Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4173: The hole card appeared


"The mountain guard is broken, kill them all!"

"Victory belongs to us, Haotian Continent belongs to us!"

The protection of the mountain formation was broken, making the soldiers who rebel against the alliance high morale and energetic.

They shouted excitedly, wanting to rush out of the divine ship, rush into the mountain guard, and punish all the soldiers under the command of the emperor.

Then, the army will occupy the Shura Shrine again, and victory can be declared!

However, Ji Tianxing did not give an order, and the soldiers would not make claims.

They still obeyed the orders, holding their weapons tightly at all times, and waiting patiently.

The twenty-one divine warships were not eager to rush into the mountain protection formation, and were still thousands of miles away from the formation, constantly releasing artillery fire and beams of light.

With every breath, there were thousands of artillery fires and beams of light, passing through the gap of the mountain guard array, and blasting toward the emperor and tens of thousands of soldiers.

Ji Tianxing's purpose is obvious, first use the gunfire of the battleship to bombard and kill the emperor's division and the soldiers from a long distance, further weakening the opponent's power.

When the opponent suffered heavy casualties and weakened combat effectiveness, they sent an army of rebellious alliances to storm the mountain guard.

In doing so, you can effectively preserve your own strength and reduce casualties.

But the disadvantage is also obvious, that is, it consumes too much cultivation resources.

However, Ji Tianxing almost controlled the entire Haotian Continent, and he also carried hundreds of billions of resources with him, and he didn't care about this consumption.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Boom bang bang bang!"

The artillery fire continued to the sky, the loud noises continued, echoing endlessly between the sky and the earth.

In the protection of the mountain, the emperor and the soldiers under his command were miserable.

Seeing that the guarding mountain formation was breached, the gap had widened to a radius of twenty miles, and it couldn't be repaired, so the emperor had to give up.

He took the lead in performing supernatural skills, and joined forces with 11,000 soldiers to cast spells to resist the bombardment of the rebel fleet.

Unfortunately, their strength is limited, at most they can only resist and resolve 80% of the artillery bombardment.

After all, there will be 20% artillery fire and beams of light, bombarding the crowd, causing no small casualties.

With every breath, dozens of soldiers were bombarded and killed on the spot.

A scene of flesh and blood flying across the field, thousands of miles away was flooded with dazzling divine light.

The emperor held on, and frequently turned around to look at the Shura Shrine, muttering anxiously in his heart: "We can't hold it anymore, why don't you make a move!"

However, the strong man he relied on didn't seem to hear his prayers, and there was no response in the Shura Shrine.

Time passed quickly.

At this time, most of the mountain peaks and jungles within a radius of thousands of miles within the protection of the mountain were destroyed.

At least hundreds of palaces and houses were destroyed by gunfire and beams of light.

Only half of the palaces, protected by a large defensive formation, can still be supported.

But there is no doubt that those palaces and mountain peaks protected by the Great Array will not last long and will eventually turn into dust.

The emperor and many powerful **** kings were injured, and 11 thousand soldiers were also bombarded and killed more than two thousand people.

Only nine thousand people are still struggling to support, but the combat effectiveness is rapidly declining, and they are being forced to retreat continuously by the sky.

The emperor was so distressed that he could only give an order to let the three thousand soldiers hiding in the shrine to deal with their injuries also join the battle.

These two thousand people were the last force under the command of the emperor.

If these soldiers were also bombarded and killed, then he would have no soldiers to use.

At that time, even if the "hole card" appears, I am afraid that he will be weak and unable to defeat the rebel alliance.

After all, there are more than 16,000 people in the Rebellious Alliance, and they are in full condition and full of fighting power!

"Boom boom boom!"

The bombardment of the rebel fleet continued, and the soldiers who operated the divine ship were never as happy and excited as they were at this moment.

Seeing that palaces and residences were destroyed one after another in the Great Formation of Protecting the Mountain, and batch after batch of Shura Emperor's minions were bombarded and killed, they were emotional.

Another hundred breaths of time passed.

The appearance of the emperor and the many gods were even more embarrassed, all of them covered with scars and disheveled.

Twelve thousand soldiers were also bombarded and killed, leaving only about 10,000.

The emperor knew that he could no longer fight like this.

In half an hour at most, the last 10,000 soldiers will be wiped out.

Therefore, he could only take ten thousand soldiers and retreat, and retreated to the vicinity of Shura Shrine.

Seeing this, the fleet that rebels against the alliance is not eager to pursue it.

Under the command of Ji Tianxing, they first concentrated their firepower to bombard the mountain guard formation, further expanding the gap.

In a short while, half of the mountain protection formation was destroyed.

The remaining half of the dark red mask also collapsed and shattered, dissipating between heaven and earth.

The mountain protection formation was completely destroyed, and even if the Asura God Emperor came personally, it would not be possible to repair it in a short time.

Ji Tianxing was truly relieved and ordered all soldiers to attack.


Out of the twenty divine ships, fifteen thousand soldiers of various races broke out.

Each divine ship stayed behind two to three hundred people, responsible for manipulating the divine ship, and continued to suppress the emperor's army with firepower.

However, Ji Tianxing and many patriarchs and strong men led 15,000 soldiers and steadily approached the Shura Shrine.

Seeing that the emperor and his soldiers lost their barriers, they suffered heavy casualties in the sky of artillery fire, and their numbers dropped sharply.

They can only escape into the last fortress, Shura Shrine!

The Shura Shrine is protected by two superb divine formations, which are more defensive and harder to destroy than the mountain protection formation.

The emperor figured that as long as they were hiding in the Shura Shrine and fully supporting the operation of the defense formation, how could they delay a few hours.

As for a few hours later... if the'hole cards' don't appear again, then they will have to perish.

With this thought in mind, the emperor master cast the spell with his own hands and opened the gate of the Shura Shrine.


The bronze gate, which is as high as one hundred meters, slowly opened to the sides.

The emperor and the soldiers under his command were about to cross the gate and rush into the Shura Shrine.

At this moment, an endless stream of blood burst out of the spacious hall behind the gate.


That torrent of blood rushed violently, carrying endless power and blood, and flew over the square outside the shrine~www.ltnovel.com~ Under the gaze of more than 20,000 people, this **** color was long The torrent, twisted and condensed in the sky, quickly condensed into a human form.

Divine light flickered, blood and fire rose.

A huge **** with a height of thousands of meters and six blood-colored wings on its back appeared in front of everyone.

This blood-red god, condensed the armor with the dark death air, enveloping 80% of his body.

He has a huge head, purple flames and long hair, six blood flame wings, and a fierce and majestic face.

He was like a huge mountain, lay across the square, staring blankly at the soldiers against the alliance.

Suddenly, the pressure on the 15,000 soldiers soared, and everyone was in fear and awe, and they couldn't help stopping.

But the emperor and his soldiers all showed surprise and incredible expressions, and uttered earth-shattering cheers.

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