Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4119: Waves of change

Seeing Ji Tianxing's dignified tone, his brows frowned.

Bailong realized the seriousness of the matter, so he no longer hesitated, and quickly activated the speeding formation of the Battleship Tushen, and went all out.

"call out!"

The sacred formation of the Tushen battleship burst out with a force of 12%, which made the battleship's flying speed increased by another 50%.

Suddenly, the battleship pierced the sky like a meteor and went straight to the south.

In order to meet Nangong Buzhu and others as soon as possible, the Tushen battleship only wanted to go on its way with all its strength, and could not hide its traces.

Ji Tianxing also didn't go to the Nine Heavens and Ten Jue Towers to practice exercises, but stayed in the cab and stared at the white dragon.

Of course, he first sent a message of jade slip to Nangong Buluo, then closed his eyes and rested and waited patiently.

Among the jade slips, he didn't say that he was rushing to the south, but just reminded Nangong to be careful, he might be in danger in the past two days.

It didn't take long for Nangong to send a message without confusion, claiming that he was on the road with the army of the South Road, ready to go to the wave domain to subdue the wave domain master.

If there is no accident, there will be six more hours, about noon tomorrow, the South Road army will be able to reach the Bolan Domain Lord's cave.

She Mi Dongtian’s intelligence forces have long been ascertained that the Lord of the Waves has always been a middleman who stays on the sidelines.

Even if the emperor issued three orders for the Lord of Waves to rush to the Dark Night Domain, the Lord of Waves was not moved.

From this point of view, the Lord of Waves is determined to surrender, and there will be no surprises.

After Ji Tianxing received the reply from Nangong Buluo, he didn't say much.

While closing his eyes to rest his mind, he thought silently in his heart: "If I were an emperor, it would be impossible to sit still, and there are so many elite soldiers and powerful generals and kings and powers gathered under his command. They must arrange tasks for them and give them a head-on attack. To get back the situation.

With me in the army on the North Road, it is useless for the emperor to send anyone, even if he comes in person, he will perish himself.

Therefore, the emperor is very likely to send a very powerful team to secretly rush to the south of the mainland to intercept and kill the southern army.

If you can successfully destroy the South Road army, you will be able to eliminate the six forces of the Rebel Alliance and cause heavy damage to the Rebel Alliance!

At the same time, the emperor can also restore the reputation and shock the half-hearted domain masters. "

Ji Tianxing also made these judgments based on the feeling of anxiety in his heart and the warning signs that were born in the dark.

He was immersed in the thinking of deduction and continued to imitate the thinking of the emperor.

"Since a team of strong people is sent to secretly rush to the south of the mainland, and the goal is to direct the army to the road, then it must be kept secret, in order to hit the target.

The army on the South Road has been running around and its whereabouts are erratic.

If the army on the South Road was intercepted halfway, it would be impossible unless the emperor had the deduction and calculation capabilities like mine.

Then he will probably choose a more secure approach, infer the direction of the army on the South Road, and set up an ambush in the established position! "

When he speculated here, Ji Tianxing's eyes were sharp, and a flash of light suddenly flashed in his mind.

"Could it be Waveland?"

The route and goal of the Army of the South Road at this moment are very obvious, and it is going to the waves.

The intelligence forces of the emperor can definitely investigate this.

Therefore, it must be the safest for the emperor to send that strong team to ambush the South Road army in the wave area!

But Ji Tianxing changed his thoughts and felt that something was wrong.

"But the Lord of the Waves is not a loyal loyal to the **** emperor Shura, he is also a guy who values ​​his own interests and has no backbone and dignity.

He has already expressed his willingness to surrender, how can he cooperate with the emperor to ambush the army on the South Road? "

Ji Tianxing's first reaction was that it was impossible for that strong team to ambush in the waves.

But he changed his mind, the more impossible things are, the more paralyzed and taken lightly.

For example, the current Nangong is not confused, even if Ji Tianxing reminds him how much, he will not take it too seriously.

At least, Nangong would never think that there would be any danger in this trip to the wave area.

"The Lord of the Waves is a wall of grass. If the people of this alliance find him first, he will probably surrender directly.

But he didn't clearly betray the emperor. If the team of the emperor finds him, he will probably not resist it? "

Thinking like this in his heart, Ji Tianxing vaguely guessed the strategy of the emperor and the location where the army on the South Road suffered a catastrophe.

So, he took out another jade slip for transmission, ready to remind Nangong not to be confused and to be careful of the waves.

But after he took out the jade slip, he took it back again.

After all, he has already sent four subpoenas to Nangong Buzhu.

The content is roughly the same, and they all remind Nangong to be careful not to be confused and not to be careless.

If it were posted again, wouldn't it make Nangong feel bored? And will it appear that he is too cautious and has the demeanor of the strong?

The most important thing is that all this is his speculation and conjecture, without any real evidence.

If he rushed to send a message to Nangong, but everything was normal in Waveland, and nothing he predicted happened.

It was definitely a big blow to him, affecting his prestige.

Thinking of this, Ji Tianxing retracted the transmission jade slip again and decided to watch the changes.

Of course, the White Dragon would still control the Battleship of God Tu, rushing to the wave region at the fastest speed.


at the same time.

In the middle of the night, the domain master cave mansion of the wave region.

The secret realm with a radius of more than tens of thousands of miles is full of magical power and beautiful scenery.

In the middle of the secret realm, on a majestic mountain range, there are hundreds of houses and palaces, inhabited by nearly 10,000 elite soldiers.

At this moment, under the night in all directions, in the majestic mountains, there are thousands of elite masters hidden.

The hidden supernatural powers of these masters of the gods are so brilliant that they are fused with the earth and mountains and can hardly be discovered.

The many palaces in the Domain Lord’s Mansion were lit as before, as calm as before.

However, in the residence of the Lord of the Waves, a solemn and heavy scene was being staged.

The Lord of the Wavelan Domain and a dozen or so gods all stood in the brightly lit hall, standing with hands together, bowing their heads respectfully.

Under the walls and corners around the main hall, there were dozens of powerful **** kings, all of them murderous and staring.

In front of the throne of the first place, there stood two old men in costumes with white beards and hair, and on both sides stood eight strong kings of gods~www.ltnovel.com~ The two elders in costumes were the most powerful and posture. The noblest and majesty.

After all, they are not only the powerful **** kings of the Ninth Realm, but also the great guardian and second guardian of the Shura Shrine for many years!

In the face of these powerhouses, what is the Lord of Waves?

Of course, you have to stand honestly and respectfully, waiting to hear you.

At this time, the great guardian had a cold face and a majestic tone of reprimanding: "Lord of the Waves, you are ashamed of the trust and canonization under the crown of the God Emperor. This performance has greatly disappointed the Emperor!

In view of your infidelity, the emperor will write it down for you for the time being, hoping that you can stand your sins and make merit.

Otherwise, if I come here tonight, I will judge you in public! "

The second guardian said blankly again: "This seat cannot trust you for the time being, so, for our plan, you and your generals can only go to prison for a few days!"

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