Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4111: 1 smooth sailing

   Jiuhe domain master chooses to bow his head, admit defeat, and surrender.

   means that he gave up the illusion of negotiation, and put aside the dignity and reputation of the domain owner.

  Because he understood that the dignity and reputation of the lord of a domain is not worth mentioning in the eyes of the sword god.

   Moreover, any dignity and reputation are insignificant compared to life.

   To survive is the most important thing.

   He obediently picked up the jade slip, and in the presence of Ji Tianxing, the deputy domain master, and the two **** generals, he began to read the oath of surrender.

   Although, his expression and reaction seemed a bit aggrieved.

   After actually reading the vow of surrender, not only him, but even the sub-domain master and the two **** generals felt more aggrieved.

   But the Jiuhe domain master has broken the fluke and illusion, and decided to surrender, so he won't hesitate anymore.

   Even if the content of the vow of return is harsh, he can only bite the bullet and read it.

   The deputy domain master and the two **** generals heard the series of swearing to the sky, all kinds of "may be condemned by the gods", only felt that the scalp was numb and the back was cold.

   But while being humiliated and sorrowful and angry, the Jiuhe Domain Lord unexpectedly gave birth to a different idea.

  He was thinking, the domain master of Qingfeng and Changshan must have read the same vow of surrender not long ago?

   didn't know, what were the feelings of those two guys when they read the vows of return?

   is also very shocking, still very aggrieved and unwilling?

   Thinking of the appearance of the two domain masters deflated, the Jiuhe domain master was not so sad and indignant, and felt much better.

   After a while, he finished the vow of return.

   As soon as the deputy domain master and the two **** generals breathed a sigh of relief, they saw that the Jiuhe domain master lit up with colorful lights and a ray of Dao rhyme appeared above his head.

   At the same time, on the sky above the study, thousands of thunder lights were lit up, and there was a burst of thunder.

   Obviously, the oath of heaven was established.

   Jiuhe Domain Master could clearly sense that the terrifying heavenly might enveloped him.

   It is as if the heavens are watching him all the time, as long as he dares to give birth to a strange heart and violates any of the oaths, he will be condemned immediately!

   When this thought flashed in his mind, the Jiuhe Domain Master shuddered violently.

   Although the deputy domain master and the two **** generals didn't understand what was going on, they had a foreboding that the matter was very serious, and they immediately felt sympathy for the Jiuhe domain master.

   After a while, the vision of heaven and earth disappeared.

   Jiuhe domain master returned the jade slip to Ji Tianxing respectfully.

Now that he has surrendered and returned to the Sword God, he no longer has any illusions, and respectfully said: "The Sword God, his subordinates have sincerely surrendered, and will be the **** of the Sword God in the future. If there is anything to send, you can just order... …"

   Ji Tianxing put away the jade slip, and said blankly: "Keep the Jiuhe domain well and don't let the people suffer from the war.

   In addition, immediately stop the enslavement of the Li people and restore their freedom.

   If there is anything, we will issue another order to inform you. "

After    finished speaking, Ji Tianxing turned and pushed open the study door, his figure disappeared into the darkness.

   The four masters of Jiuhe domain hurriedly walked to the door of the study, and bowed to Ji Tianxing to leave.

   After Ji Tianxing disappeared for a long time, the four people finished their salute and returned to the study silently.

   The study door closed again.

   It was also very quiet outside, as if nothing had happened.

   The four of them were silent for a long time. In order to alleviate the embarrassment, the deputy domain master said: "I have always heard how the sword **** is so outstanding. I saw it with my own eyes tonight, and the rumors are true."

   The two gods nodded quickly to agree, and praised: "Sure enough, they are the sword gods. Needless to say, their appearance and temperament, just the coercion and aura is better than any **** king!"

  "In this world, I am afraid that no one can compete with the sword **** except the five great emperors.

   It is a great thing for a small character like ours to see the Sword God in person without any damage! "

   The sub-domain master and the two gods will desperately tout the sword **** and call him the first person under the five **** emperors.

   Its purpose is to show that one has surrendered to the sword god, which is excusable and understandable.

  Don't say they want to concede defeat to the sword god, changing to any **** king can't stop the pressure of the sword god.

   Therefore, it is natural for them to surrender and read the humiliating oath of surrender.

   Sure enough, the face of the Jiuhe Domain Lord became much more relaxed.

   He stopped discussing this topic, muttering to himself: "I didn't expect that the speed of the Sword God was so fast.

   I only got news today that he intercepted and killed the leader of Qi Yan in the north.

   As a result, he came to Jiuheyu tonight.

   So fast, it can be said to be the only one in the world, no one can beat. "

   The sub-domain master and the two gods nodded quickly, agreeing.

   Jiuhe domain master said again: "This seat has imagined many times how to act after meeting the sword god.

   I didn't expect it to be in this way.

   Ha ha... Even surrendering, it was so hasty.

   More importantly, the Sword God didn't put this seat in his eyes at all, he didn't even have any instructions, let alone any tasks. "

   At this point, the Jiuhe Domain Master laughed mockingly.

  The deputy domain master quickly comforted him, saying: "Master domain, the sword **** is so fast, it shows that he is very busy, so naturally he won't waste time.

   Moreover, not only you, the Changshan Domain Master and Qingfeng Domain Master must also receive the same treatment.

   If you don’t believe it, you can see what they are doing in the future? "

   The two **** generals also followed to comfort the Jiuhe domain master, saying: "Domain master, didn't the sword **** arrange a task for you?"

   "That's right! The Sword God wants you to save the people of Jiuheyu and return them to freedom. This is a great deed and merit!

   By then, hundreds of millions of people will be grateful to you! "

   Hearing these words ~www.ltnovel.com~ The domain owner of Jiuhe suddenly brightened his eyes and was full of energy.

   At least, he has found something to do and can prove that he is valuable.

   Since he has returned to the Sword God, he certainly hopes to make some achievements and win the Sword God's favor.


   After leaving the cave mansion of the Jiuhe Domain Lord, Ji Tianxing asked Bai Long to control the Battleship Tushen and hurried to Changshan Domain.

   At the same time, he also sent out two subpoenas, asking about the movements of Chief Shenfeng, Chief Yuchi and Xu Bailian, and the progress of Nangong Buhuo and others.

   Within a quarter of an hour, the patriarch of Shenfeng took the lead in sending back a subpoena.

   They reported to Ji Tianxing that they had subdued the Master of Qingfeng Domain and forced the Master of Qingfeng Domain to read the vow of surrender. The process went very smoothly.

   At present, they are leaving Qingfeng domain, on their way to Changshan domain.

   After a while, Nangong also sent back a subpoena, reporting the situation to Ji Tianxing.

  The six forces of theirs have already started their actions, and they have successfully conquered a certain domain master south of Yanxu Cave.

   The domain master was actually mentally prepared for a long time, and he was in awe of the reputation of the sword god.

   Therefore, after Nangong Buluo and others found the domain master, they did not encounter strong resistance, and the domain master surrendered naturally.


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