Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 823: Ancient **** war, fill dzi beads


In the dark room, only three people were present.

Ji Changkong was unconscious, Ji Tianxing was worried, and Yun Yao.

Yun Yao had already visited Ji Changkong, and was very sympathetic and worried about Ji Changkong's experience and situation.

But her grandfather and father were helpless, and she naturally had no choice but to pray silently for Ji Changkong.

The atmosphere in the secret room is as dull as ever.

After the two were silent for a while, Yun Yao said to Ji Tianxing: "Tianxing, the situation in the Hundred Cities in Zhongzhou has become more and more chaotic recently, and the devil's chaos caused the people to panic.

The lords of the imperial courts of the two races of humans and demons, and the lords of the hundred cities, tried their best to search for the demon clan and clear the demon gu, but they were unable to control the situation.

Hundred cities are in chaos, and countless people die every day, or die after being caught by the devil, or killed by those who are caught by the devil...

The imperial palace had to take action. The day before yesterday, the black feather master summoned all the emperors to discuss countermeasures. "

Hearing this news, Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows and asked doubtfully: "What is the result of the negotiation? How is the Emperor's Mansion prepared to respond?"

Yun Yao said in a solemn tone: "The emperors of the two races of human and demon are of course filled with righteous indignation and can't wait to summon the world's strongest men to kill the demons who invaded Zhongzhou.

But the reaction of the emperors of the Shui clan was dull, and it didn't matter what they were hanging up high.

In the end, the Black Feather Master gave an order to send all the emperors out to perform tasks, to search for the demons in the major cities of Zhongzhou and clear the devil gu.

Every emperor is responsible for a city. I was sent to Yuejian City, and the emperor went to Stormwind City.

In addition, several priests in the imperial palace will also carry a large number of imperial palace guards to conduct inspections in the cities of Zhongzhou.

Today I come back to see you, and tomorrow I will rush to Yuejian City to perform my mission. "

Ji Tianxing nodded, "That's good, I hope that the involvement of the Imperial Mansion can stabilize the situation in Zhongzhou.

But if I have to guard my father, I can't perform the mission of the imperial palace. "

Yun Yao nodded hurriedly, and said with relief: "Don't worry about Tianxing. When I learned about this before, I explained the situation to Master Heiyu.

Master Black Feather understood your difficulty, did not say much, and would not blame you. "

Ji Tianxing responded and talked with Yun Yao for a while before sending her out of the secret room.

Early the next morning, Yun Yao left Yunling Palace and hurried to Yuejian City.

Ji Tianxing remained in the secret room, staring at Ji Changkong's situation.

He can only look at his father in a coma, and feel his father's breath getting weaker and weaker, but he can't do anything.

That evening, the genius doctor Baili walked into the secret room with a complex expression.

Ji Tianxing quickly turned to look at him, and asked expectantly: "Master, have you found a way?"

He has asked this question several times in the past two days.

Although the answers he got every time were disappointing, he still refused to give up.

The genius doctor Baili nodded, and said in a somewhat complicated tone: "Tian Xing, there is one way, but some..."

"What's there?" Ji Tianxing was overjoyed, and he asked eagerly, "Master, but it doesn't matter, no matter how difficult it is, as long as there is hope!"

The genius doctor Baili hesitated for a while before he said solemnly: "After consulting many ancient books and documents for the teacher, I finally found a way that might save your father.

In the myths and legends of ancient times, there was a battle of gods.

In that earth-shattering battle of gods, the gods used their power to destroy the sky and the earth, causing the galaxy to collapse, countless stars falling, and even the "sky" was broken.

After the battle of the gods was over, the surviving gods had to forge a divine tool called the'Mixed Sky Bead' to repair the broken sky..."

Hearing this mythical story told by the genius doctor Baili, Ji Tianxing was stunned, frowning fiercely, "The Galaxy collapsed? Even the sky was broken?

This kind of mysterious, illusory myths and legends are basically fabricated by predecessors, how can they be believed?

Moreover, what does this legend have to do with the treatment of my father? "

The genius doctor Baili nodded slightly and said solemnly: "As a teacher, I also feel that this myth and legend is too unrealistic to be believed, so I hesitate.

However, there are some clues in the clues found for the teacher, and there may be a glimmer of hope.

The legendary divine tool to replenish the dzi has an incredible and extraordinary effect, which can connect the nine days and the nether, change fate against the sky, and reunite the soul.

Replenishing the dzi bead can repair the sky, let alone reshape your father's soul? "

Ji Tianxing nodded, suppressed the doubts in his heart, and said, "Master, you continue."

The genius doctor Baili continued: "If it's just that myth and legend, I won't be accepted by my teacher, and I won't come to you.

However, I found clues for the teacher. According to ancient legends, after the gods filled the sky, the mysterious and unpredictable dzi beads that gathered the power of the gods were left in the sea of ​​burial stars in the land of Zhongzhou.

Buried Xinghai is not a sea, but an extremely dangerous death forbidden place, which is very hidden in the deepest part of Qingyun Mountain.

For thousands of years, countless martial arts experts have entered the Sea of ​​Burial Stars in order to find the legendary artifact to replenish the Dzi Bead.

However, ~www.ltnovel.com~ Burying Xinghai is too dangerous and unpredictable, even if a strong soul refining realm enters it, it will be a life of nine deaths.

For nearly a thousand years, many strong men have entered the Sea of ​​Burial Stars, but ninety-nine percent of them never go back and die in the Sea of ​​Burial Stars.

There are few strong men who can come back alive, and no one can find the Dzi Bead.

Does Bu Dzi Bead really exist? Was it left in the sea of ​​burial stars? These are still mysteries.

Whether that myth is true or not, no one can verify it.

But one thing is certain, Buried Xinghai is indeed a forbidden place for death.

Among them, the environment is dangerous, the steps are fierce, and there are many powerful strange animals born by ancient alien species.

In the past two to three hundred years, no one has dared to explore the sea of ​​burial stars, and that myth and legend has gradually been forgotten. "

Hearing this, Ji Tianxing's complexion was solemn, his brows frowned.

He knows that alien beasts are powerful species between spirit beasts and divine beasts, mysterious and extremely powerful.

Even many strange beasts are species that the world has never seen, and even history books have not recorded them.

For the sake of an illusory myth and legend, it is absolutely unwise to venture to bury the stars and find the legendary Dzi Bead.

However, as Ji Tianxing watched his father's life gradually go by, he was walking towards death, his heart ached like a knife.

He was silent for a long time, and after careful consideration, he finally made up his mind.

"Master, thank you for telling me this clue.

Although I know that the legend is very illusory, the hope of finding the Dzi Bead is very slim and minimal.

However, I have no choice!

Even if I go to the blue sky and go to hell, I will never give up! I must not just watch my father die! "


Let's change chapter 2 first, and continue to break out today.

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