Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4160: Nonsense

After all, the emperor still didn't say clearly what his confident reliance and hole cards were.

But the twelve **** generals were not fools. From the words of the emperor, they also caught the clue and vaguely guessed the answer.

The strength of the sword **** is strong enough, and the strategy and the city are deep enough.

But the emperor said that in front of absolute power, the sword **** is a joke.

So, who is the absolute power compared to the sword god?

The answer is obvious.

Therefore, after the twelve gods guessed the answer, they all felt relieved.

After they talked with the emperor and discussed some minor details, they saluted and left the study.

Of course, before the twelve gods left, the emperor solemnly instructed them.

In any case, this secret cannot be revealed.

The twelve gods will naturally obey orders, saying that they will never leak the wind.

Within a few days, the twelve **** generals commanded more than three hundred generals, suppressing and restraining the tens of thousands of sergeants under their command.

After the strict military order was passed on, the comments of the soldiers decreased significantly.

Most of those negative, negligent, and pessimistic emotions have also been eliminated, and morale has also been significantly improved.

Of course, these changes were achieved under the strong orders of the twelve gods.

The answer they guessed was not revealed to anyone, not even the more than three hundred **** kings and generals, and even the tens of thousands of sergeants did not know.

As a result, there are still a small number of soldiers who are pessimistic and very worried about the future and future.

They didn't think that the emperor had any hope of defeating the sword god.

There are still some sergeants quietly fleeing every day, but the number is much smaller than before.

Every day there are still soldiers discussing the situation privately, spreading news that the rebellious alliance is advancing vigorously.

However, the soldiers were suppressed and did not dare to spread it on a large scale, so they could only discuss it in private.


The four-way army that defeated the alliance is as aggressive as ever, pushing it all the way.

The emperor did not make a clear statement, and was obviously in a passive state, almost no one was available.

The forces and strong men of the entire Haotian Continent could see clearly.

Everyone believed that the emperor was determined to stay in the dark night realm, and was going to make the final battle with the rebellious alliance.

Then, before the final decisive battle arrives, the first division of the emperor has no power to fight back.

That being the case, the domain masters of all major regions have no need to resist.

Everyone held the same mentality, the army of rebelling against the alliance came, I first took refuge in the rebellious alliance, and read the oath of surrender to the sword god.

Regardless of whether we live or die anyway, we don't talk about loyalty. We will save our lives first.

In the end, when the emperor was in a decisive battle with the rebellious alliance, we would stand by and never interfere.

If the rebel alliance wins, then we are safe.

If the Rebellious Alliance is defeated and the Emperor Master wins and liquidates us, then we are said to be forced and desperate...

In short, these domain owners have no sense of guilt in their hearts and just wait to see the results of the decisive battle between the two sides.

The four-way army that rebelled against the alliance did not disappoint the people of the Vast Sky Continent.

In the next four months, almost every two or three days, there will be a good news from a group of troops, claiming that a certain domain has been conquered.

Of course, it has not yet returned to the region of the rebellious alliance, there are only more than forty left.

Among them, there are more than twenty regional domain masters who are loyal to the emperor and the **** emperor Shura.

As early as a few months ago, the emperor ordered them to summon them, when they went to the Dark Night Region to converge, they were already ordered to rush to the Dark Night Region.

Their respective regions are in a state of powerlessness and unguarded.

Whichever army of the rebel alliance arrives, it is directly conquered.

Even those regions that were abandoned by the domain masters have emerged many forces taking advantage of the situation.

Each region has so few top or first-line forces, or they are clans and sects with strong foundations.

When the domain masters were in power, they could only dormant obediently due to the rule of the domain master, the emperor and the **** emperor Shura.

But in this turmoil, they saw an opportunity for rise.

Knowing that the army of the rebel alliance is coming soon, the front-line forces, clans and sects in these areas unexpectedly welcomed and surrendered to the rebel alliance in advance.

They are very willing to take refuge in the rebel alliance, read the vow of surrender to the rebel alliance, and be loyal to the sword god.

The reason for this is very simple, it is to get the approval of the rebellious alliance and the sword god, and elect them as the new domain master.

After all, the rebel alliance has always done this.

If the domain owner of any domain flees, or the domain owner is stubbornly resisted and killed, a new domain owner will be selected after the rebel alliance takes over the domain.

The newly elected domain master does not need much strength, nor does it need much deep planning and city mansion.

The most important point is to be obedient and absolutely loyal to the rebellious alliance and the sword god!

This is not a difficult task for many forces, clans and sects.

The facts have proved that the Rebel Alliance is also very pleased with these clever and obedient forces.

At the beginning, the front-line forces that took the lead in surrendering and loyal to the rebel alliance in each region will be recognized and be named the new domain master by the rebel alliance.

Later, after these events and news spread, many regions were following suit.

Three or four powers sprang up in those regions where they were abandoned by the domain owner and their power was empty, and at the same time they surrendered to the rebellious alliance and declared allegiance.

This makes people laugh and cry.

It is not easy for the army to rebel against the alliance to refuse the refuge of several forces, and can only carefully select the most suitable one among them to serve as the new domain owner.

Later, even more ridiculous things appeared.

The domain owner of a certain area was clearly still there, but several forces in that domain secretly contacted the army of the rebel alliance and surrendered to the rebel alliance.

Their attitudes are very sincere, and they vowed to take refuge in the alliance.

That posture, I can't wait to let the rebellious alliance immediately take out the vow of surrender, they will say nothing, immediately read it.

This makes the rebel alliance a bit embarrassing~www.ltnovel.com~ can only tactfully refuse their refuge.

But they insisted that the domain owner was hesitant, not decisive, and obviously not loyal to the sword god.

And they are absolutely loyal to the sword god, without any doubts or reservations.

If they were allowed to act as domain masters, they would do their best to implement every command of the Sword God.

This series of operations stunned the people who rebelled against the alliance, calling out that these people are really thick-skinned, and in order to compete for the position of the domain master, they don't even need morals.

Afterwards, the domain owner of the domain naturally surrendered to the rebel alliance.

But the spread of the secret surrender of several forces made the domain master very embarrassed and criticized.

Therefore, in order to restore the reputation, the domain owner can only restore the freedom of the people of Li people as quickly as possible.

And earnestly implement the order to rebel against the alliance, and be more diligent and loving the people.

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