Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4131: Get on the road

no doubt.

Just like the king descending from the sky, it is Ji Tianxing!

The situation was just as he had guessed. When he rushed to the battlefield, the South Route Army was able to support it and was not defeated.

It's just that he didn't expect that the two sides will temporarily truce, and it seems that the South Route Army still has the upper hand.

Of the thousands of people on the battlefield, no one did not know Ji Tianxing.

When both sides saw Ji Tianxing appear, their reactions and expressions were also different.

The Zhu Shen army was full of horror, and only found it unbelievable, too absurd and bizarre.

At the same time, deep fear and anxiety developed in their hearts, and their morale was quickly fading.

The more than 4,000 people in the South Road Army were shocked, and they were all ecstatic, admired and proud.

At this moment, the image of the sword **** in their minds rose to another level.

Become their patron saint, the omnipotent king!

For more than 4,400 children of the clan, all the worries and hanging rocks in their hearts have fallen.

Seeing the appearance of the sword god, they were completely relieved and at ease.

In their perception, the sword **** is invincible.

Even if the Sword God is alone, he can kill more than two thousand Zhu God Army.

Even if they don't participate in the battle, watching them all from the sidelines will not affect the ending.

Therefore, the atmosphere in the field began to polarize.

While dull and silent, the crowd was filled with panic and despair.

On the other side, everyone was excited and excited, and some even danced with excitement.

Ji Tianxing overlooked the battlefield, his eyes swept across the audience, and finally fell on Nangong Buzhu and others.

He ignored the Zhu Shen army, took the white dragon straight, and flew to the side of Nangong Buzhu and others.

"How can the Nangong clan suffer such tragic casualties? How are your injuries?"

As soon as they met, Ji Tianxing interrupted Nangong Buluo and others who were about to salute, asking about the situation in a concerned tone.

This scene made the surviving more than 500 Nangong children feel warm and uplifted.

No matter how great the sacrifice of the Nangong clan is, and they can win the trust and concern of the sword god, they feel it is worth it.

Nangong Nihuang was about to explain the reason. Nangong waved his hand without confusion, and said with a shame: "Enlighten the leader, it is the old man's improper command that made everyone in an ambush to make this sacrifice. For the specific situation, please let the old man after the war. Report in detail."

On the other side, the patriarchs of the five clans thought that Nangong would not be confused to see the sword god, and they would definitely complain and take the opportunity to sue.

For example, the five clans did not respect their orders and greedily advance, which led to everyone being ambushed.

But Nangong did not do this!

On the contrary, he did not blame the five clans at all, but instead blamed himself.

This made the people of the five clans breathe a sigh of relief, but at the same time they were a little ashamed and self-blaming, and their expressions were unnatural.

Ji Tianxing looked at Nangong deeply without confusion, nodded and said: "Okay, your injuries are too serious, it is not appropriate to report the military situation in detail for the time being, so let's talk about it later.

You first retreat to a distant place and arrange for the disciples to perform exercises for healing.

Leave the rest to this seat. "

With a big wave of his hand, Ji Tianxing caused the Nangong clan to retreat to heal his injuries, quite confident and domineering.

Of course, he waved his hand not only to give orders, but also a hazy blue light splashed on the body of Nangong children.

The long blue light entered the bodies of more than five hundred people, immediately making them feel cool and comfortable, most of the pain disappeared, and the divine power also recovered a lot.

This seemingly random "group therapy" won the gratitude of the children of Nangong, and also made the children of the five clans look brilliant and envied and admired.

After the Nangong clan retreated, Ji Tianxing looked at the patriarchs and elders of the five clans.

With a solemn expression on his face, he asked in a majestic tone: "Now this result is neither what you want to see nor what you want?"

This sentence has another deep meaning. The five patriarchs all looked dark, and they bowed their heads and looked away, not daring to look at Ji Tianxing.

This is certainly a manifestation of guilty conscience.

Ji Tianxing did not reprimand them in public, and said blankly: "The specific matters will be discussed after the war.

But now, I hope you can make up for it, and don't let me down again for the second time! "

The faces and eyes of the five patriarchs were a little ashamed, and at the same time there was awe.

They all thought secretly in their hearts that it was only an hour before the incident happened, and Nangong was not confused or had the opportunity to report the details. How could the sword **** know the truth?

Moreover, Nangong was not confused and did not file a complaint, and took the initiative to take responsibility.

Did the Sword God anticipate that there were prejudices and differences within the Nanlu Army, and that the five families would not obey Nangong's orders?

If this is the case, doesn't it mean that the sword **** has already seen through everyone's hearts?

Anyone's selfishness and scheming can't hide in front of the sword god?

too frightening!

In the future, let's perform the task honestly.

If there are any problems again, I don't know how the Sword God will punish it.

Thinking of this, the five patriarchs bowed their hands and said in a neat manner: "Follow the orders of the leader!"

Seeing that the five patriarchs had a better attitude of admitting their mistakes, Ji Tianxing no longer pursued them.

Only then did he turn around and look at the Great Protector, the Second Protector, and the more than two thousand Zhu Shenjun.

"The gold is good, the gold is wrong, are you two still alive?"

Ji Tianxing's eyes locked on the two guardians, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Obviously, in the battle of the gods thousands of years ago, the five great **** emperors besieged him, both guardians participated.

Before that, Ji Tianxing knew them.

Since Ji Tianxing arrived at the scene, he has not paid attention to Zhu Shen's army, only talking to the South Road army.

Zhu Shenjun was ignored, and the two guardians were embarrassed and ashamed.

At this moment, when they heard Ji Tianxing's words that contained teasing and irony, both of them were angry.

"Sword God, you who have already died can be resurrected, how could we die?"

"Sword God, you can only dare to be arrogant in front of us, have the ability to assassinate the emperor master, and face the war **** emperor!

Hmph, even if you are resurrected from the dead, you will definitely die if you meet the **** emperor again! "

The two guardians counterattacked Ji Tianxing with hideous expressions.

Ji Tianxing didn't get angry, and said with a sneer: "The emperor is doomed to die soon!

The **** emperor Shura will be punishable by this seat one day!

But you can't see all of this.

Because ~www.ltnovel.com~ you are about to die. "

The two guardians were so angry that they wanted to fight back.

But Ji Tianxing stopped talking nonsense with them, and said murderously: "You don't need to give your last words, let's get on the road now!"

When the voice fell, he pinched the magic trick with both hands, using his unique magical powers.

"Sword Rain!"

Against more than two thousand masters of the gods, this magical swordsman power has always been the best slaughter weapon.


The next moment, tens of thousands of stars lit up above the sky, pouring down like meteors.

The patriarchs of the five clans also took the lead in brandishing the **** soldiers and launched a siege to the Zhu **** army.

More than 4,400 children of the clan, all of them boiled with enthusiasm, displayed their supernatural powers with pride, and launched a siege.

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