Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4155: War is back

In fact, several patriarchs and terrified domain masters of the West Road Army didn't understand what was going on before.

In their cognition, the Sword God has always been in the North Road Army, and it is impossible to appear here.

Moreover, the Wanyan patriarch told them before that the sword **** had made it clear that there was no time and would not come to support them.

At that time, the patriarchs were still very depressed and disappointed. They felt that the Sword God was partial, regardless of their life or death.

Now, after listening to the analysis of the chief of the internal affairs, they suddenly realized that they knew the truth.

Suddenly, several patriarchs were a little ashamed, and felt self-blame and guilty for their previous misunderstanding of the sword god.

"Facts have proved that the sword **** does not care about our life and death. We are also members of the rebellious alliance, how could he let us be destroyed?"

"I was thinking before that when we were ambushed and hit hard, of course we lost the face of rebelling against the alliance.

With the identity and status of the sword god, how could he swallow his anger? "

"Now the truth has come to light. The Sword God deliberately let out a rumors before, saying that he would not come to support us, just to deceive the Xizheng army and let the Xizheng army relax its vigilance!

The Western Expeditionary Army was also afraid of the sword **** to support us, so they dared not make a move after forbearing for so long.

Until not long ago, two of our deacons disappeared for no apparent reason. It must have been the work of the Western Expeditionary Army.

The Western Expeditionary Army caught the two deacons for questioning the news, and learned that the Sword God would not take action, only then made up their minds to ambush us. "

"That's right! Your analysis is too right! The sword **** guessed the thoughts and plans of the chief of internal affairs, so he set up this bureau in advance and led the West Expeditionary Army to chase us down.

He knew that the head of the internal affairs and the emperor were cautious and suspicious, not only deliberately letting out the news, but also letting the clone stay in the army on the north road and show up in front of everyone.

All this is to let the Xizheng army relax its vigilance. "

"Sword God is not only the only one in the world in kendo, but also the city mansion and strategy are amazing!"

"Yeah! We only blame us for being too shallow and ignorant. I blamed him before, and I feel ashamed to think about it!"

Several patriarchs spoke and talked about it, and quickly analyzed the cause and effect, and also figured out the strategy and thinking of the sword god.

As a result, all the people's complaints against the sword **** dissipated, and they all became ashamed, grateful and admired.


Although the chief of the internal affairs and the unquenchable mood of Canglan, the seven thousand soldiers on the west expedition are also under great pressure, and their hearts are full of awe and panic.

But today's situation is already in a difficult situation.

The head of the internal affairs knew that the Western Expeditionary Army could only advance and never retreat.

At least, you can't retreat without a fight!

Otherwise, the morale of the Western Expeditionary Army will collapse on the spot.

Not to mention that they could not escape the chase of the sword god, even if they could escape back, they would face the disappointment and punishment of the emperor.

After the defeat of this battle, the military spirit and morale of the emperor division will be completely broken!

Since the emperor's division, there is no longer a strong man who can lead the battle and be alone!

Therefore, the head of the internal affairs can only shout against his will to boost the morale of the Western Army.

"Soldiers! You are all carefully selected by the emperor and this seat. You are truly elite and mighty!

Although everyone knows that the Sword God is a world-class powerhouse with a great reputation.

In today’s battle, we should not be cowardly and fearful, but should be proud and excited!

Just imagine, to be able to fight a **** battle with the sword god, is it not an honor for us?

No matter how strong the sword **** is, we have seven thousand soldiers. As long as everyone is put to death and reborn, we will definitely be able to defeat the powerful enemy!

Don't worry, everyone, this seat will fight side by side with you, fight to the last minute, and will never retreat! "

The majestic sound waves rolled and echoed in the sky, deafening.

The seven thousand soldiers of the West Expedition were all infected by the aura of the chief of the internal affairs, and all of them were full of enthusiasm and fighting spirit.

They also waved the magical swords in their hands, shouting and roaring excitedly, and their bodies were filled with fiery fighting spirit.

Seeing this, Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows, and a playful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Although the head of the house affairs was majestic and impassioned, the head of the house affairs could not hide his mind.

He had already guessed what the head of the internal affairs would do next.

Therefore, he secretly transmitted the order to the head of Wanyan and others.

"Separate half of the soldiers, follow this seat to fight, and destroy the Western Army as soon as possible.

The other half of the soldiers immediately left the Domain Lord's Mansion, rushed to the entrance and exit of the secret realm, slayed the Western Expedition Army who was staying there, and controlled the entrance as soon as possible. "

Patriarch Wanyan said and obeyed, and immediately ordered the assignment of tasks.

Under his deployment, the Wanyan clan and the other two clans stayed to fight.

There are also two clans and the guards under the master of the Frightening Territory, rushing to the entrance and exit of the secret realm.

Seeing them flying across the sky mightily and heading straight to the secret realm exit, the expressions of the seven thousand west marching troops on the battlefield were very complicated.

A moment ago, they were still aggressive, occupying an overwhelming advantage, and could overlook the guards of the West Road army and the domain master mansion.

And now, the West Road Army backed by the Sword God actually ignored them and went directly to attack the West Crusade Army guarding the secret exit.

Although there were only about a thousand people left on the battlefield, facing the seven thousand soldiers of the West, they were all motivated and confident, with an attitude of easily crushing the troops of the West.

Without him, just because the sword **** is present!

The head of the internal affairs saw that the situation was not good. Not only was his morale slipping, but the thousand soldiers guarding the exit were also very dangerous.

He hurriedly brandished the Excalibur and gave the order to attack.


The Seven Thousand West Expedition Army had long been ready to go. Hearing the command of the chief of the internal affairs, he immediately made a deafening shout and took the lead in attacking.

It was another dazzling divine light that shrouded the sky and sun, covering a radius of 20,000 li.

The army of the West Expedition was like a rainbow, and the chief of internal affairs and Canglan Immortal also joined the battle, and went all out to kill Xiang Ji Tianxing.

Their goal is very clear, with them at the head, plus 20 **** king powerhouses, join forces to besiege Ji Tianxing.

I don't expect to be able to kill Ji Tianxing on the spot, as long as it can hold him down.

And the remaining seven thousand soldiers will soon be able to kill all one thousand West Road troops.

The head of internal affairs has a clear idea, and this plan is indeed feasible.

But the problem is ~www.ltnovel.com~ He doesn't even know how powerful Ji Tianxing is!

Moreover, Ji Tianxing seems to be alone, but in fact there are a group of powerful gods around him.


Ji Tianxing opened the Nine Heavens and Ten Jue Towers, and a blazing light gate appeared beside him.

In the next moment, Yun Yao, Ji Ke, Chao Qingyu, Lan'er, Yan Ke, Bai Feng, and Lin Xue appeared one after another.

The twelve **** king powerhouses are already ready.

As soon as they appeared, they wielded magic swords to join the battle.

Their goal is also very clear, that is, to help a thousand troops on the West Road, resist the siege of the seven thousand troops on the West Road.

Don't expect to be able to slay those troops on the West expedition, as long as it can block a moment.

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