Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4142: Crisis is coming

The original north and south armies were the first forces to take refuge in the sword god.

Their attitude is clearer and more worthy of the trust of the sword god.

At the same time, the army on the North Road was personally led by the Sword God, and the army on the South Road was led by Nangong Buhuo.

And now in the rebellious alliance, Nangong is the first confidant of the sword god.

In other words, the loyalty and controllability of the north and south armies are higher, and they can be regarded as the main force to defeat the alliance.

As for the newly-added east and west armies, they only took refuge in the wall of the rebellious alliance a few months later, and their loyalty was not high.

The forces that make up the two armies cannot be trusted, and the Dugu clan and Wanyan clan that lead the two armies are not the cronies of the Sword God.

Therefore, Sword God's control over these two armies will definitely be much weaker.

Because of the ten factions' leaders and deputy leaders, they have already made the oath of surrender.

Therefore, they certainly did not dare to disobey the sword god's will and disobey the sword god's orders.

But no one can guarantee that at certain critical moments, they will do something that violates the law and deceives the top and the bottom.

Give the simplest example.

If it is the north and south army, which domain master will not surrender when encountered, and even gather the army to fight.

There is absolutely no second word, it will definitely go to war, forcibly defeat the opponent, and force the opponent to surrender.

Or destroy the opponent and choose a new domain owner to control the area.

But the two armies of the East and West looked aggressive and tough, playing the signs of rebelling against the alliance and the sword god.

If you really meet a territorial master who is not afraid of death, and refuses to surrender and insists on resisting, the two armies of the East and West will definitely not be able to do it, and they will go to war simply and decisively.

Most of the various factions will preserve their own strength, dragging around, delaying time, and waiting for the sword **** to solve them.

Therefore, the East-West Army is still under observation and test by Ji Tianxing.

He also didn't expect the two armies to fight in blood, as long as they could serve as an information and persuade to surrender.


Over time, the four-way army that rebelled against the alliance continued to conquer one region after another.

The area that returned to the League of Rebellion also spread to all directions with Yanxu Dongtian as the center.

After just three months, nearly half of the Haotian Continent was under the control of the rebellious alliance!

During this period, several top forces and ancient clans asked sincerely and humbly to join the rebellious alliance.

Although everyone knows that these forces and the ancient clans are shameless guys.

It's really despised that he has been on the wall for so long, and has only yet taken refuge in the rebellious alliance.

But Ji Tianxing still followed the old rules, allowing them to join the rebellious alliance, and personally watched them take the oath of surrender.

For these forces, Ji Tianxing gave even lower treatment.

Except for ensuring that Haotian Continent would be unified, they would be able to preserve their existing power and industry, without giving any conditions or treatment.

What kind of reward is one area, and it is allowed to develop forces and industries in the surrounding nine areas, none of them!

Even so, those forces did not complain, and surrendered honestly.

Of course, the Haotian Continent is already well-defined, and the pattern is very clear.

This should be the last batch of grassroots to vote for the rebellious alliance.

The forces that are still in a wait-and-see state should be able to watch them intuitively.

In the three months or so, the emperor did not make any major moves.

It just mobilizes and gathers the forces under his command, and deploys more troops in the Dark Night Region, making the entire region as solid as gold.

From the current point of view, the emperor is determined not to fight back, and blindly guards the Dark Night Region, just waiting for the final battle.

However, it is not.

The emperor noticed when the ten forces hurled into the rebellious alliance and formed the east and west armies.

The army of the North Road is commanded by the Sword God, which is absolutely unattainable.

The South Road Army is composed of six forces, commanded by Nangong Buchanan, and its strength is also very strong.

In addition, with the lesson that Zhu Shen's army was destroyed, the emperor did not dare to attack the South Road army again.

Then, if he wants to weaken the power of the rebellious alliance, he can only deal with the east and west army.

However, the previous repeated defeats and heavy losses left the emperor's memory deep.

This time he did not act rashly.

After all, the four-way army of the rebel alliance is still expanding outward, and the distance between each other is widening.

The incredible speed of the sword **** made the emperor very jealous.

Therefore, he patiently prepared and waited for three months.

After the Fourth Route Army opened a long enough distance, the emperor finally made a move.

This time the action is still the same as the Zhu Shen Army.

He carefully selected 8,000 soldiers, led by two powerful men of the Ninth Level of the Divine King Realm, and quietly rushed to the west of the Vast Sky Continent to deal with the West Road army led by the Wanyan Patriarch.

In order not to repeat the mistakes of the army of punishable gods, the emperor rectified and adjusted 7,950 gods and 50 gods.

Even the name of this army was named the Western Expedition Army, which was not as ostentatious as the Zhu Shen Army.

Although the emperor had studied the information of the West Road Army in detail, he felt that the combat effectiveness of the four thousand troops was weak, and coordination and cooperation were not tacit.

But he still sent a double-numbered army to the west and taught several strategies.

If the West Road Army that rebelled against the Alliance was a wolf, then the West Expedition Army sent by the Imperial Division was a giant.

He believed that as long as there were no accidents, the Expeditionary Army would be able to easily crush the West Road Army!

On a dark and windy night for a month, the Western Expeditionary Army set off quietly without attracting anyone's attention.

Except for the Western Expedition Army, few of the emperor's confidants and his confidants knew the movement and route of this army.

The West Road army, which rebelled against the Alliance, did not even notice that the crisis was approaching, and was still advancing swayingly, conquering one region after another.

Three months ago, when the West Road Army was only carrying out its mission, it was actually a bit stubborn, and many people were worried.

They are worried that those domain owners are ignorant of current affairs, and conflicts really arise. Will they fight or not?

That's why ~www.ltnovel.com~ they took the name of rebelling against the alliance and the sword god, acting aggressively and sturdy.

But in the past three months, they have had a smooth journey without any disadvantage.

There is no unopened domain owner who dares to challenge them and resist.

As a result, the mentality of the West Road army has swelled, and the strong men of the five forces are a little fluttering.

They even felt that the sword **** swept the world and ruled the entire Haotian Continent. It was already a certainty, and it could be achieved in a year at most.

At that time, they are the heroes who have made great contributions!

Many people are wondering how the sword **** will reward them by then?

How much benefit, power and status can they obtain?

Soon, ten days passed.

The crisis has finally come, and the West Road army does not know it yet.

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