Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4102: 1 as 0

   When Ji Tianxing put away the Battleship Tushen, lifted the camouflage and invisibility, appeared in the night sky.

   The two thousand soldiers in the two divine warships all noticed him, and everyone's consciousness was concentrated on him.

   Everyone is looking at him.

   When everyone saw his appearance, their expressions changed drastically, showing shock and panic.

   "It's the sword god!"

   "God, it turned out to be the sword god!"

   "No wonder he dared to intercept and kill us alone, he turned out to be the Sword God!"

   "This is impossible! Didn't he return to Yanxu Cave Sky? How could he appear here?"

   "It's over... this time is over, we are all dead!"

   Needless to say, although the two thousand soldiers have not seen the sword **** in person, they all know the appearance of the sword god.

   After all, as early as a month or two ago, the emperor and the commander of Meng gave the order to send the appearance and appearance of the sword **** to all the soldiers under his command.

   For the emperor and Mengshuai's soldiers, the sword **** is their ultimate goal, how can they not know it?

   Before this, no one except Qi Yan would have thought that the Sword God would intercept them here.

   But when things really happened, everyone was terrified and desperate.

   Even if they have an absolute advantage in numbers, they will fight the Sword God alone by two thousand.

   Even if they have forty **** kings and 2,000 **** kings.

   Facing the sword god, they were still cold and desperate.

   This is the prestige of the sword god!

   A strong man who allows teammates to trust and rely on, and makes opponents feel fear!

   Just imagine how powerful the Meng commander was, and he led 2,400 soldiers.

   Isn't the same as the one killed by the Sword God, without leaving a living?

   These two thousand people can't compare with Meng Shuai's people. Is there any suspense about the ending?

   Of course there is no.


   When the two thousand soldiers were full of panic and despair, their morale fell to the bottom, and the army was distracted.

   If it weren't for Qi Yan and many gods and generals, these soldiers would have been defeated long ago.

   Fortunately, Qi Yan's performance is still calm and composed.

   He saw that all the soldiers were earth-colored and panicked, and he shouted in a deep voice, "What? No matter how strong the Sword God is, there is only one person.

   After all, he is only the pinnacle **** king, and he is not an invincible **** emperor. What's so scary? "

   Qi Yan's deep, majestic voice echoed in the battleship.

   At the same time, it also spread to another warship.

   The two thousand soldiers who were slightly flustered and frightened were a little quieter, but the fear in their hearts remained unchanged.

   After all, Qi Yan's remarks have little effect and cannot change the ending.

   So, Qi Yan went on to shout coldly: "This seat knows that you are afraid of the reputation of the sword god.

   But are you afraid of solving the problem?

   can you not die if you fear him?

   He has already sealed a 10,000-mile radius with a king-level superb divine clock.

   We have no retreat, even this seat, it is impossible to escape! "

   Hearing what he said, the two thousand soldiers became even more flustered. The expressions and eyes of many people were full of fear and despair, and there was no morale at all.

   Had it not been for military regulations and disciplines, they would have scattered and fled, each for their lives.

   But everyone didn't do that. One was because of military discipline, and the other was because they knew they couldn't escape.

   Even the coach Qi Yan admits that he can't escape. How can these soldiers still survive?

  For the current plan, only if everyone keeps warm and obeys the coach's arrangement, will there be a trace of vitality.

   Seeing the soldiers gradually calmed down, Qi Yan felt a little relieved, and said with earnest heart: "I believe you all understand that we are already in a desperate situation.

  Since I can't escape, I can't avoid it, and fear can't solve the problem.

   Then we can only fight back and fight hard!

  Yes, our strength is indeed not as good as the sword god, and two thousand soldiers are nothing but cannon fodder in front of him.

   But we work together to treat this battle as the last fight in our lives.

   Even if we die in battle, we have to die with the glory, the splendor and the worth of death!

   Even if I die here in battle with you, we have to put on the back of the sword god!

   If we can die together, then we will be the greatest heroes, and our name will last forever! ! "

   Qi Yan's remarks ignited the fire of hope for two thousand soldiers and restored the dim eyes of everyone.

   Everyone was convinced of what he said, and they were determined to die for the last fight!

   Even if they are killed in battle, they have to bite off a piece of the sword god!

   If they can die with the sword god, even if they die, they will be worth it, and they will be famous in the world, Guangzong Yaozu!

   So, the soldiers, who were still stubborn and moraleless, became energetic and morale up again.

   Close observation will reveal that it is not invincible, confident and high morale.

  , but with the will to die, the determination and pride of going to justice generously!

   Qi Yan saw in his eyes, very pleased, and quickly ordered: "All soldiers, follow the orders of this seat!

  Except for the soldiers who stayed behind on the warship, everyone will follow this seat, line up the battle formation, surround the sword god, and fight him to death!

  The soldiers who control the battleship must go all out, look for all opportunities, and bombard the sword god! "

After    gave the order, he took ten guards and flew out of the battleship first.

   Immediately after that, more than 1,900 soldiers flew out of the battleship and lined up the battlefield in the night sky.

   The eighty soldiers who stayed behind in the battleship also immediately manipulated the two battleships, adjusted their directions, and flanked Ji Tianxing from left to right.

   But Ji Tianxing will not give them a chance, let alone waste too much time, letting them line up.

   did not say hello or unnecessary nonsense, he directly attacked.

   "Sword Rain!"

   In order to make a quick battle~www.ltnovel.com~, he performed large-scale destructive skills as soon as he came up.

   He used his ten successful powers, his two-handed sword pointed at the sky, and his whole body released an invisible aura.

   At this moment, it seems that the world is in his grasp, and even the thousands of stars in the outer starry sky are controlled by him.

   Suddenly, there were endless spots of stars in the high sky, pouring down like a meteor shower.

   But the night sky is obscured by the chaotic primitive clock, so no one can see it.

   Qi Yan and his soldiers only saw Ji Tianxing raising his hand to cast the spell, but he didn't know why.

  Of course, they don’t care about this detail anymore, they are arranging the battlefield in full swing.

   After two breaths, as many as 90,000 star giant swords descended from the sky, approaching Tianshu Pass.

   At this time, Ji Tianxing instantly put away the Primal Chaos Clock, so as not to block the Great Sword of Ten Thousand Paths.

   The divine clock that had been suppressing everyone disappeared, and tens of thousands of miles of heaven and earth were covered by the sky and stars, and the huge sword was shining brightly.

  The sudden light made it difficult for the two thousand soldiers to adapt, and the stabbed could not open their eyes.

   Everyone was taken aback, subconsciously looking up at the sky.

When    looked at the dense star giant sword, everyone's eyes widened in horror, and they let out a horrified roar.


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