Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4167: Final battle

The soldiers of the dark night field stood by and waited for several months.

Nowadays, the rebellious alliance, which is so vigorous as the sky, has finally come outside the Asura Secret Realm.

At the moment when the fleet appeared, the guards on patrol were startled for a while, and immediately awakened.

They hurriedly issued an alert and reported the news to the generals guarding the entrance and the gods and generals sitting in the Asura Cave.

After doing this, everyone felt a sense of relief.

It feels like a person who has a terminal illness, knowing that there is no cure, and he will die.

But he spent day after day in torment and waited for months without dying.

In the process, he was under tremendous pressure and mental torture.

Finally one day, death came.

He will naturally feel like ‘Finally Coming, Freed’.

The guards who patrolled and the soldiers guarding the entrance of the cave all thought this way.

Even if they knew that they had a decisive battle with the sword **** and the rebellious alliance, they were very likely to be killed.

But they would rather want a happy result than wait in suffering.

Fortunately, the Rebellious Alliance represents the upright and mighty division. At this moment, the decisive battle is imminent and will not engage in sneak attacks.

The Tushen battleship led the fleet and flew across the sky without rushing, crushing and pushing, destroying several formations, and stopped two thousand miles outside the entrance of the cave.

This gave the guards on patrol, as well as the soldiers guarding the entrance of the cave, time to react and prepare.

Soon, the news came back to the Shura Shrine and was known to the emperor and many generals.

The horn sounded in the shrine immediately, awakening everyone.

Family members, relatives, and servants all retreated to the depths of the shrine, waiting patiently for the outcome of the war.

The emperor also put on luxurious robes and crowns, surrounded by a group of gods and generals, rushed to the exit of the cave.

Today’s battle is inevitable and is the final decisive battle between the two sides.

The emperor kept a low profile and kept a low profile for several months before, just to wait for this day to show shame and exaggerate.

He wants to make a comeback, so that the sword **** and those who rebel against the alliance can feel what it means to be shocking reversal and despair.

He also wanted the people of the entire Haotian Continent to see that this continent was still the **** emperor Shura after all, and no one would ever want to shake and **** it!

Not even the legendary sword god!

Therefore, the emperor's master dressed up, walking calmly and set off with dignity.

Before long, he took thousands of soldiers and appeared at the entrance of the cave.

The entrance is in the vast sea of ​​clouds, and there is a cloud platform with a radius of a hundred miles, on which stands five thousand soldiers in armor and swords.

In the sky around the Yuntai, there are still 5,000 soldiers, who have already lined up a defensive formation, confronting the fleet of the rebel alliance.

Seeing the arrival of the emperor with another 5,000 soldiers, tens of thousands of soldiers saluted them in a uniform manner.

The emperor nodded with grace and restraint, and motioned to the soldiers to exempt them.

After that, he cast his gaze on the fleet two thousand miles away, staring at the god-slaughtering warship headed by it.

The nine divine warships were quietly suspended in the sky, the attack formation had been activated, and their strength was quietly accumulating, and their gun barrels all pointed to the entrance of the cave.

However, including the sword god, no one showed up.

The emperor wrinkled his eyebrows, and the two strands of white hair on the temples were flying in the wind.

He said in a low and majestic tone: "Sword God, don't come here without problems!

Today's battle, the old man has been waiting for nearly a year, you can count.

Why, hide your head and show your tail, and refuse to show up? "

During the battle of the gods thousands of years ago, the emperor followed the **** of Shura in the battle and was one of the main forces to besieged and killed the sword god.

Therefore, not only are they familiar and understood, there is also a deep hatred between them.

The emperor said this deliberately, just to test what Ji Tianxing was doing, why he didn't show up, and whether there was any conspiracy.

But Ji Tianxing was not urged by him, still sitting in the cockpit of the Tushen battleship, silently closing his eyes and adjusting his breath.

In fact, he is waiting for the army led by Nangong Buzhu to come here to meet.

At the same time, the uneasy feeling deep in his heart still lingered.

He didn't act rashly, but wanted to see what tricks and cards the Emperor Master had.

But obviously, the war hadn't started yet, the emperor was very calm, and he didn't show his trump cards at the beginning.

The two sides were in a stalemate.

The emperor provoked two more words, but Ji Tianxing did not respond.

With such an attitude, the emperor was despised and humiliated, and his heart was full of anger.

As a result, he stopped asking himself to be boring, and simply dispatched troops on the cloud platform to command the soldiers to line up the battlefield.

Ordinary soldiers are heavy and nervous, they can only act according to orders, and dare not speak or ridicule Ji Tianxing.

The twelve divine generals beside the emperor master wanted to resolve the embarrassment for the emperor master, and they laughed at Ji Tianxing and betrayed the alliance.

In their opinion, it would be great if it could anger the sword **** and force the rebellious alliance to attack in advance.

However, Ji Tianxing seemed to see through these people's thoughts and tactics, and turned a deaf ear to their provocations and ridicule.

Time passed quietly.

Half an hour passed quickly.

To the east of the entrance of the secret realm, a few divine lights lit up in the sky, and it was rushing forward.

Those were eleven divine ships of different shapes, each of which carried more than 900 people, or more than 1,000 people.

This is the army led by Nangong Buzhu and composed of eleven forces, with a total number of nearly 10,000!


Under the gaze of countless people, this fleet cut through the sky and stopped outside the entrance of the cave.

Nangong did not merge with Ji Tianxing, but stopped two thousand miles away from Yuntai.

Moreover, the fleet led by him and Ji Tianxing, one in the east and one in the west, are also thousands of miles away from each other.

Of course, this is not Nangong's self-assertion, but also Ji Tianxing's instruction.

After the fleet was stabilized, it immediately launched the attacking formation, and the magical artillery was revealed, accumulating powerful divine power.

At the same time, Nangong Buzhu and the patriarchs and suzerains of the ten powers also spread their voices to say hello to Ji Tianxing.

"Meet the lord!"

"See the leader!"

"It's too late to come down~www.ltnovel.com~ Let the leader wait so long, and ask the leader to condemn!"

The last sentence was naturally said by Nangong.

The two fleets agreed on a time and arrived at the entrance of Asura Cave at the same time, but Nangong was not confused about arriving half an hour late.

After Ji Tianxing closed his eyes and rested his mind, he stood up and looked beyond the divine ship, his body also filled with a powerful aura.

He transmitted sound to Nangong and asked without confusion: "Although I am half an hour late, it does not affect the overall situation.

There were no accidents on your way here, right? "

In the previous half hour, what he was most worried about was what hole cards the Emperor Shi had put in to intercept the fleet led by Nangong Buzhu.

Nangong quickly replied without confusion, "Lord leader is worried, no accident happened."

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