Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 827: Sword God has been here


The sudden appearance of the strong black robe made Ji Tianxing stop flying.

Standing in the sky above the vast forest, he frowned and looked at the black robe man in front, full of vigilance and alert.

When he looked at the black-robed man, the black-robed man was also looking at him, his face blank and his eyes indifferent.

"Ji Tianxing, you are so bold!"

The man in the black robe exuded a cold and majestic breath, and let out an angry shout.

Ji Tianxing is no stranger to this voice. After seeing the black robe man's face, his complexion suddenly changed, and his brow frowned.

"Master Black Feather? You... why are you here?"

There is no doubt that this black robe powerhouse who appeared out of thin air is the great master of the imperial palace Hei Yu.

Divine Master Black Feather looked at him with a majestic face, and said in a cold tone: "If this seat doesn't come to stop you, you will make a big mistake today!"

Hearing this sentence, Ji Tianxing understood instantly.

He wanted to explore the burial of the Xinghai Sea, which had already been known to Master Black Feather.

But he couldn't understand. He rushed to Burying Xinghai from Yunling Palace, acting very concealed, how could he be discovered by Master Black Feather?

"Master Black Feather, how do you know this?"

With doubts in his mind, he couldn't help but ask in person.

Master Black Feather frowned, and said indifferently: "Since you entered the imperial palace, your performance has been outstanding and you have gained a great reputation in Zhongzhou. Of course, this seat will pay attention to you.

I originally thought that you were a good seedling, and you could take care of it more and cultivate it, so it has been paying attention to you.

Unexpectedly, you should be so confused!

The Lord Palace has long issued a strict order prohibiting anyone from this mansion from breaking into the sea of ​​burial stars. How dare you still defy the orders of the Lord Palace Lord? "

Hearing these words from God Master Black Feather, Ji Tianxing's mood became a little complicated.

Originally, he was noticed by the Black Feather Master, and he was likely to become a key elite. This is something to be happy and proud of.

But in this situation, he was not at all happy.

He groaned for a while, looked at Master Black Feather solemnly, and said solemnly: "Master Black Feather, thank you very much for your attention and care.

However, I believe you already know that my father was injured by two demon commanders and planted a demon gu. He was in danger and only had a few days to live.

As a son of man, how can he watch his father dying without being indifferent?

Since you came to stop it today, then I will just say that even if I am not the emperor of the Emperor's Mansion, I must enter the Sea of ​​Funeral Stars to find that opportunity and save my father! "

Anyway, he desperately entered the imperial mansion at the beginning, only for Yun Yao and the recognition of Yunling Palace.

Now in order to save his father, even if he is expelled from the imperial palace, he has no regrets.

"You!" The black feather master suddenly became angry, a look of disappointment flashed in his eyes, and he hated iron and steel.

"It's ridiculous! How can you believe that the legend about Burying Xinghai is a phantom myth?

Moreover, the burial star sea is extremely dangerous, and even those who are strong in refining souls are very likely to die. Wouldn't you break in like this and die for nothing? "

How noble is the identity of Black Feather Master? He is by no means talkative.

He was willing to say so much to Ji Tianxing because he had a heart to cherish his talents. He couldn't bear to see Ji Tianxing break into Funeral Xinghai to die before he began to discourage him.

Why doesn't Ji Tianxing understand this?

He bowed to God Master Black Feather and said with a solemn expression: "The younger generation has thanked God Master Black Feather for his concern, but the younger generation has a reason to go and must not give up a glimmer of hope!"

Divine Master Black Feather frowned and looked at him. After a moment of silence, he could only let out a helpless sigh.

"Oh...whatever, since you have decided, then go.

This seat only hopes that you can be careful in everything, not careless. "

After that, the black feather master flicked away, and his figure disappeared into the sky with a few flashes.

Ji Tianxing looked at his leaving back, stopped in silence for a moment, then turned and flew into the thick clouds and white mist.


When he passed through the vast clouds and mist, he felt that he had broken through an invisible barrier, as if he had entered another world.

After a while, he passed through the barrier of the mysterious cloud and really entered the Sea of ​​Burial Stars.

The line of sight in front of him suddenly opened up, showing another scene.

Standing in the sky above the vast forest, he saw the sky above his head, which was covered by thick clouds and white mist, like a sky barrier.

The light of this world is dim, and there are strands of colorful spirit floating in the air.

There are low mountains on the ground, covered by dark green forest, lying between the sky and the earth.

Above the forest sea is filled with light blue aura, that is the aura of the green wood at the rich moment.

Ji Tianxing didn't need any luck, the Aoki Spiritual Body exploded with invisible swallowing power, pulling the Aoki Aura from all directions to gather into his body.

He immediately felt refreshed, his physical and mental fatigue was wiped out, and he became full of energy.

The Aoki spirit body constantly absorbs the Aoki aura, replenishing the true energy he consumes.

He had just flown out of a kilometer away, and was looking at the scene in the buried star sea.

Suddenly, a huge golden bird flew out in the valley ten miles ahead.

The giant bird is fierce, and seems to be able to fight the sun and the moon.

Its wings spread out to be a hundred meters wide~www.ltnovel.com~ The wide wings seem to cover the sky and sun.

It is covered with dark golden feathers, shimmering with golden light, and exudes a powerful and unparalleled breath.

Ji Tianxing took a closer look and saw that between the sharp claws of the golden bird, a monster beast that was huge as a palace was grasping.

That monster beast is like white jade, it is an ancient alien beast, a heavenly jade elephant!

But it was dripping with blood and scars. It was caught by the golden bird's claws, struggling desperately to no avail, could only let out a miserable long cry.


The golden giant bird uttered a crisp sound that pierced the golden cracked stone, grabbed the heavenly jade elephant and flew to the end of the sky, and soon disappeared.

Ji Tianxing watched this scene dumbfounded, shocked in his heart.

The strength of that Heavenly Spirit Jade Elephant was comparable to that of the nine-tier powerhouse of the Tianyuan Realm, but it was scarred by the golden giant bird, and there was no resistance.

Obviously, the strength of that golden giant bird is absolutely comparable to a soul-refining powerhouse, and it is also an ancient alien beast!

"What kind of strange animal is that golden bird? It seems that it is more powerful and mysterious than the Tianfeng Firebird who guards the drug garden in Duanmu Family!" This thought flashed through Ji Tianxing's mind.

Immediately afterwards, the voice of Funeral Sky rang in his mind.

"That is the Golden Crow, the different animal, with a trace of the blood of the Golden Peng Divine Bird. The strongest of the race can reach the peak of the Primordial Divine Realm and trigger the Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation."

"Even so powerful?" Ji Tianxing couldn't help but confuse his tongue.

As soon as he finished saying this, the voice of Funeral rang again.

"I can sense that this place is not good, full of the aura of countless soul-refining alien beasts, you have to be careful!

Moreover, I have a vague impression, as if I have been here with the Sword God..."


The sixth is delivered, there will be updates around 21 o'clock in the evening.

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