Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4139: Special task

Bailong knew that Master would definitely not arrange the ten forces to form a large army to conquer all domains.

One is that there is no way to find someone who can be trusted and take on the big responsibility to lead the ten powers.

Secondly, the loyalty of the ten powers is not guaranteed, so you can't believe it too much.

What's more, the ten forces currently only say they want to take refuge, and they have not yet pronounced their pledge of surrender.

This makes Bai Long even more puzzled, how will Master arrange the ten forces?

I saw Ji Tianxing showing a slight smile, and said slowly: "The most urgent task is to gather the principals of the ten powers first and let them pronounce the vow of surrender.

With the restraint of the vow of surrender, they can execute the command as a teacher. "

Bai Long nodded in agreement. After thinking about it for a while, he said, "Master, the ten powers are scattered all over the mainland, far away from each other.

The disciple estimated that it would take about half a month to gather them together.

According to our itinerary, after half a month, they should enter Aishan Domain. Why not let them gather there? "

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly, showed a smile of appreciation, and said, "Well, your analysis is right, and it fits the mind of a teacher.

As a teacher, this will send the information to Nangong not confused, and let him inform the ten forces.

However, this time I am afraid it will be treated differently.

Not only the suzerain and patriarch of the ten forces will come, but the deputy suzerain and deputy patriarch will also be there. "

Bailong's eyes lit up, "Master, you mean, let their chief, deputy, and patriarch read the oath of surrender?

In this way, it is possible to avoid certain suzerains and patriarchs from being unable to convince the public and being scuttled and seized power by the strong under their command? "

Ji Tianxing nodded and said: "Yes! This kind of thing is not uncommon. It is better to be cautious when dealing with these forces that have no integrity and moral integrity."

After he finished speaking, he took out the jade slip of the communication and sent a subpoena to Nangong.

All the time, the various forces have been unable to contact Ji Tianxing and cannot send him a subpoena.

As a result, those forces could only contact Nangong Buluo, and Nangong Buluo would report on their behalf.

Unless it is a force that joins a rebellious alliance, you can directly contact Ji Tianxing.

Soon, Ji Tianxing sent out a subpoena.

With Nangong's unconfused nature, he will surely convey his decision to the ten forces in the first place.

Seeing that Master was about to enter the twisted time and space of the **** tower, he continued to practice in retreat.

After all, Bai Long couldn't restrain the doubts in his heart, and asked, "Master, you still haven't told the disciples to arrange what the ten forces do."

Ji Tianxing smiled meaningfully and said: "Even if the ten forces return, it is impossible to form an army to fight.

However, it should be no problem for them to run errands and pass messages.

If they can't even do this, then they are worthless. "

Bai Long was stunned, and after a little thought, he understood what the master meant.

He suddenly smiled and nodded again and again: "Good idea! Not only can they do something within their power, but also save our time and speed up the progress!"

A smart person knows it all at one point and does not need extra explanation.


For the next half month, the Haotian Continent was still in the vortex and wind and waves.

Hundreds of billions of Li people are still talking about Ji Tianxing's killing of the Great Guardian and the Second Guardian, and the destruction of the God's Army.

During this period, the north and south armies that rebelled against the alliance conquered six regions one after another.

The domain masters of those six regions were already mentally prepared.

Even the emperor was not an opponent of the rebellious alliance, they were beaten down, and they couldn't even think of resistance.

In order to save their lives and preserve the foundation of the eternal world, they gathered their forces early.

When the army of the rebellious alliance arrived, they simply surrendered and read the oath of surrender.

In this way, the two sides neither have to conflict, but also save each other's time, and everyone is happy.

From the current point of view, it is the general trend that the Rebel Alliance has swept the entire Haotian Continent.

Unless dozens of domain masters resist in a group, no one can stop the general trend.

If there is resistance, it will be crushed by a torrent of torrents.

In the early morning of the sixteenth day, the Tushen battleship arrived at the top of Tian'ai Mountain in the Aishan Region.

This is the place designated by Ji Tianxing for the gathering of leaders of the ten forces.

When the Tushen battleship descended on the top of the three-thousand-meter-high peak, dozens of powerful gods had already gathered on the broad mountain.

About fifty people, divided into ten groups, stood on the top of the mountain and waited patiently.

Among the ten powerful **** kings, the most are six, and the least is two.

Just as Ji Tianxing requested, the leaders and deputy leaders of the various forces came.

In order to show their sincerity, several forces not only came, but also several guardians and elders.

In general, these forces are extremely respectful and submissive.

When Ji Tianxing put away the Battleship Tushen and appeared in the sky with a white dragon, the powerhouses of the ten powers bowed and saluted.

"See Lord Sword God!"

The crowd shouted uniformly, their expressions and eyes revealed respect, worship and admiration.

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly and waved to everyone.

After a simple greeting and greeting, Ji Tianxing went straight to the topic, and said with a majestic expression: "Everyone knows the purpose of our gathering here today. I won't waste everyone's time. Which one will come first?"

After finishing speaking, he took out a jade slip, waved his hand into the air, and hovered among dozens of powerful gods.

The dozens of people from these ten powers were divided into two rows on the left and right. The jade slips were suspended in the middle, as far away as everyone.

Although the ten powers are all determined to seek refuge in the alliance, they are already psychologically prepared.

But at this juncture, everyone still hesitated, and several forces were watching the reactions of others.

They were wondering in their hearts, would anyone take the lead to stand up and ask the Sword God what treatment they want and what conditions to negotiate?

If someone takes the lead, they will follow along and second, there should be a chance...

Unexpectedly, just as everyone secretly speculated, the patriarch of the Dugu clan, Dugu Fight, took the lead out of the crowd.

"I come!"

The lonely warrior who is more than ten feet tall ~www.ltnovel.com~ has a burly and sturdy body, a resolute and majestic face, and exudes a fierce breath.

Regardless of the strange eyes of everyone, Long Xiang stepped forward, reached out his hand to take the jade slip, and began to read the vow of return.

During the whole process, the performance was very simple and decisive, without any muddling.

In addition, six people from the Dugu clan came, in addition to the chief and deputy chief, there were two guardians and two elders.

These six people are the strengths of the eighth and ninth layers of the Divine King Realm, and they can be regarded as the strongest of the Dugu clan.

Ji Tianxing took note. When Du Gu Zhan took the lead and read the oath of surrender, the expressions of the deputy patriarch, guardian and elder were calm, and there was no abnormal reaction.

Obviously, they agreed with the practice of fighting alone.

Or, they discussed it in advance.

But no matter what, the Dugu clan made a good start, which made Ji Tianxing a little relieved.

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