji Tianxing waved his hand and said: "When we fight a decisive battle with the emperor, many hidden forces will jump out.

   Even if there are some forces hiding deeply, don't worry about it for now.

   After we take control of the Haotian Continent, you will slowly investigate and clear them out.

   You need to know, even if we control the Haotian Continent, you still have a lot to do. "

  Nangong was not confused when I heard it, not only did it not feel hard, but it was flattered and full of surprises.

   Of course he understands what Ji Tianxing means.

   This clearly means that in the future, after Ji Tianxing takes control of the Haotian Continent, he will go to other continents.

   And as the spokesperson of Ji Tianxing, he will control the Haotian Continent on his behalf.

   What kind of glory and power is this?

   also shows how much Ji Tianxing trusts and respects him?

   Why doesn’t this make Nangong confused?

  Nangong Nihuang is also ice and snow smart. He understands the profound meaning of Ji Tianxing, can't help but shines in his beautiful eyes, and the eyes looking at Ji Tianxing are also full of gratitude.

   Ji Tianxing didn't say much, opened the space door of the **** tower, and pulled Nangong proudly from the twisted time and space.

   Outside the past few days, he has been recuperating in twisted time and space for half a year.

   Although the injury is still very serious, at least he is sober and can heal the injury by himself.

   "Nangong Ao will be handed over to you, let him stay in Yanxu Dongtian to heal his injuries.

   After this battle, I will reward him again. "

   Ji Tianxing handed Nangong Ao to Nangong, so he left the Guangming Hall.

   All the things that should be confessed are confessed, he is going to the northwest now to intercept the inspector leader Qi Yan.

   Nangong Buluo and Nangong Nihuang chased after him and wanted to send him away from Yanxu Cave.

   But Ji Tianxing refused, "Don't give it away, it's not a good thing to attract attention.

   You take care of Nangong Ao first, and remember to control the situation. "

After    finished speaking, he waved to Nangong without confuse the father and daughter and flew to the sky.

   Nangong Budou and Nangong Nihuang stood outside the gate of the palace, looking up at his figure away.

   Very weak Nangong proud~www.ltnovel.com~ also came over and watched Ji Tianxing leave.

   But he was injured so badly that he would fall before two steps.

   Nangong quickly helped him, asked about his injury, and sent someone to send him back to his residence.

   Next, Nangong Buzhu and Nangong Nihuang each performed their duties and went busy performing their tasks.

  Although, they are all worried and concerned about Ji Tianxing's safety.

   But what they should do is absolutely unambiguous.

   They also understand that only by controlling the situation and keeping the base of Yanxu Cave Sky well, can Ji Tianxing be relieved of worries.

   It didn't take long for the leaders of the eight powers to also learn about Ji Tianxing's departure.

  Although they had been mentally prepared, Ji Tianxing left so eagerly that everyone was surprised.

   At the same time, everyone felt a little lost.

   Ji Tianxing left Yanxu Dongtian, only to tell Nangong Fufu father and daughter something, but did not say hello to them at all.

  Which is lighter and which is more serious, it is clear who is more trusted by Ji Tianxing.

   But everyone is not jealous, and they know that jealousy is useless.

   They all secretly made up their minds to make the contribution, so that Ji Tianxing looked at him differently.


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