Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4163: Vulnerable

On the mountain square, there are two thousand guards on the bright side, and two thousand guards hidden in secret.

At this moment, everyone's attention is on Ji Tianxing.

Everyone wants to know, what does the sword **** want to say and do?

Even, there are still a few guards who imagined that if the sword **** could sit down and negotiate with the domain master?

Then the two sides don't need to meet each other with swords and soldiers, and they won't become souls under the sword of the sword god.

Although everyone knows this is an extravagant hope, the two sides are in danger and there is bound to be a battle.

However, under the threat of the sword god's prestige and death, they could not help but feel lucky.

At this moment, Ji Tianxing looked down on the guards indifferently, and said in a cold tone: "Although this seat is now persuading to surrender, it is of no use.

But I still want to explain that the Rebellious Alliance is only to save the people of the world and restore peace and tranquility in the world, not to fight for killing.

As long as you surrender immediately, this seat will save you from death and let you go! "

Ji Tianxing's remarks are not only the original intention of the establishment of the League of Rebellion, but also the principle that the League of Rebellion has been practicing.

His original purpose was not to occupy the Haotian Continent, to have hundreds of millions of people and infinite resources, and to enjoy the honor and power of the hegemony of the mainland.

He just wanted to dissolve the power foundation of the **** emperor Shura and rescue the hundreds of millions of people in the Haotian Continent.

Therefore, the Rebel Alliance occupied more than 90 domains in just one year, but did not waste time to consolidate the control of each domain, let alone plunder resources and wealth.

It is precisely because of this that the people of the Vast Sky Continent see all this in their eyes, so they support the rebellious alliance and worship Ji Tianxing so much.

The four thousand guards on the top of the mountain had a complicated look in their eyes when they heard Ji Tianxing's words.

Many guards agree with Ji Tianxing and the rebellious alliance from the bottom of their hearts, and believe his words.

If they can choose, of course they want to surrender and not go to death in vain.

But their identities and circumstances have determined that they can only die in battle today, and they must never surrender or escape.

After a brief silence, a guard leader flew out of the crowd, clasped his fists to Ji Tianxing, and said solemnly: "Although we are enemies and not friends, everyone knows the character of the sword god, and we naturally admire it. Thanks for the opportunity given by the sword god.

However, we have the military order and we dare not disobey it, so we can only stick to it.

Sword God, offended! "

After speaking, the guard leader drew out his sword and shouted, "Defend the homeland, and never retreat!"

The two thousand guards on the square also waved their swords and shouted.

For a while, the guards were refreshed and their morale improved a lot. They were no longer as sluggish as before.

Ji Tianxing didn't waste time, waved his hand and gave the offensive order.

As a result, the Tushen battleship and the eight battleships on both sides launched the first round of attacks.

"Boom! Boom boom boom!"

The nine battleships activated their formations almost simultaneously, releasing more than 5,000 bright beams of light, piercing the night sky like sword rain, and rushing toward the mountain square.

At that instant, thousands of brilliant beams of divine power illuminated the night sky for tens of thousands of miles.

The dense beam of light, carrying the power of destroying the world, tore open the barriers of night and space, and delineated dense spatial cracks in the night sky.

The mountain with a radius of a hundred li was naturally devastated.

Although, the two thousand guards guarding the top of the mountain opened the defensive formation in time and formed a huge defensive mask.

But thousands of beams of light were blasted down, and the defensive cover did not hold on for a moment, and it was shattered.

Immediately afterwards, the mountain top was submerged by the dazzling divine light, turning into infinite ashes and dust on the spot, arousing billowing smoke.

The entire giant peak was destroyed and disappeared, leaving only a huge pit and ruins.

When the two thousand guards came on the beam of divine power, they did not dare to escape due to military orders, and they joined forces to resist.

It is a pity that their strength is too weak, and they want to resist the bombardment of this king-class artifact of the Tushen Battleship.

When the billowing smoke dissipated, the earth-shaking noise gradually ceased.

At this time, along with Jufeng disappeared, there were two thousand guards on the top of the mountain.

They couldn't even make a counterattack, and under the bombardment of the nine warships, they were wiped out and turned into dust.

With such a terrifying power, the two thousand guards lurking in the dark were so frightened that they just wanted to turn around and escape.

Originally, they were lurking in the dark, but also wanted to use the power of the formation to carry out a sneak attack while the two sides were fighting.

But they didn't expect that the battle between the two thousand guards and the rebellious alliance ended at the beginning.

The two thousand guards who stayed in the square had no chance to fight back, so they were bombarded and killed!

How terrible is this?

At this moment, the two thousand guards lurking in the dark finally knew the terrifying power and methods of the Sword God.

They also finally understood. No wonder the domain masters of more than 90 domains all looked forward to the wind and looked particularly lacking in backbone and dignity.

In the alternative, they, under the threat of death, can no longer care about their dignity.

Fortunately, the place where they lurked was far away from the mountain square, far away.

Even if Kyoho was destroyed, they were affected, but they were only injured and not killed.

If they are close, I'm afraid they are also gone now.


The guard commander gave an order and immediately took the two thousand guards back to the distance and fled the battlefield.

Anyway, they have been lurking in the dark without showing up.

Even if you turn around and run away at this moment, it is a stealth action and should be safer.


At the entrance of the secret realm, above the ruins.

The patriarch Wanyan and others looked at Ji Tianxing, and asked for instructions: "Leader, the two thousand people lurking in the dark, do you want to..."

"My lord, please allow us to chase, and the subordinates promise to solve it within half an hour."

"Leader, please let us go, the strength of our three families is enough to end the battle in a quarter of an hour!"

Obviously ~www.ltnovel.com~ those two thousand guards thought they were concealed, but they were actually discovered by Ji Tianxing and others.

However, Ji Tianxing didn't bother to pay attention to them.

Hearing the instructions of several patriarchs, Ji Tianxing waved his hand and replied: "It's just some soldiers forced by military orders. Since they take the initiative to retreat, there is no need to embarrass them.

The top priority is to enter the secret realm first and solve the Linfeng domain master. "

The patriarchs had no objections, and all said and obeyed.

Next, everyone began to crack the big formation of the secret entrance.

The big formation was originally on the top of the mountain. After the giant peak was destroyed, the formation altar was also destroyed.

The large array was also blasted, and the invisible light wall of the array was exposed, appearing in the sky, full of cracks.

The patriarch Wanyan and others greeted him, and they were too lazy to use their brains to crack the formation. Several patriarchs joined forces with a dozen **** kings to attack and violently blast through the formation.

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