Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 836: Undead Ghost Gu


Martial artists below the Soul Refining Realm would indeed practice some footwork and body skills to assist in combat.

But Ji Tianxing had only practiced one shadowless step, and he had practiced it a long time ago.

Since he reached the Heavenly Origin Realm, he has never used it again.

The challenge he had just figured out, although still very crude and crude, was many times better than Wuyingbu!

"I learned this kind of warfare based on Funeral Sky's fighting skills. Since this is the case, let's name it Sword Soul Warfare!

Although I'm still in the groping stage, the sword soul warfare is only a rudimentary form.

But if I continue to hone and try, I will surely make the Soul of Sword Warfare more perfect and become my own warfare! "

These thoughts flashed through Ji Tianxing's mind, and he gave a name to the battle law he created.

He looked up at the three princes standing proudly on the altar, and said with a joking sneer: "The third princes, what you call the Ten Thousand Gu Realm is nothing more than that.

What about the power of manipulating heaven and earth? Why can't I do it?

Two consecutive attacks have failed, you must be very angry, right? "

Of course the third prince was very angry, raging, and his face was gloomy.

He looked down at Ji Tianxing, his expression gloomy and coldly shouted: "Ji Tianxing, it was just an appetizer, now let you see the real power of the Wangu realm!

And it will make you proud for a while, and I will make you cry even if you cry! "

When the voice fell, he waved his palms to cast magic tricks, manipulating the power of the source of ten thousand Gu.

Suddenly, the multicolored altar with a height of 100 meters released thousands of blue flames, which fell from the sky and poured down like a pouring rain.


At least eight million faint blue flames poured down like raindrops, covering the sky over a hundred miles.

Each blue fire was the size of a palm, quickly condensing into a thumb-sized faint beetle, and flew towards Ji Tianxing.

Although the size of the beetle is small, it looks very vicious.

Their bodies are like locusts, but their tails are barbed like scorpions, and their bodies are covered with sharp spikes.

The most terrifying thing is that the beetle's head is like a grimace, and it has four white fangs!

"Let you taste the power of Yin Ghost Gu!"

The three princes waved their robe sleeves and shouted grimly.

Suddenly, the overwhelming blue beetles, like locusts crossing the border, rushed toward Ji Tianxing as dense as raindrops.

Each ghost gu carries a gloomy death chill, like a life-demanding ghost from the nether hell.

They are as fast as streamers, grimace, and open pointed mouths full of fangs and teeth, to bite the flesh and soul of Ji Tianxing.

Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing's expression suddenly changed, and he whispered, ‘Despicable! ’

The number of Yin Ghost Gu is too much, densely covering the sky, making him unable to avoid it at all.

The sword soul warfare he had just created had also lost its usefulness.


In the blink of an eye, the ghost gu that descended from the sky overwhelmed his figure.

He subconsciously urged the true essence, condensed a soil emperor shield, and burst out thousands of sword auras, shooting in all directions.


The golden sword energy of thousands of chopsticks exploded with unparalleled strength, stabbing the surrounding ghost gu.

The ghost gu screamed screaming as they were beaten by sword light, and flew back backwards.

However, their faint blue carapace, with extremely strong defensive power, actually blocked the power of Jianguang.

After flying backwards a kilometer away, they flew back unharmed, and rushed towards Ji Tianxing even more crazily.

"Boom bang bang!"

Tens of thousands of Yin Ghost Gu slammed into Ji Tianxing without fear of death, and hit the dark yellow Earth Emperor's shield, making a series of dull sounds.

The Earth Emperor's Shield, which has a very strong defense, could not withstand the continuous impact of countless Yin Ghost Gu, and it burst into dense cracks.

Immediately afterwards, those ghost gu, like tarsus maggots, wrapped around Ji Tianxing's body, biting the Earth Emperor's shield crazily.

"Crack, click!"

With the crisp cracking sound, the Tuhuang Shield was bitten and battered in the blink of an eye.

"My God, what the **** is this that can't even stop the Earth Emperor's Shield?"

Ji Tianxing's heart was filled with shock and helplessness, and he let out an angry shout.

Relying on its own strength and secret methods, it is impossible to deal with the mysterious and eerie ghost Gu.

In desperation, he had to sacrifice the death knell, urging the mysterious and cold black light to explode in all directions.


The gloomy black light of death suddenly exploded, covering a radius of several kilometers.

At least hundreds of thousands of Yin Ghost Gu were blown out and turned into a blue wave, sweeping the sky.

Ji Tianxing finally breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly put away the death knell, sacrificed the magic weapon mountain and river seal, and got into the magic weapon space.

After two breaths, a scene that made him stunned appeared.

The hundreds of thousands of ghost ghosts that had been blown up flew back unharmed, and rushed towards him even more crazily.

"Damn! Not only are these ghosts indestructible, but even the death knell has no effect on them? Are they indestructible?"

High above the sky, the three princes standing on the top of the altar suddenly sneered contemptuously.

"Hahahaha... idiot~www.ltnovel.com~ Yin ghost Gu is mysterious and unpredictable! They have no soul at all, so what use is your release of the spirit attack?

In the Ten Thousand Gu Domain of this seat, they are immortal, endless sources!

Ji Tianxing, give up resistance!

The eight million ghosts in this seat are enough to swallow all your magic weapons!

Even your flesh and soul will become Yin Gui Gu's supper! "

In the blink of an eye, millions of Yin Ghost Gu wrapped the seal of the mountain and river, completely covering the golden light of the seal of the mountain and river.

Dense, endless ghosts and ghosts wrapped the seal of the mountains and rivers into a giant blue ball as big as a mountain.

Each Yin Ghost Gu released a blue flame, burned the seal of the mountain and river, and opened its mouth to bite the seal of the mountain and river desperately.

When Ji Tianxing stayed in the magic space inside the Shanhe Seal, he could clearly hear the surface of the Shanhe Seal, and the sound of "creaking" was heard constantly.

In a short moment, the golden light on the surface of the seal of the mountain and river was swallowed.

Immediately afterwards, the indestructible seal of the mountains and rivers was also dimmed by the brilliance of the blue flame, and gradually turned black.

Even the crazy bite of millions of Yin Ghost Gu left dense dents on the surface of the seal of the mountain and river.

Judging from the current situation, in half an hour at most, Shanhe Yin will be bitten into a pile of scrap iron by Yin Ghost Gu!

Ji Tianxing was suddenly anxious and worried.

At this moment, there was a muffled sound of "rumbling" from somewhere, echoing endlessly between heaven and earth.

Ji Tianxing was stunned, and the three princes on the altar were also stunned.

The two looked at the edge of the Ten Thousand Gu Realm at the same time, and immediately saw the colorful light curtain covering the sky and the sun, shaking violently.

Outside the Ten Thousand Gu Realm, there seemed to be something huge, violently hitting and destroying the light curtain, trying to destroy this realm.

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