Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 825: The youngest soul refiner


Ji Tianxing knew that when someone advanced to the soul-refining realm, there would be a heaven and earth vision.

This is also one of the reasons why soul-refining realm powerhouses are different from mortals and are beyond the ordinary.

When different powerhouses advance to the Soul Refining Realm, the heaven and earth visions that appear are not the same.

However, the heaven and earth anomalies caused by most people are Jin Lei breaking through the sky.

There are only a handful of talented soul-refining powerhouses that can cause special phenomena of heaven and earth, such as red clouds in the sky, night as day, falling meteors and so on.

Since Yun Zhongqi had determined that the direction pointed by the golden thunder was the Imperial Court, it undoubtedly meant that the Imperial Court had newly created a strong soul refiner.

This is a gratifying event, and it is also a news that will surely alarm the mainland of Central China.

But in Ji Tianxing's mind, only his father's pale and weak cheeks and the news about the burial of Xinghai.

He didn't care about the emergence of a strong soul refiner in the Emperor Court.

After the darkness of the night sky returned, the three of them all looked back and continued to discuss.

After half an hour, the plan was agreed.

The genius doctor Baili and Yun Zhongqi stayed in the Yunling Palace, presided over the overall situation, looked after Ji Changkong, and cast spells every day for Ji Changkong's life.

Without wasting time, Ji Tianxing left Yunling Palace overnight and rushed to the Qingyun Mountain Range to find the Sea of ​​Burial Stars.

According to Baili's genius doctor's estimation, with his and Yun Zhongqi's methods, at most, Ji Changkong can only maintain for another five days.

In other words, Ji Tianxing must find the Dzi Bead within five days to save Ji Changkong.

Otherwise, Ji Changkong will definitely die in five days!

The burial star sea is extremely dangerous, and the legend of filling the dzi bead is also illusory. Ji Tianxing wants to find the artifact to fill the dzi bead within five days, it is difficult to reach the sky!

But even if he knows that hope is very slim, he still has to try his best and never give up!


At the same time, even in the Tianshan Mountains.

On the top of Tianfeng, the emperor's courtyard is brightly lit, dazzling with colorful glow and aura.

Even though it was dark at this time, the sky above the imperial court was full of rays of light, covered with multicolored spiritual clouds, showing a sacred and majestic atmosphere.

Many warriors were shocked, and looked up at the sky together, showing expressions of amazement and admiration.

Even many imperial court guards were whispering about it, feeling very excited and proud.

Everyone understood that this kind of heaven and earth vision must be a new soul refining powerhouse in the emperor court.

Moreover, according to the vision of the world tonight, the newly promoted soul-refining powerhouse has a wealth of background, extremely talented, and unlimited future achievements!

There were also some guard leaders and strong men who looked at the Heavenly Dragon Palace in the depths of the imperial court through the breath of heaven and earth vision.

According to the guidance of the heaven and earth vision, they guessed that the person who caused the heaven and earth vision, the newly promoted soul refiner, should be in the Tianlong Palace.

In Tianlong Palace, many guards and servants all showed joy and encouragement.

Outside a secret room in the depths of the palace, stood a burly boy with red hair.

He stood respectfully at the door of the secret room, his dark red pupils staring at the door of the secret room, his face was full of excitement.

He is Tuoba Rui.

"Great! I didn't expect that the foster father would have successfully stepped into the realm of soul refining before he was forty years old!

The imperial court will shake tonight, and after the news of tomorrow, the mainland will be shocked! "

Tuoba Rui murmured excitedly, his mood surged.

After a while, when the heaven and earth vision over the imperial court gradually dissipated, the door of the secret room slowly opened.

With the muffled sound of "rumbling", the thick stone gate slowly rose.

When the stone door of the secret room was opened, a surging spirit surged out of the secret room, like ocean waves.

With joy on his face, Tuoba Rui quickly stepped into the secret room and walked to the spiritual liquid pool in the corner of the secret room.

I saw that the full pool of spiritual fluid in the spiritual fluid pool had been swallowed up.

A handsome and resolute young man with a long, burly stature and a handsome face is sitting cross-legged on the golden throne in the liquid pool.

This person was naked, wearing a golden dragon crown, and gleaming with colorful auras, exuding a powerful and majestic domineering.

He slowly stopped practicing, and opened his eyes.

When his Danfeng eyes opened, a frightening gleam flashed in his eyes, which actually tore the colorful spirit mist in front of him.

Just a glance, like the might of sword aura, this is the strength of a strong soul refining realm.

Tuoba Rui walked to the spiritual liquid pool, bowed respectfully, and said excitedly: "Congratulations to foster father! Congratulations to foster father!

Tonight, the righteous father's divine accomplishment, transcendence, step into the transcendence realm in one step, and become famous all over the world, shocking all directions! "

Tuoba Rui's voice was loud and vigorous, and his tone was full of excitement, and his blood was already boiling.

The three princes looked at him with dignity, nodded slightly, looked indifferent, and said in a calm tone: "Yes! This seat has successfully stepped into the soul refining realm when he was less than forty years old. It can be called the youngest refining on the mainland. The strong soul.

In the entire imperial court, all the princes combined are not as good as this one! That **** Long Yunxiao, what right does he have to compete with this seat?

From then on, there will be no place for Long Yunxiao in the Imperial Court! "

The eyes of the three princes flashed with a frightening cold light, and a sneer evoked at the corner of his mouth, exuding a majestic domineering all over his body.

Tuoba Rui also didn't dare to look directly into his eyes, and bowed his head in fear~www.ltnovel.com~ After a moment, the aura and majesty of the three princes disappeared, and the sneer at the corners of his mouth also receded.

He frowned, and said in a low and majestic tone: "However, this time I am a bit too impatient to break through the Soul Refining Realm.

Originally, it would take at least two years for this seat to make a natural breakthrough.

However, the Duanmu family was destroyed and the situation in Zhongzhou was in chaos. This is an excellent opportunity for this seat to achieve its hegemony.

Therefore, with the help of the power of the altar, this seat forcibly broke through to the Soul Refining Realm. "

Hearing these words, Tuoba Rui's excitement immediately calmed down, and he asked worriedly: "Foster father, isn't your martial arts foundation damaged, which will affect your future practice?"

The three princes nodded slightly and said indifferently: "It does damage the foundation of martial arts. In the future, it will be difficult for this seat to practice, and it will never be possible to impact the original spirit state.

However, this constellation has already figured out a countermeasure, just go to Burial Xinghai to find a ‘swallowing beast’, and use the power of the altar to nurture it with the gods...the troubles of this constellation can be solved. "

The third prince did not explain how to solve his troubles, but only mentioned the Sky-Swallowing Beast and Divine Gu.

Tuoba Rui knew that this was the foster father's greatest secret, so he did not dare to ask more.

He frowned and said worriedly: "Foster father, before you retreat, let the child collect information about burying the Xinghai and the ancient strange beasts, and the child is already ready.

The Star Burial Sea is extremely dangerous, and the ancient strange beasts are even more powerful. The child is worried about you..."

Before he could finish his words, the third prince showed a confident smile and waved his hands: "I have entered the soul refining realm, and there is an altar in my hand. Why should I be afraid?

You go to prepare immediately, and this seat will set off in secret tomorrow morning and head to the Sea of ​​Burial Stars alone.

This matter must be kept secret and not let anyone know! "

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