Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4115: Turn passive into active

Everyone knows that hundreds of domain masters are scattered, guarding their respective regions, and it is easy to be destroyed one by one.

Not to mention the Sword God's personal arrival, even if the powers that rebelled against the alliance went, those domain masters could not resist.

In order to survive, it is inevitable to admit defeat and surrender.

Therefore, the emperor can only come up with this method that is not a solution.

Didn't you subdue those domain owners one by one?

Then this seat issued an order to summon all the domain masters to the dark night domain to form traps and ambushes in the sky and earth net.

The sword **** and the nine powers of the rebellious alliance will all go to the air when they arrive in each domain.

They can't subdue those domain owners, can't they attack ordinary people?

Moreover, time does not allow them to establish a new domain owner to take over those regions.

After all, managing a domain cannot be done in a short time.

On the other hand, manpower is also a big problem.

If the Rebellious Alliance attacks every domain, a group of **** kings and master masters will be assigned to occupy a domain.

It won’t be long before no one can use the rebellious alliance.

Anyway, there are hundreds of domains in the Vast Sky Continent, even if those who rebel against the alliance occupy 50 domains, the emperor does not panic.

It is now that the rebellious alliance has the initiative and attacked everywhere. The emperor and the hundred domain masters can only passively defend.

If the rebellious alliance occupies half of the continent, then the initiative will be in the hands of the emperor.

He can take the initiative to destroy the forces of the rebel alliance one by one.

In general, the cheap plan he came up with temporarily worked really well!

Several law protectors and the generals thought for a while, then they understood the intention of the emperor and nodded in agreement.

Therefore, the two law protectors hurriedly drafted an edict and issued it as soon as possible.


At the same time, Ji Tianxing was riding on the battleship of Tushen and joined the Shenfeng Patriarch and others.

At this point, the nine forces and Ji Tianxing who rebelled against the alliance officially divided their troops into two groups and began their journey.

The two sides proceeded hand in hand, and with the momentum of turbulent winds, devastation and decay, they conquered the four domain masters in just a few days.

Wherever they went, they found the domain masters of each domain, and they hardly encountered any resistance.

Those domain owners often resisted symbolically, and dozens of soldiers were killed or wounded under their command, and they announced their defeat and surrender.

Before surrendering, they still dreamed of negotiating conditions with the rebel alliance and asking for some benefits.

However, the attitude of rebelling against the alliance was very tough, and he directly threw a vow of surrender and asked them to read it.

After the domain masters finished reciting the vows of return, they were like eggplants hit by the cream, and they were almost autistic.

No way, they are also the first time to come into contact with this kind of heavenly oath.

The content of the vow, which swayed nearly a thousand words, shocked them.

The visions of heaven and earth that appeared after the oath was established, as well as the invisible coercion of the heavens, made them feel horrified and afraid.

These domain owners all regretted, but they had no choice but to admit their fate.

The reason why several domain masters gave in so wisely was because of the news that spread throughout the Haotian Continent during this time.

Everyone knows that the rebellious alliance divided into two routes, north and south, and started offensive.

The domain masters of the various domains around Yanxu Cave Sky all descended upon hearing the wind and did not dare to resist.

Therefore, those domain owners played a leading role.

The domain owners of other domains saw that several domain owners had already surrendered first. I am not an iron-headed baby looking for death. Of course, there is no need to squat. It is safer to surrender.

Soon, another seven days passed.

Up to now, the Rebel Alliance has conquered ten domains, all of which are around Yanxu Dongtian.

As one domain master after another announced their surrender, various news began to circulate in the Haotian Continent.

One is that the rebellious alliance is as everyone thought, the sword **** against the dark rule of the **** emperor Shura is to save the people of Li people and return everyone to freedom.

The second point is that the rebellious alliance is divided into north and south, acting simultaneously.

The team heading south was led by the Nangong clan, followed by the Lan clan, the God of War clan, the Xia clan, She Mi Dongtian and the Jiang clan.

There are a total of six ancient clans, all of which are profound and strong.

Not to mention the master of a domain, even if the domain masters of several domains gather together, they are not their opponents.

Therefore, the army on the South Road is like a broken bamboo.

As for the team north of Yanxu Cave Sky, there were only three powers: the Feng Clan, the Yuchi Clan, and the Bailian Ancient Sect.

On the surface, these three forces cannot be compared with the South Road Army, and their numbers are all reduced by half.

However, the North Road Army was led by the Sword God himself!

A sword **** can reach ten ancient clans!

Therefore, in the eyes of countless people, the North Road Army is the most powerful!

The third point is that the goal of the rebel alliance is very clear, which is to subdue the domain masters of each domain one by one.

It is said that the oath of surrender revised by the Sword God himself is very sacred and solemn, and has been approved and supervised by the heavens.

Those domain masters who surrender must read the oath of heaven.

This news was obviously deliberately released by She Mi Dongtian’s intelligence forces after being beautified by people who rebelled against the alliance.

The purpose is to make the people of the Li people feel that the sword **** and the rebellious alliance are walking the way for the sky, representing justice and the will of heaven.

Those powerful gods and top forces sneered at this statement.

But the hundreds of millions of Li people are relatively ignorant, and naturally it is easy to believe.

Therefore, the people cheered, worshipped the sword god, and looked forward to the rebellious alliance.

Especially those people who are still living in dire straits, enslaved and oppressed, are looking forward to the early arrival of the rebellious alliance day and night to rescue them.

In addition to this, there is also a news that spread on the mainland.

Not long ago, the emperor personally issued an order to reach all regions of the mainland.

The content of the decree is very simple and straightforward, it is to summon the domain masters, and immediately rush to the dark night domain to join.

Although, the decree did not specify the reason and purpose.

But as long as you are not a fool, you know that this is the countermeasure of the emperor.

In just half a month, the Rebellious Alliance conquered ten domains in a row, which made the emperor unable to sit still.

The emperor cannot sit back and watch the rebellious alliance continue, but can only come up with this countermeasure ~www.ltnovel.com~ to resolve the crisis.

Countless forces, domain owners, empires, and people learned of this news, and after careful consideration, they all felt that the emperor's move was good, and it could indeed resolve the crisis.

At least, the emperor can turn passive into active.

Turn every domain into an empty city, and let the rebellious alliance attack and occupy it.

The Rebellious Alliance rushed into the air, and occupying those areas would waste time and waste manpower.

Not occupying those areas is tantamount to returning without success, and it is a waste of time.

Overall, this is a clever trick.

But the crux of the problem is how many domain masters can be mobilized by the edict issued by the emperor?

How many domain masters will continue to remain loyal and carry out the orders of the emperor?

At this chaotic juncture, I am afraid that most domain owners will weigh and consider the pros and cons?

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